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preliminary issue to be expeditiously decided in liminelitis; Unanimously, That Dato; Param Cumaraswamy shalll be held financially harmless for any costs imposed upon him by the Malaysian courts, in particular taxed costs; By thirteen votes to two, That the Government of Malaysia has the obligation to communicate this advisory opinion to the Malaysian courts, in order that Malaysia's international obligations be given effect and Dato' Param Cumaraswamy's respected. immunity be @@= Convention sf] wf/f ( Settlement of Disputes sf] Section #@ df Convention n] k|bfg u/]sf] pGd'lQm k|bfg ug] { egL s'g} ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v ePsf]df ;Demf}tfsf kIfx?aLr pGd'lQm ;DaGwL ljjfb pTkGg ePdf International Court of Justice (I.C.J.) ;+u Advisory Opinion dfUg' kg] { / International Court of Justice n] cfˆgf] ljwfgsf] wf/f ^% cg';f/ lbPsf] Advisory Opinion cflwsfl/s AofVof x'g] eGg] :ki6 Aoj:yf ePsf] b]lvG5 . ;f] ;DaGwdf oxfF Convention sf] wf/f ( sf] Section #@ / I.C.J. sf] ljwfgsf] wf/f ^% x]g'{kg] { x'gcfof] . 238 c+s @ Convention sf] wf/f ( sf] Section #@ o; k|sf/ 5 . All differences arising out of the interpretation or application of the present convention shall be referred to the International Court of Justice unless in any case it is agreed by the partics to have recourse to another mode of settlement. If a difference arises between one of the specialized agencies on the one hand, and a member on the other hand, a request shall be made for an advisory opinion on any legal question involved in accordance with Article 96 of the Charter and Article 65 of the Statute of the court and the relevant provisions of the agreements concluded between the United Nations and the specialized agency concerned. The opinion give by the court shall be accepted as decisive by the parties. o;}u/L I.C.J sf] ljwfgsf] wf/f ^% o; k|sf/ 5 . 1. The Court may give an advisory opinion on any legal question at the request of whatever body may be authorized by or in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations to make such a request. 2. Questions upon which the advisory opinion of the court is asked shall be laid before the court by means of a written request containning an exact statement of the question upon

which an opinion is required, and accompanied by all documents likely to throw light upon the question. @#= International Court of Justice sf] Advisory Opinion, Head Quarters Agreement sf] wf/f !@ tyf Convention on the Privileges and immunities of the Specialized Agencies sf] wf/f !( / wf/f @@ sf] AofVofdf Pursuasive Authority dfq xf]Og cflwsfl/s AofVof g} dfGg' k5{ . @$= k|:t't d'2fdf ICIMOD sf] Statute sf] wf/f !(, Head Quarters Agreement sf] wf/f !@, Convention on the Privileges and immunities of the Specialized Agencies sf] wf/f !(, @@ / ICIMOD P]g sf] bkmf !$ vf; u/L pkbkmf ! / @ tyf bkmf !^ sf] Aoj:yf cg';f/ ICIMOD sf sd{rf/Ln] s]Gb|;+u ;DalGwt cfˆgf] st{Ao kfngf u/]sf] l;nl;nfdf u/]sf] sfo{df To:tf sd{rf/LnfO{ g]kfnsf] sfg"gL k|lqmofaf6 pGd'lQm k|fKt x'G5 eGg] AofVofdf I.C.J. sf] pQm Advisory Opinion dxTjk"0f{ Aid dfGg'k5{ . @%= ca t]>f] k|Zgsf] ;DaGwdf ljrf/ ubf{, ICIMOD ;DaGwL sfg"gsf] bkmf !$, Head Quarters Agreement sf] wf/f !@-@_ ;d]t n] ICIMOD nfO{ Convention on the Privileges and immunities of the Specialized Agencies sf] wf/f VI, Section !(-!_ / Section @@ cg';f/ pGd'lQm k|fKt x'G5 . ICIMOD sf sd{rf/Låf/f s]Gb|;+u ;DalGwt eP u/]sf] g] ]kfn sfg" "g klqsf @)^%, c+ +s @ 239 sfo{nfO{ lnP/ g]kfnsf] cbfntsf] clwsf/If]q nfu" x'Fb}g . >d sfof{no Pj+ >d cbfnt b'j}n] clwsf/ u|x0f u/L d'2f x]/]sf] sfo{ clwsf/If]qlalxg eO{ q'l6k"0f{ sfo{ u/]sf] b]lvg cfof] . ldlt @)^).!@.!@ sf] >d sfof{no sf7df8f} +sf] lg0f{o / pQm lg0f{o pk/ >d cbfntn] k'g/fj]bg ;'gL u/]sf] ldlt @)^@.%.( sf b'a} lg0f{o pTk| ]if0fsf] cfb]zåf/f ab/ x'G5 . >d sfof{no, afUdtL c~rn / >d cbfnt sf7df8f} +sf] km};nf sfof{Gjog gug{ ", gu/fpg' egL ljkIfL x?sf gfpFdf k/dfb]zsf] cfb]z ;d]t hf/L ul/lbPsf] 5 . @^= g]kfnsf] cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# sf] wf/f ##-8_ df /fHo kIf ePsf] cGt/f{li6«o ;lGw ;Demf}tfsf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjog ug] { /fHosf] bfloTjsf] Aoj:yf ePsf] 5 . wf/f !))- !_ df cbfntx?n] Gofosf dfGo l;4fGt cg';f/ klg Goflos clwsf/ k|of]u ug] { Aoj:yf ePsf] 5 . wf/f !%^ sf] ;lGw jf ;Demf}tf ;DaGwL Aoj:yf / g]kfn ;lGw P]g, @)$& sf] bkmf ( sf] Aoj:yf cg';f/ g]kfn kIf ePsf] ;lGw xfd|f] nflu g]kfn sfg"g ;/x nfu" x'g] Aoj:yf ePs] x'Fbf ICIMOD ;+u ePsf] Head Quarters Agreement, ICIMOD sf] Statute / Convention on the Privileges and immunities of the Specialized Agencies sf] Aoj:yfx? vf;u/L k|:t't ljjfbdf wf/f !( / wf/f @@ sf Aoj:yfx? xfd|f] nflu g]kfn sfg"g ;/x k|efjsf/L x'G5g\ . tL k|fjwfgx? ljk/Lt x'g] u/L s'g} sfo{ ug{ ;ls+b}g . oxfF

