The Foundation for Firelands 2019 Annual Report

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Dear Friends,

In 2018, I decided to uproot my family from Wisconsin to Sandusky, Ohio

- the “Roller Coaster Capital of the World.” Little did I know what a roller

coaster of a ride our entire world would endure during these past months.

On December 31, 2019, Firelands Regional Health System and Cedar Fair

co-hosted the Celebration 2020 New Year’s Eve Gala to commemorate

the opening of the Lee C. Jewett Sports Medicine Center and Cedar Point

Sports Center. The tagline for the Celebration 2020 event was “A Year

Like No Other.” Quite prophetic, wouldn’t you say? It was an incredible

celebration, with more than 500 members of our community enjoying the venue and looking

forward to the promise of a new year. Little did we know then how important the memory of

human connection and joy would be at this point in time!

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused an enormous burden on our system

of care. I can confidently report that Firelands rose to the preparedness challenge and positioned

ourselves well to provide the best clinical care for our patients while also protecting our associates

at a very high level. As the coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc around the world,

donors and area organizations have been a bright spot in our community. The immediate

response and outpouring of donations from individuals and organizations to help our caregivers

have the supplies and support they need to stay healthy and care for our patients continue to

be heartwarming.

With that said, the toll on the Health System has been tremendous. Through all these challenges,

we continue to provide quality, compassionate care, and enhance our services. Like many other

businesses, we have begun to increase our volume (much of it being pent up demand), but

we also realize that we may not reach consistent pre-COVID-19 volume in many areas until a

vaccine becomes available. Public health experts are suggesting that a vaccine may not be widely

available to our population until 2021.

Firelands remains a financially stable health care system. That said, it is essential to remember

that one of the reasons we are in such a solid position is due to YOU, our donors. Additionally,

Firelands has made very sound clinical and financial decisions over the past decades. Thank

you all for your part in this. With every crisis comes opportunity, and I have no doubt we will be

stronger together once we are through this challenging time.

Thank you again for your support and continued contributions to ensure we can provide the

quality care our community needs and deserves!

With gratitude,

Jeremy Normington-Slay

President and CEO

Firelands Regional Health System


2019 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report



Donors celebrate New Year’s Eve 2019 at the Lee C. Jewett Sports Medicine Center and Cedar Point Sports Center.


2019 Annual Report

table of


6 – 7 Firelands Constructs Special COVID-19 Unit

8 – 9 Firelands Welcomes New Chief Medical Officer

10 – 13 Daniel Rice: The Story Of A COVID-19 Survivor

14 – 17 You Are Our Heroes!

18 –19 Firelands Implements

The Hospital Incident Command System

20 – 21 New MRI Enhances Patient Comfort,

Eases Anxiety

22 – 25 The “Caddyshack” Open Celebrates

10 Years of Fun and Fundraising

26 – 31 Physician Spotlight

32 – 33 Why We Give – The Thomas M. Routh Heart Fund

34 – 42 Generous Benefactors

43 – 44 Guardian Angel Donors

44 Tributes and Pavers

45 Doctors’ Day Donors

46 – 47 Memorial Gift Donors

48 Dedicated Volunteers

49 – 50 The MJ Stauffer Annual Giving Society

51 – 52 The Foundation for Firelands Legacy Society

53 2019 Community Benefit

54 – 55 2019 Financial Statement

2019 Annual Report 5






When the highly contagious coronavirus spread to the

United States in January 2020 and began infecting

an alarming number of people, hospitals across the

country were faced with the unexpected challenge of

how to safely care for those most severely affected. As

one of the area’s largest medical facilities, Firelands

Regional Medical Center acted quickly to develop a

plan to cope with the surging pandemic. A key feature

of that plan was to designate a special COVID-19

acute care unit where coronavirus patients could

be safely treated and healthcare workers protected.


2019 Annual Report

Renovation of the unit began on March 15th. Five days later,

the first suspected COVID-19 patient was admitted. “Having

a dedicated COVID unit gives us the ability to contain COVID

patients in one area safely and protect other patients and

our medical teams. The staff dedicated to the isolation unit

can focus on the care and treatment of those sickest with

COVID-19,”says Susan Behrens, MSN, RN, director of critical

& progressive care. “Initially, the care team in the COVID unit

was nervous and anxious. You could see the apprehension

on their faces. Since then, we all feel safer - maybe even

safer than anywhere else because we are so protected.”

