lg0f{o g+=&(@% g]=sf=k= @)^% ;jf]{Rr cbfnt, ljz]if Ohnf; dfggLo ...

lg0f{o g+=&(@% g]=sf=k= @)^% ;jf]{Rr cbfnt, ljz]if Ohnf; dfggLo ... lg0f{o g+=&(@% g]=sf=k= @)^% ;jf]{Rr cbfnt, ljz]if Ohnf; dfggLo ...

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lgj]bsn] >d cbfntdf k'g/fj]bg ubf{ >d cbfntn] klg >d sfof{nosf] lg0f{o ;b/ u/]sf] sf/0f k|:t't lgj]bg kg{ cfPsf] b]lvG5 . ca ;f] ;DaGwdf b]xfosf ljifodf lg0f{o lbg'kg] { b]lvG5 . { -s_ ICIMOD, Human Resources policy Manual cGtu{t eP u/]sf] sfd sf/jfxLdf o; cbfntn] tTsfnLg g]kfn clw/fHosf] -v_ ;+ljwfg, @)$& sf] wf/f **-@_ adf]lhd k|fKt c;fwf/0f clwsf/ cGtu{t Goflos k'g/fjnf]sg ug{ ;S5, ;Sb}g, lgj]bsn] bfjL u/] ;/x lgj]bs s'6g}lts ;'ljwf tyf pGd'lQm k|fKt lgsfo xf], xf]Og < -u_ >d sfof{nosf] ldlt @)^).!@.!@ sf] cfb]z / >d cbfntn] k'g/fj]bg ;'gL u/]sf] lg0f{o ab/ x'g kg] xf], xf]Og . %= klxnf] k|Zgtkm{ ljrf/ ubf{, k|fKt kmfonaf6 ljkIfL dfgaxfb'/ s6'jfnnfO{ ICIMOD, Human Resources policy Manual cGt{ut lgj]bs ICIMOD n] s/f/df lgo'lQm lbPsf]df ljkIfL dfgaxfb'/nfO{ k6s k6s ;r]t u/fpFbf klg g;'lw|Psf]n] s/f/ gjLs/0f gu/L ;]jf cGTo u/]sf] eGg] ( May, @))# sf] kqaf6 b]lvG5 . ;]jf cGTo u/] pk/ >d sfof{non] k'g/fj]bg ;'Gbf ICIMOD sf] lg0f{o ljk/Lt lg0f{o u/]sf]n] ;f] lgj]bg kg{ cfPsf] b]lvG5 . tTsfnLg nfu" g]kfn clw/fHosf] ;+ljwfg, @)$& sf] wf/f 232 c+s @ **-@_ df o; cbfntsf] c;fwf/0f clwsf/If]qsf] Aoj:yf pNn]v ePsf] 5 . wf/f ** -@_ sf] Joj:yf cg';f/ o; cbfntn] c;fwf/0f clwsf/If]q cGtu{t wf/f @# cg';f/ kg{ cfPsf] s'g} lgj]bg ;'g'jfO{ u/L k"0f{ Gofo k|bfg ug{ prLt / cfjZos cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;S5 ^= wf/f **-@_ sf] c;fwf/0f clwsf/ Writ Juridiction xf] . o; clwsf/ cGtu{t Goflos / cw{Goflos lgsfox?sf] lg0f{osf] k'g/fjnf]sg ul/G5 . of] c;fwf/0f clwsf/ cGtu{t ;+ljwfg jf sfg"g adf]lhd ul7t ;fj{hlgs hjfkmx]bL ePsf /fHo jf /fHosf c+u cyf{t\ ;/sf/ jf ;/sf/L sfof{no jf ;/sf/sf] clwsf/Lx? jf /fHon] ug] { sfd ug{ sfg"g adf]lhd ul7t ;+:yf jf lgsfo cyf{t\ state / state sf instrumentalities n] u/]sf] lg0f{ox? h; pk/ ;'g'jfO{ ug{ cGo pkrf/sf] Aoj:yf ePsf] x'Fb}g, To:tf] lg0f{o jf sfo{sf] tYoleq k|j]z gu/L lg0f{o u/]sf] k|lqmofsf] dfq Goflos k'g/fjnf]sg ul/G5 . o;nfO{ k|zf;sLo sfg"gsf] efiffdf Merit of the Decision sf] xf]Og Decision Making Process sf] dfq Goflos k'g/fjnf]sg ul/G5 . ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f **-@_ cGtu{t Goflos k'g/fjnf]sg ubf{ tYoleq k|j]z ug'{ x'Fb}g eGg] ;DaGwdf ef/tsf] ;jf] {Rr cbfntn] State of UP vs Dharmendra Prasad Singh sf] d'2fdf o;/L AofVof u/]sf] b]lvG5 . Judicial review under Art.226 cannot be converted into an

