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cbfntn] wf/f **-@_ sf] clwsf/If]q u|x0f u/L prLt cfb]z lbg ;S5 eGg] AofVof ePsf] 5 . k|:t't lgj]bgdf ICIMOD sf sd{rf/Ln] s]Gb|sf] sfd ubf{ g]kfnsf] cbfntn] clwsf/If]q u|x0f ug{ g;Sg]df >d sfof{no / >d cbfntn] clwsf/If]q u|x0f u/]sf] sfo{ clwsf/If]qlalxg x'Fbf o; cbfntn] wf/f **-@_ sf] c;fwf/0f clwsf/ u|x0f u/L prLt cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;S5 . !)= k|:t't lgj]bgdf ljkIfL dfgaxfb'/ s6'jfn lgj]bs ICIMOD df s/f/df sfo{/t AolQm eGg] b]lvG5 . ICIMOD Pp6f cGt/f{li6«o u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfg eGg] b]lvG5 . ICIMOD sf] Human Resources Policy, ICIMOD df sfo{/t sd{rf/LnfO{ nfu" x'g] b]lvG5 . ICIMOD sf] Human Resources Policy g]kfn sfg"g xf]Og . o; cbfntn] wf/f **-@_ cGtu{t g]kfn ;/sf/ ;/sf/L c+u / g]kfn sfg"g adf]lhd ul7t /fHosf Instrumentalities åf/f g]kfn sfg"g k|of]u u/L ul/Psf] lg0f{osf] dfq GofoLs k'g/fjnf]sg ub{5 . g]kfn sfg"g afx]ssf cGo Document jf ljwfg jf Charter sf] cfwf/df ul/Psf] lg0f{osf] GofoLs k'gj/fnf]sg ub} {g cyf{t\ o; cbfntn] wf/f ** -@_ cGtu{t ICIMOD sf] service law ;/xsf] Human Resources Policy sf] AofVof / k'g/fjnf]sg ug{ ;Sb}g . wf/f **-@_ cGtu{t k|:t't lgj]bg xfdLn] ICIMOD sf] Human Resources Policy / Human Resources Policy cGtu{t ICIMOD sf] clwsf/Ln] u/]sf] lg0f{osf] k'g/fjnf]sg ul/Psf] xf]Og . >d sfof{no / >d 234 c+s @ cbfnt g]kfnsf] ;fj{hlgs clwsf/L cyf{t\ g]kfnsf] Public Authority ePsf] sf/0f tL clwsf/Lx?af6 cfk"mnfO{ clwsf/ gePsf] d'2f x]/]sf] sf/0f clwsf/If]qlalxg ePsf] lg0f{osf] Goflos k'g/fjnf]sg ul/Psf] xf] . !!= o:t} ljifoj:t' ;dfj]z ePsf] ICIMOD Human Resources Policy h:t} vfnsf] INGO gj] {sf] Red Varna / kl5 ;]e b lrN8« ]g ePsf] gj] {sf] Staff Regulation cGtu{t ePsf] sf/jfxL jf lg0f{o ;DaGwL ljjfbdf o; cbfntn] wf/f **-@_ cGtu{tsf] clwsf/If]qdf k/]sf] lgj]bgdf ;]e b lrN8« ]g gj] {sf] Staff Regulation g]kfn sfg"g gePsf] / pQm Regulation cGtu{t lg0f{o ug] { clwsf/L klg g]kfn sfg"g cGtu{tsf] ;fj{hlgs kb wf/0f u/]sf] AolQm ;d]t gePsf] sf/0fn] ubf{ ;]e b lrN8« ]g gj] {sf] pQm lg0f{o o; cbfntaf6 Goflos k'g/fjnf]sg x'g ;Sb}g, t/ pQm ljjfbdf >d sfof{no / >d cbfntaf6 klg lg0f{o ePsf] / >d sfof{no / >d cbfnt Public Authority ePsf] x'Fbf >d sfof{no / >d cbfntsf] lg0f{osf] Goflos k'g/fjnf]sg x'g ;Sg] egL o:t} ljifoj:t' ;dfj]z ePsf] @)%( ;fnsf] l/6 g+=@^)^ lgj]bs eb| s]=;L=lj?4 >d cbfnt ePsf] lgj]bgdf @)^@.%.& df o; cbfntaf6 lj:t[t JofVof u/L l;4fGt :yflkt eO;s]sf] 5 . !@= ca bf]>f] k|Zgtkm{ ljrf/ ubf{, lgj]bs ICIMOD, g]kfn ;/sf/ / ;+o'Qm /fi6« ;+3sf] Specialized Agency UNESCO lar #), September !(*!