The importance of the specialized unit

was demonstrated in May when several

Ohio Veterans Home residents and staff

were infected with COVID-19 and required

hospitalization. Firelands team members

worked closely with the Ohio Veterans

Home staff and members of the Erie

County Health Department to contain

the virus and treat those affected.

Thanks to a massive group effort, the former intensive care unit

at Firelands, which lay idle for ten years, was renovated into a

COVID-19 acute care unit in five days. This huge undertaking

required converting the ventilation system in the unit from

a positive air pressure environment to a negative air pressure

environment. The negative air pressure system prevents air

from leaving an isolated area, trapping potentially harmful and

infectious particles, protecting people outside the space from

exposure. “We sealed the unit’s floors, ceilings, walls, and

windows to create a secure environment from other hospital

areas. We added airflow monitors to alert staff should there

be a loss of negative air in relationship to the main corridor,”

explains Charlie Kanthak, director of facilities and plant

operations at Firelands Regional Health System,

Plant Operations putting the final touches of

flooring on the rapidly-converted 4 West Unit.

An anteroom with a negative air system was created as

an additional layer of infection control. Staff entering and

exiting the isolation unit pass through the anteroom to put

on gowns and protective equipment, remove contaminated

clothing and equipment, and disinfect before stepping

into the hospital’s general space. The installation of

computer systems and the addition of equipment and

supplies completed the functionality of the space.

2019 Annual Report 7






Months before the coronavirus

pandemic arrived in the United

States, Firelands Regional Health

System made the decision to add

a Chief Medical Officer (CMO)

to their administrative team.

According to Jeremy Normington-

Slay, President and CEO of

Firelands Regional Health System,

that decision was “one of the best

decisions I have made in my career.

Dr. Campbell has very much

exceeded my expectations.”

The same wise decision-making could be said in the

choice to hire Jeremy in October of 2018. The timing

and opportunity to place these two men at the helm

of the Firelands organization could not have been

better, to navigate the health system through one of

the worst global medical crises in modern history.

“Jeremy and Scott’s leadership through the COVID-19

pandemic continues to bring light to shine upon our entire

Firelands organization as one of our community’s most highly

valued resources,” stated John Bacon, former Firelands Regional

Health System Board Chair.

During the search for a new president and CEO, the Firelands’

Board of Directors was looking for a strong leader who could lead

Firelands Regional Health System forward and build relationships

with area health departments and local entities. The board

of directors was impressed with Jeremy, who was a regional

president of multiple hospitals for the North Central Region of

Ascension Health’s Wisconsin market. They believed his 15 years

of healthcare experience and expertise would generate the fresh

and progressive ideas Firelands needed to move forward.

When he came to Firelands, one of Jeremy’s personal goals was

to appoint a CMO, an executive position that had previously never

existed at Firelands. “I have always valued my physician partners.

They are the driving force of health systems. It’s typically best to


2019 Annual Report

have a physician communicating with a physician in

difficult conversations around health care.” Jeremy added,

“I was looking for a physician who would work as a liaison

and advocate for our medical staff. I also felt it important

to add a physician’s voice to the administration’s top

strategic decisions.”

When the CMO position was posted, Dr. Campbell had

no intention of applying for the job. “I had enough on my

plate and was content with my duties as an emergency room

physician and medical director of emergency services. I had

also become more involved in hospital administration with my

appointment to the Firelands Regional Medical Center board

of directors, and subsequently, the Executive Board of the

hospital. I then went on to be the hospital’s Chief of Staff.

I found satisfaction, as well as a challenge, in these roles.”

After receiving a great deal of support and encouragement

to apply for the position from his peers, board members,

and administrative team members, Dr. Campbell reconsidered.

“I saw the CMO position as an opportunity to take on

something new and expand my administrative experience.

I believed that I possessed the medical knowledge and

experience to fulfill the role. I met with Jeremy and learned

what his expectations for the CMO position were. After

much reflection, I felt I would be a good fit, and we’d

work well together. I decided to apply for the job.”

As far as Jeremy was concerned, Dr. Campbell was the ideal

candidate for the CMO role. “First and foremost, Dr. Campbell

has earned the respect of everyone at Firelands. He has

amazing street credibility. Being an ER physician at Firelands

for nearly 30 years gives him a unique perspective into the

hospital and healthcare in the community. Dr. Campbell is

not afraid to speak his mind and give an honest opinion,

including to me, when we see different sides of a situation.