appeal. Judicial review is directed, not against the decision, but is confined to the examination of the decision making–process. When the issues raised in judicial review is whether a decision is vitiated by taking into account irrelevant or neglecting to take into account of relevant factors or is so manifestly unreasonable that no reasonable authority, entrusted with the power in question could reasonably have made such a decision, the judicial review of the decision making process includes examination, as a matter of law, of the relevance of the factors. &= wf/f **-@_ adf]lhd /fHosf c+ux?n] u/]sf] lg0f{osf] Goflos k'g/fjnf]sg ubf{ ljjfbsf] ljifoj:t' jf tYoleq k|j]z ul/+b}g s]jn sfg"gL s'/f dfq x]l/G5 eGg] ;DaGwdf oxfF Garner sf] Administrative Law pNn]v ug{ cfjZos b]lvG5 . Garner n] sfo{sf/L0fL k|zf;sLo lg0f{odf cbfntn] c;fwf/0f clwsf/ cGtu{t x:tIf]k ug] { cfwf/x?dfM– -s_ Breach of the principles of Natural Justice -v_ Excess of Power -u_ Error of Procedures -3_ Error of Law -ª_ failure to perform a duty -5_ Bad faith or abuse of power, in the sense of using a power in a g] ]kfn sfg" "g klqsf @)^%, c+ +s @ 233 meaning other than that contemplated enabling statute eGg] pNn]v u/]sf] b]lvG5 . *= o; cbfntn] tTsfnLg ;+ljwfg ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f **-@_ / jt{dfg cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# sf] wf/f !)&-@_ cGtu{t k|fKt c;fwf/0f clwsf/ pk/f]Qm cfwf/ / cj:yfdf k|of]u ub{5 . wf/f **-@_ cGtu{t o; cbfntn] c;fwf/0f clwsf/ k|of]u u/L s] s:tf] cj:yfdf / s] s;/L Goflos k'g/fjnf]sg ub{5 eGg] ;DaGwdf ;Dat\ @)%& ;fnsf] l/6 g+=##@^ lgj]bs lj/h' /GhLt la?4 lzIff tyf v]ns'b dGqfno ePsf] lg0f{odf Garner sf] Administrative Law sf pk/f]Qm l;4fGtsf] ;d]t pNn]v u/L ldlt @)^!.!!.#.@ df lj:t[t AofVof u/L ;lsPsf] 5 . (= tTsfnLg ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f **-@_ sf] o; cbfntsf] c;fwf/0f clwsf/If]q cGtu{t s] s:tf] cj:yfdf o; cbfntn] lgj]bg ;'gL cfb]z hf/L ug{ ;S5 eGg] ;DaGwdf lgj]bs k|bLk s'df/ cu|jfn lj?4 s/ sfof{no df]/ª ;d]tsf] d'2fdf & hgfsf] j[xb k"0f{ Ohnf;n] klg AofVof ul/;s]sf] b]lvG5 . pQm d'2fdf :yflkt l;4fGt cg';f/ Goflos jf cw{Goflos clwsf/Lsf] lg0f{o jf cfb]z clwsf/If]qlalxg 5 eg] jf lghn] k|of]u u/sf] sfg"gg} ;+ljwfg ;Ddt 5}g eg] jf clwsf/ gePsf] lgsfon] clwsf/If]q u|x0f u/]sf] 5 eg] jf k|fs[lts Gofosf] l;4fGt ljk/Lt lg0f{o u/]sf] 5 eg] To:tf] cj:yfdf o;