df ePsf] ;Demf}tf cGtu{t cGt/f{li6«o Plss[t kj{tLo ljsfz s]Gb| P]g, @)$) cg';f/ :yflkt ePsf] b]lvG5 / * April, !(*$ df tTsfnLg ;/sf/ / ICIMOD lar Head Quarter Agreement ePsf] b]lvG5 . !#= P]g cyf{t\ cGt/f{li6«o Plss[t kj{lto ljsf; s]Gb| P]g, @)$) sf] bkmf !$-!_ df af]8{sf] ;ldltsf] ;b:o / ICIMOD sf] lgb] {zs / pklgb] {zsnfO{ s'6g}lts AolQmnfO{ lbP ;/xsf] pGd'lQm lbg] Aoj:yf / pkbkmf - @_ df ICIMOD sf sd{rf/LnfO{ st{Ao kfngsf] l;nl;nfdf !($& gf]e]Da/, @! df kfl/t ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3Lo ljz]if ;+:yfx?sf] ;'ljwf tyf pGd'lQm ;DaGwL ;lGw kq cg';f/sf] ;'ljwf cyf{t\ Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the Specialized Agencies cg';f/sf] ;'ljwf lbg] Aoj:yf ePsf] b]lvG5 . !$= * clk|n, !(*$ df tTsfnLg ICIMOD / g]kfn ;/sf/aLr Head Quarter Agreement ePsf] b]lvG5 . g]kfn ;/sf/ / ICIMOD aLr ePsf] * clk|n, !(*$ sf] Head Quarter Agreement sf] pGd'lQm ;DaGwL wf/f !@ o; k|sf/ b]lvG5 . Privileges and Immunities for the Staff Member and Officials of the Centre. 12.1 The members of the Centre's Board of Governors and its Director and Deputy Director shall enjoy, during their stay in the kingdom of Nepal and while g] ]kfn sfg" "g klqsf @)^%, c+ +s @ 235 discharging their duties, the privileges, facilities and immunities accorded to members of foreign Diplomatic Missions accredited to HMG/N. These privileges shall not, 12.2 however, be accorded to the nationals of Nepal The Officials of the Centre shall during their stay in the kingdom of Nepal and while discharging their duties enjoy the privileges and immunities as laid down in the Convention. 12.3 Such privileges and immunities as provided in section 12.1 and 12.2 above shall be accorded by HMG/N at the request of the Centre. 12.4 The Centre shall provide the name, position, nationality of the officials of the centre and the description of the nature of their work to the Foreign 12.5 Ministry of HMG/N. the Foreign Ministry of HMG/N shall also be appraised of any change made therein. persons claiming privileges and immunities under this article shall be rquired to show their identity cards issued by the Centre. !%= Head Quarter Agreement sf] wf/f !@-!_ df s]Gb|sf]

df ePsf] ;Demf}tf cGtu{t cGt/f{li6«o<br />

Plss[t kj{tLo ljsfz s]Gb| P]g, @)$)<br />

cg';f/ :yflkt ePsf] b]lvG5 / * April,<br />

!(*$ df tTsfnLg ;/sf/ / ICIMOD<br />

lar Head Quarter Agreement ePsf]<br />

b]lvG5 .<br />

!#= P]g cyf{t\ cGt/f{li6«o<br />

Plss[t kj{lto ljsf; s]Gb| P]g, @)$)<br />

sf] bkmf !$-!_ df af]8{sf] ;ldltsf]<br />

;b:o / ICIMOD sf] lgb] {zs /<br />

pklgb] {zsnfO{ s'6g}lts AolQmnfO{ lbP<br />

;/xsf] pGd'lQm lbg] Aoj:yf / pkbkmf -<br />

@_ df ICIMOD sf sd{rf/LnfO{ st{Ao<br />

kfngsf] l;nl;nfdf !($& gf]e]Da/, @!<br />

df kfl/t ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3Lo <strong>ljz</strong>]<strong>if</strong><br />

;+:yfx?sf] ;'ljwf tyf pGd'lQm ;DaGwL<br />

;lGw kq cg';f/sf] ;'ljwf cyf{t\<br />

Convention on the Privileges and<br />

Immunities of the Specialized Agencies<br />

cg';f/sf] ;'ljwf lbg] Aoj:yf ePsf]<br />

b]lvG5 .<br />

!$= * clk|n, !(*$ df<br />

tTsfnLg ICIMOD / g]kfn ;/sf/aLr<br />

Head Quarter Agreement ePsf] b]lvG5<br />

. g]kfn ;/sf/ / ICIMOD aLr ePsf] *<br />

clk|n, !(*$ sf] Head Quarter<br />

Agreement sf] pGd'lQm ;DaGwL wf/f !@<br />

o; k|sf/ b]lvG5 .<br />

Privileges and Immunities for the Staff<br />

Member and Officials of the Centre.<br />

12.1 The members of the Centre's<br />

Board of Governors and its<br />

Director and Deputy Director<br />

shall enjoy, during their stay in<br />

the kingdom of Nepal and while<br />

g] ]kfn sfg" "g klqsf @)<strong>^%</strong>, c+ +s @<br />

235<br />

discharging their duties, the<br />

privileges, facilities and<br />

immunities accorded to<br />

members of foreign Diplomatic<br />

Missions accredited to HMG/N.<br />

These privileges shall not,<br />

12.2<br />

however, be accorded to the<br />

nationals of Nepal<br />

The Officials of the Centre shall<br />

during their stay in the kingdom<br />

of Nepal and while discharging<br />

their duties enjoy the privileges<br />

and immunities as laid down in<br />

the Convention.<br />

12.3 Such privileges and immunities<br />

as provided in section 12.1 and<br />

12.2 above shall be accorded<br />

by HMG/N at the request of the<br />

Centre.<br />

12.4 The Centre shall provide the<br />

name, position, nationality of<br />

the officials of the centre and<br />

the description of the nature of<br />

their work to the Foreign<br />

12.5<br />

Ministry of HMG/N. the Foreign<br />

Ministry of HMG/N shall also be<br />

appraised of any change made<br />

therein.<br />

persons claiming privileges and<br />

immunities under this article<br />

shall be rquired to show their<br />

identity cards issued by the<br />

Centre.<br />

!%= Head Quarter<br />

Agreement sf] wf/f !@-!_ df s]Gb|sf]

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