2003 - SSAAM

2003 - SSAAM 2003 - SSAAM


STUDENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATORS' ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA REPORT FROM MEY'S CONSULTATION MEETING "Improving Processes For Schools To Handle Conflict Between Parents And The School" May 8th - 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM 1970 Ness Avenue, Winnipeg Representative Groups: First Nations' Resource Centre, Educational Administrators' Service, Manitoba Association of Parent Councils, Manitoba Association of School Superintendents, Manitoba Association of School Trustees, Manitoba Teachers' Society, Special Education Review Initiative, Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba Also Attending: Joanna Blais, Tim Thome, Carol Ann Browning a Joanna Blais and Tim Thome facilitated the meeting and began by thanking those in attendance for volunteering their time to provide input into the establishment of a support document that could be used to improve processes for schools to handle conflicts between parents and the school a Joanna put the importance of the input session into perspective and Tim followed up with a power point presentation on general theories and approaches to dealing with conflicts or disputes a There was a clarification that the support document produced will identify six approaches to dispute resolution ranging from problem-solving to litigation but will concentrate on the first three: problem solving, negotiation and conciliation that focus on informal dispute resolution a Participants were divided into three working groups that mixed the various stakeholder groups attending a Working groups were given a variety of tasks that included: 1. Identifying what we believed to be the key components of dispute resolution 2.- Consideration, based on personal experience with disputes, of what aspects of the dispute resolution process made you feel that you were being treated fairly and respectfully 3. Exploring other dispute resolution documents to identify key components 4. Selecting key components they we felt should be included in the support document being produced by Manitoba Education and Youth. a Next Steps: a First draft hopefully by the end of June 2003 a MEY staff to deal with revisions over the summer months G Group to be invited to reconvene for consultation on a first draft in the Fall a Possible distribution of the support document by Christmas Break

i PROVINCIAL SSAAM COMMITTEE PRESIDENT'S REPORT The period from January March 24th- May 26th , 2003 provided lots of opportunities for awareness and input a Correspondence has been more limited (except for e-mails!): • Letter from Michelle Frechette advising of her immediate resignation as a regional representative for DSFM • Letter to Adair Morrison thanking her for accepting our invitation to serve as the ad hoc representative for the Provincial Executive on the ABA Committee • E-mail from Joanna Blais regarding joint PD session for new Student Services Administrators for the 2003-2004 school year • Responded to Larry Budzinski e-mail request regarding bricks and mortar for the revived SSAAM Website • E-mail from Helen Pearson regarding speaker for AGM 2003 a I have begun to appreciate the wisdom in the old adage "be careful what you ask for.. .you might just get it". In pursuing our goal to have SSAAM become more involved in provincial issues, I have attended the following input sessions representing Provincial SSAAM: • Minister of Education's Committee on Safe Schools - April 10th • MEY's feedback session on the new Autism support document - May 5th • MEY's input session on the proposed document supporting effective processes for handling conflicts between schools and parents — May 8th • Department Superintendent, Manitoba Youth Centre re: initial planning meeting to discuss increased sharing of information for young offenders who are returning from provincial detention centres to public school systems - May 21st a I had numerous telephone and e-mails contacts with Larry Bremner from ProActive to finalize and launch the members survey a Met with the Professional Development sub-committee to discuss planning for the 2003 AGM-April 21st a Attended the South East - Interlake Regional Meeting - May 2nd



"Improving Processes For Schools To Handle Conflict<br />

Between Parents And The School"<br />

May 8th - 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM<br />

1970 Ness Avenue, Winnipeg<br />

Representative Groups: First Nations' Resource Centre, Educational Administrators' Service, Manitoba Association of Parent<br />

Councils, Manitoba Association of School Superintendents, Manitoba Association of School Trustees, Manitoba Teachers' Society,<br />

Special Education Review Initiative, Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba<br />

Also Attending: Joanna Blais, Tim Thome, Carol Ann Browning<br />

a Joanna Blais and Tim Thome facilitated the meeting and began by thanking those in attendance for<br />

volunteering their time to provide input into the establishment of a support document that could be used to<br />

improve processes for schools to handle conflicts between parents and the school<br />

a Joanna put the importance of the input session into perspective and Tim followed up with a power point<br />

presentation on general theories and approaches to dealing with conflicts or disputes<br />

a There was a clarification that the support document produced will identify six approaches to dispute<br />

resolution ranging from problem-solving to litigation but will concentrate on the first three: problem<br />

solving, negotiation and conciliation that focus on informal dispute resolution<br />

a Participants were divided into three working groups that mixed the various stakeholder groups attending<br />

a Working groups were given a variety of tasks that included:<br />

1. Identifying what we believed to be the key components of dispute resolution<br />

2.- Consideration, based on personal experience with disputes, of what aspects of the dispute resolution<br />

process made you feel that you were being treated fairly and respectfully<br />

3. Exploring other dispute resolution documents to identify key components<br />

4. Selecting key components they we felt should be included in the support document being produced by<br />

Manitoba Education and Youth.<br />

a Next Steps:<br />

a First draft hopefully by the end of June <strong>2003</strong><br />

a MEY staff to deal with revisions over the summer months<br />

G Group to be invited to reconvene for consultation on a first draft in the Fall<br />

a Possible distribution of the support document by Christmas Break

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