appeal. Judicial review is directed,<br />

not against the decision, but is<br />

confined to the examination of the<br />

decision making–process. When<br />

the issues raised in judicial review<br />

is whether a decision is vitiated by<br />

taking into account irrelevant or<br />

neglecting to take into account of<br />

relevant factors or is so man<strong>if</strong>estly<br />

unreasonable that no reasonable<br />

authority, entrusted with the power<br />

in question could reasonably have<br />

made such a decision, the judicial<br />

review of the decision making<br />

process includes examination, as a<br />

matter of law, of the relevance of<br />

the factors.<br />

&= wf/f **-@_ adf]lhd<br />

/fHosf c+ux?n] u/]sf] <strong>lg0f</strong>{osf] Goflos<br />

k'g/fjnf]sg ubf{ lj<strong>jf</strong>bsf] lj<strong>if</strong>oj:t' <strong>jf</strong><br />

tYoleq k|j]z ul/+b}g s]jn sfg"gL s'/f<br />

dfq x]l/G5 eGg] ;DaGwdf oxfF Garner<br />

sf] Administrative Law pNn]v ug{<br />

cfjZos b]lvG5 . Garner n] sfo{sf/L0fL<br />

k|zf;sLo <strong>lg0f</strong>{odf <strong>cbfnt</strong>n] c;fwf/0f<br />

clwsf/ cGtu{t x:tIf]k ug] {<br />

cfwf/x?dfM–<br />

-s_ Breach of the principles of Natural<br />

Justice<br />

-v_ Excess of Power<br />

-u_ Error of Procedures<br />

-3_ Error of Law<br />

-ª_ failure to perform a duty<br />

-5_ Bad faith or abuse of power, in<br />

the sense of using a power in a<br />

g] ]kfn sfg" "g klqsf @)<strong>^%</strong>, c+ +s @<br />

233<br />

meaning other than that<br />

contemplated enabling statute<br />

eGg] pNn]v u/]sf] b]lvG5 .<br />

*= o; <strong>cbfnt</strong>n] tTsfnLg<br />

;+ljwfg ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f **-@_ /<br />

jt{dfg cGtl/d ;+ljwfg, @)^# sf] wf/f<br />

!)&-@_ cGtu{t k|fKt c;fwf/0f clwsf/<br />

pk/f]Qm cfwf/ / cj:yfdf k|of]u ub{5 .<br />

wf/f **-@_ cGtu{t o; <strong>cbfnt</strong>n]<br />

c;fwf/0f clwsf/ k|of]u u/L s] s:tf]<br />

cj:yfdf / s] s;/L Goflos<br />

k'g/fjnf]sg ub{5 eGg] ;DaGwdf ;Dat\<br />

@)%& ;fnsf] l/6 g+=##@^ lgj]bs lj/h'<br />

/GhLt la?4 lzIff tyf v]ns'b dGqfno<br />

ePsf] <strong>lg0f</strong>{odf Garner sf]<br />

Administrative Law sf pk/f]Qm<br />

l;4fGtsf] ;d]t pNn]v u/L ldlt<br />

@)^!.!!.#.@ df lj:t[t AofVof u/L<br />

;lsPsf] 5 .<br />

(= tTsfnLg ;+ljwfgsf] wf/f<br />

**-@_ sf] o; <strong>cbfnt</strong>sf] c;fwf/0f<br />

clwsf/If]q cGtu{t s] s:tf] cj:yfdf<br />

o; <strong>cbfnt</strong>n] lgj]bg ;'gL cfb]z hf/L<br />

ug{ ;S5 eGg] ;DaGwdf lgj]bs k|bLk<br />

s'df/ cu|<strong>jf</strong>n lj?4 s/ sfof{no df]/ª<br />

;d]tsf] d'2fdf & hgfsf] j[xb k"0f{<br />

<strong>Ohnf</strong>;n] klg AofVof ul/;s]sf] b]lvG5 .<br />

pQm d'2fdf :yflkt l;4fGt cg';f/<br />

Goflos <strong>jf</strong> cw{Goflos clwsf/Lsf] <strong>lg0f</strong>{o<br />

<strong>jf</strong> cfb]z clwsf/If]qlalxg 5 eg] <strong>jf</strong><br />

lghn] k|of]u u/sf] sfg"gg} ;+ljwfg<br />

;Ddt 5}g eg] <strong>jf</strong> clwsf/ gePsf]<br />

lgsfon] clwsf/If]q u|x0f u/]sf] 5 eg]<br />

<strong>jf</strong> k|fs[lts Gofosf] l;4fGt ljk/Lt<br />

<strong>lg0f</strong>{o u/]sf] 5 eg] To:tf] cj:yfdf o;

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