2003 - SSAAM

2003 - SSAAM 2003 - SSAAM


SAAMi STUDENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATORS' ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA REPORT FROM MEY'S STAKEHOLDER'S CONSULTATION MEETING "Transition for Children in Custody or on Probation" May 21" -1:00 - 3:00 PM Manitoba Youth Centre, Winnipeg Stakeholder Groups: Manitoba Youth Centre (Adrien DeRuyck), Manitoba Education and Youth (Allan Hawkins), Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba Also Invited: Kathy Harness (COSL), Aggassiz Youth Centre (Bernie Latoski), Jane Graham a Allan Hawkins facilitated the meeting provided the focus - the development of a support document for students transitioning from custody in the youth corrections system to the public school systems a Document intended to parallel those previously developed for pre-school aged children transitioning into school and for children hi the care of welfare agencies a Discussion about the basic principles on which the document would be based - importance of correctional system and school systems working as a team to support the student's return; importance of school systems and correctional system maintaining contact while the youth is incarcerated a Roles and responsibilities for all parties would be identified as in previous documents a Document originally to focus only on students in custody, but consideration will be given to inclusion of process for youth on probation a Probation services will be invited to join the stakeholder's group o Next meeting will be held hi June when a first draft will be presented to focus the discussion of the larger group

ISAAM1 STUDENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATORS' ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA REPORT FROM MINISTER OF EDUCATION'S "Safe Schools' Committee" iOWaf&i -1:00 - 3:00 PM Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg Stakeholder Groups: Manitoba Association of School Trustees, Manitoba Association of School Superintendents, Parent Advisory Council Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba Representatives from the Ontario Government and the Alberta Government were invited to share their Safe Schools Initiatives with the stakeholders groups a Ontario's initiative seemed to be very much a top-down response to providing safe schools a Clear delineation of offences for which students could be suspended or expelled —expulsion applies to and is upheld by all school divisions in the province a Rights and responsibilities of students defined a Response focused on principle that students who were expelled did not have consistent opportunities for meaningful intervention - Safe Schools Project - to set policy and standards for safe learning and teaching environment; support the implementation of safe schools and; monitor implementation of safe schools a Led to revisions to the Ontario Education Act; development of Code of Conduct and outlined mandatory suspensions and expulsions as well as appeals process a Identified mitigating circumstances ie limited capacity to understand consequences of behaviour a Established preventative measures through curriculum on social skills and decision making as well as Choices Into Action (guidance document) a Provided training for Senior Administrators, Board members, Coordinators, Teachers and all related personnel a Also developed Strict Discipline Programming as a mechanism for preparing fully expelled students for re-integration hi Ontario Schools — highly structured intervention that focuses on both academic and non-academic curricula to enhance school achievement and address behavioural problems that led to explusion - involves teachers, social workers and youth workers - readiness for re-entry must be assessed a Alberta's response had a top-down element but seemed to be more bottom-up a Appeared to be less of a focus on legislation a Focus of the initiative more on encouraging and supporting Boards to develop clear and consistent discipline policies - attempt centered around George Sugai's model throughout the province a Lots of work being done on Bullying programs with strategies for schools a Clear message that expulsion did not eliminate the school system's responsibility for the student a Minister of Education appears to be in mode of gathering information to support the development of his own safe schools initiative and policies a Next meeting was scheduled for approximately 3 weeks but has been put on hold until after the election •-—



"Safe Schools' Committee"<br />

iOWaf&i -1:00 - 3:00 PM<br />

Fort Garry Hotel, Winnipeg<br />

Stakeholder Groups: Manitoba Association of School Trustees, Manitoba Association of School Superintendents, Parent Advisory<br />

Council Student Services Administrators' Association of Manitoba<br />

Representatives from the Ontario Government and the Alberta Government were invited to share their Safe Schools Initiatives with<br />

the stakeholders groups<br />

a Ontario's initiative seemed to be very much a top-down response to providing safe schools<br />

a Clear delineation of offences for which students could be suspended or expelled —expulsion applies to and<br />

is upheld by all school divisions in the province<br />

a Rights and responsibilities of students defined<br />

a Response focused on principle that students who were expelled did not have consistent opportunities for<br />

meaningful intervention - Safe Schools Project - to set policy and standards for safe learning and teaching<br />

environment; support the implementation of safe schools and; monitor implementation of safe schools<br />

a Led to revisions to the Ontario Education Act; development of Code of Conduct and outlined<br />

mandatory suspensions and expulsions as well as appeals process<br />

a Identified mitigating circumstances ie limited capacity to understand consequences of behaviour<br />

a Established preventative measures through curriculum on social skills and decision making as well as<br />

Choices Into Action (guidance document)<br />

a Provided training for Senior Administrators, Board members, Coordinators, Teachers and all related<br />

personnel<br />

a Also developed Strict Discipline Programming as a mechanism for preparing fully expelled students<br />

for re-integration hi Ontario Schools — highly structured intervention that focuses on both academic<br />

and non-academic curricula to enhance school achievement and address behavioural problems that led<br />

to explusion - involves teachers, social workers and youth workers - readiness for re-entry must be<br />

assessed<br />

a Alberta's response had a top-down element but seemed to be more bottom-up<br />

a Appeared to be less of a focus on legislation<br />

a Focus of the initiative more on encouraging and supporting Boards to develop clear and consistent<br />

discipline policies - attempt centered around George Sugai's model throughout the province<br />

a Lots of work being done on Bullying programs with strategies for schools<br />

a Clear message that expulsion did not eliminate the school system's responsibility for the student<br />

a Minister of Education appears to be in mode of gathering information to support the development of his<br />

own safe schools initiative and policies<br />

a Next meeting was scheduled for approximately 3 weeks but has been put on hold until after the election<br />


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