preliminary issue to be expeditiously<br />

decided in liminelitis;<br />

Unanimously,<br />

That Dato; Param<br />

Cumaraswamy shalll be held financially<br />

harmless for any costs imposed upon<br />

him by the Malaysian courts, in<br />

particular taxed costs;<br />

By thirteen votes to two,<br />

That the Government of<br />

Malaysia has the obligation to<br />

communicate this advisory opinion to<br />

the Malaysian courts, in order that<br />

Malaysia's international obligations be<br />

given effect and Dato' Param<br />

Cumaraswamy's<br />

respected.<br />

immunity be<br />

@@= Convention sf] wf/f (<br />

Settlement of Disputes sf] Section #@<br />

df Convention n] k|bfg u/]sf] pGd'lQm<br />

k|bfg ug] { egL s'g} ;Demf}tfdf pNn]v<br />

ePsf]df ;Demf}tfsf kIfx?aLr pGd'lQm<br />

;DaGwL lj<strong>jf</strong>b pTkGg ePdf<br />

International Court of Justice (I.C.J.)<br />

;+u Advisory Opinion dfUg' kg] { /<br />

International Court of Justice n] cfˆgf]<br />

ljwfgsf] wf/f <strong>^%</strong> cg';f/ lbPsf]<br />

Advisory Opinion cflwsfl/s AofVof x'g]<br />

eGg] :ki6 Aoj:yf ePsf] b]lvG5 . ;f]<br />

;DaGwdf oxfF Convention sf] wf/f (<br />

sf] Section #@ / I.C.J. sf] ljwfgsf]<br />

wf/f <strong>^%</strong> x]g'{kg]<br />

{ x'gcfof] .<br />

238<br />

c+s @<br />

Convention sf] wf/f ( sf] Section #@<br />

o; k|sf/ 5 .<br />

All d<strong>if</strong>ferences arising out of the<br />

interpretation or application of the<br />

present convention shall be referred to<br />

the International Court of Justice unless<br />

in any case it is agreed by the partics to<br />

have recourse to another mode of<br />

settlement. If a d<strong>if</strong>ference arises<br />

between one of the specialized<br />

agencies on the one hand, and a<br />

member on the other hand, a request<br />

shall be made for an advisory opinion<br />

on any legal question involved in<br />

accordance with Article 96 of the<br />

Charter and Article 65 of the Statute of<br />

the court and the relevant provisions of<br />

the agreements concluded between the<br />

United Nations and the specialized<br />

agency concerned. The opinion give by<br />

the court shall be accepted as decisive<br />

by the parties.<br />

o;}u/L I.C.J sf] ljwfgsf] wf/f <strong>^%</strong> o;<br />

k|sf/ 5 .<br />

1. The Court may give an advisory<br />

opinion on any legal question at the<br />

request of whatever body may be<br />

authorized by or in accordance with the<br />

Charter of the United Nations to make<br />

such a request.<br />

2. Questions upon which the<br />

advisory opinion of the court is asked<br />

shall be laid before the court by means<br />

of a written request containning an<br />

exact statement of the question upon

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