24 Seven November 2020

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.

24 Seven is a monthly, free magazine for personal growth, professional development, and self-empowerment. The approach is holistic, incorporating mind, body, soul, and spirit. As philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Knowledge is power.” Use this information to live your best life now.


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November 2020 Issue

Wake Up and Be Free to

Love Without Limitations

Written by Guy Finley


When in a fight of any kind, over

anything, we look over at the other person and “see” – almost

magically – exactly what’s wrong with him or her in that

moment. So confident are we in our conclusion as to the nature

of their problem – that the following has almost no chance to

dawn on us:

We can’t see that person is looking at us in this exact same

kind of “light” that is not a light at all. Negative reactions have

no awareness of themselves; there is no light in them, any more

than a cluster of bombs has compassion for whatever they fall

on and destroy.

What we need in these moments is the light of a new kind of

understanding. We need to awaken to, and realize a higher level

of awareness that allows us to appreciate two things at once:

first, to see that just like us, the other person is in some kind

of pain and is being moved, just as we are, to find someone to

blame for it.

In other words, the same negative forces are at work in

both of us. And second, even though these opposing forces are

blind, that doesn’t mean that we have to be! The more we can

wake up to the presence of these unconscious forces and how,

undetected, they keep us at odds with one another, the freer we

become to love without their limitations.

When we’re negative – in a “power struggle” with someone

over whatever is being contested – we’re reduced to being little

more than a puppet. We’re literally “strung out” – momentarily

animated – by unseeing forces in us that can only do one thing:

mechanically oppose whatever seems to oppose them.

I understand this last image is not very flattering, but let’s be

honest: experience validates the fact of it. Each time we’re drawn

into a fight, it’s exactly as if someone “turns out the lights.” All

we can “see” in that slowly enveloping darkness of our negative

state is someone that we’re sure it’s our duty to change, control,

or “make sorry” for what he or she has done to us... even as they

are trying to do the same to us.

The conflict in these emotional tugs-of-war is the stuff of

sorrow and take us nowhere except back and forth. If this

is true, and we know it is, then, with what are we left? From

where will come this new light needed in the midst of these

dark moments knowing, as is obvious by now, that we can’t

illuminate our partner, our friends, or anyone else.

Assuming we can all agree with this last revelation – that it’s

not in our power to illuminate another – here’s what we’re left

with; its simplicity is both beautiful and powerful at the same


If we hope to see any real transformation take place in our

relationships – whether with family, friends, or our partner for

life – then it is we who must become illuminated. The kindness,

the patience, the love we seek is going to have to start with us...

even if our best efforts get thrown right back in our face!

Challenging? No doubt – perhaps more so than anything

we may have ever tried to do before. Rewarding? Let’s see, and

then you decide:

What if rather than allowing these blind, opposing forces

to set you against another person, you could learn how to

start using them; where even a hint of their pressure would

not only awaken you to their presence but – in that same

moment – empower you to consciously separate yourself from

their punishing influences? This would be like owning a kind

of spiritual “alarm clock” that goes off just before you start to

blame – or resent – another; a silent but unmistakable alert

system that serves, at once, to reveal and release you from

the unseen parts of your own consciousness that tend to

automatically oppose any unwanted moment.

About The Author


Guy Finley is the founder and director of Life of Learning Foundation,

a nonprofit center for spiritual discovery in Merlin, Oregon. Finley

presents two free online talks each week open to all. Every class

is different, but the underlying theme is “The Limit of Your Present

View, is Not the Limit of Your Possibilities.” This article is excerpted

from Relationship Magic by Guy Finley, Llewellyn Worldwide, 2018.

To Learn More Visit:


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