2003 - SSAAM

2003 - SSAAM 2003 - SSAAM


sruoewr SERVICE ISSOOiTKM UMAmTMA SAAMI REGIONS LJ Division Scoluire Franco- \lanitobaine EH Interlake LJ Metro Winnipeg Northern LJ South Central South East Westman/Parkland STUDENT SERVICES ADMINISTRATORS' ASSOCIATION OF MANITOBA \genda: 1. Approval of Minutes of March 24th , 2003 2. Approval of Agenda 3. Business Arising SSAAM Provincial Committee Meeting Portage la Prairie School Division 535 - 3rd Street N.W. Monday, May 26, 2003 9:30 a.m. 4 Correspondence 4. 1 Michelle Frechette - DSFM 4.2 Adair Morrison ad hoc rep to ABA Committee 4.3 Joanna Blais - MEY re: orientation session 2003 -2004 5. Officer and Committee Reports 5 1 President — Paul Gillespie 5 2 Past President - Pat Burgess 5.3 First Vice President - Monique Pillion 5.4 Second Vice President - Twyla Kastrukoff 5.5 Treasurer — Bill Warren 56 Professional Development - Helen Pearson 5.7 Public Relations/Social -Olia Jesson 5.8 Advocacy & Public Policy - Sandy McCaig/Teri Bembridge 5.9 Secretary - Lesley Weisshaar 5.10 Historian - Arlene Cherepak 6. Reports (written and forwarded to Lesley Weisshaar would be appreciated) 6. 1 Metro - Robert McDill 6.2 Parkland/Westman - Tanya Edgar/Larry Budzinski 6 3 South Central Wilma Ritzer 6.4 South East/lnterlake - Eesley Weisshaar 6.5 Division scolaire franco-manitobaine - vacant 6.6 Northern - Linda Anderson 6.7 Manitoba Education and Youth - Joanna Rials 6.8 Healthy Child Manitoba - Wendy Church 1 . New Business: 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 bpdate on Pro Active - surveying the membership, etc. (Paul) SSAAM representative on the ABA Committee - update (ad hoc committee) SSAAM AGM -December 4-5. 2003 - Planning update - (Helen) Public Awareness - website update (Larry) Joint orientation session with MEY for new Student Services Adminstrators (Paul) Report on feedback session for new Autism support document (Paul)

7.7 Report on input session for proposed document supporting effective processes for handling conflicts between schools and parents (Paul/Pat) 7.8 Report on Minister of Education's Committee on Safe Schools (Paul) 7.9 Report on MEY initiative with Justice involving children being released from custody and/or on probation (Paul) 7.10 Regional Consultation for the Support Document for Parents (Joanna) 7.1 1 Replacement plan for personnel retiring from MEY - additional considerations (Leslie)

7.7 Report on input session for proposed document supporting effective processes for<br />

handling conflicts between schools and parents (Paul/Pat)<br />

7.8 Report on Minister of Education's Committee on Safe Schools (Paul)<br />

7.9 Report on MEY initiative with Justice involving children being released from custody<br />

and/or on probation (Paul)<br />

7.10 Regional Consultation for the Support Document for Parents (Joanna)<br />

7.1 1 Replacement plan for personnel retiring from MEY - additional considerations (Leslie)

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