He is a man of integrity, and we all know we can trust him.”

On January 6, 2020, Dr. Campbell officially stepped

into his role as a part-time CMO, maintaining his duties

as an emergency room physician.

“I felt the need to be as informed as possible about

COVID-19 since people were looking to me for advice. I did

what most physicians do and turned to reliable sources of

information. I read reputable journals, listened to veterans

in the medical field whom I have trusted in the past, and

gathered information from the medical world, not from cable

television. We made a lot of decisions as an administrative

team, thinking through the problems, and developing the

best decisions for our community. It was wonderful to see

everyone pull together to work through the daily issues that

we encountered secondary to the virus. I am confident the

decisions made here at the hospital have been well thought

out and based on the best science available. If some

decisions I have made along the way have not been

correct, I apologize, this is my first pandemic!”

Denise Parrish, Vice President and Chief Nursing Officer,

acknowledges how valuable Dr. Campbell’s advice and

expertise is, especially as the hospital continues to deal

with the COVID-19 pandemic. “Never in our history was a

CMO needed as much as it was during the COVID crisis. Dr.

Campbell provided our Hospital Incident Command System

team (HICS) with legitimate science and helped us base

our decisions on what we knew at that point in time. It is

wonderful to have another clinical person on the HICS team,

and have a physician perspective when discussing issues.”

Even though the coronavirus is still very much an issue,

Dr. Campbell believes society cannot stay closed forever.

“Flattening the curve, through a stay at home order, was

designed to help us not over-run medical system capacity.

It was not put in place to lessen the virus or prevent it

from spreading. That is inevitable. Now that we have done

our job to prevent overwhelming the health system, the

economy has to run. The hospital has to provide care for

all our patients’ medical challenges. Keeping everyone

quarantined has created other medical issues, psychiatric

issues, and economic issues for our community. If I

thought staying sheltered in place would make the virus

go away, I would be all for it. Unfortunately, that is not

the case. The virus will continue to spread until we get

herd immunity or develop a treatment or vaccine.”

As society continues to wrestle with the virus, Dr. Campbell

warns people not to become complacent, thinking that it

is no longer a threat. “According to the scientific literature

and the best-educated minds on the subject, this is not

the case. This virus is no less deadly just because it is

not as prevalent in our community. It can still kill or cause

great harm to one of your friends or family members. We

need to be smart and take the necessary precautions.”

2019 Annual Report 9





One of the first patients to enter the specialized

COVID-19 unit at Firelands Regional Medical Center

was Daniel Rice, a previously healthy 68-year-old.

In late March, Dan began experiencing unexplained

symptoms. “I fell while doing yard work and thought

to myself something is not right.” The next morning,

he suffered a profuse nosebleed and developed a high

fever. During a virtual health care visit, the care provider

told Dan to go to the hospital. Dan was shocked when

he was diagnosed with COVID-19.


2019 Annual Report

Daniel Rice waves to Firelands Care Team members as he is discharged from his long battle with COVID-19.

Although not the closest hospital to their home in Fremont,

Dan chose to travel the few extra miles to Firelands Regional

Medical Center. “Firelands has been a wonderful place for us

in the past. We only choose Firelands. The team is outstanding

and they truly have heart. They care about their patients.”

On March 26th, 2020, Dan was admitted through the

emergency room to the newly designated COVID-19 isolation

unit. Dan’s wife of nearly 42 years, Beth, was unable to visit

her husband due to strict COVID-19 isolation protocols. Initially,

they used Facetime to communicate via their phones.

Three days into his 42-day hospitalization, Dan’s breathing

became so labored he was put in a medically induced coma,

intubated, and placed on a ventilator. Their conversations

stopped. Beth said, “I had not kissed or hugged him, and

now I was unable to talk to him.” Desperate to support her

husband, Beth penned her love onto paper. Daily, she would

handwrite heartfelt letters of faith-filled encouragement

and love, and mailed them to the hospital. “I did not

know the nurses were reading the letters to Dan until one

day in a phone conversation a nurse mentioned it.”

The nurses became Beth’s voice, reading her letters to Dan as

he lay unconscious. The ventilator continued to breathe life into

Dan’s body for the next 22 days. Beth’s letters to Dan were

credited for breathing life into his spirit. The nurses used an

iPad so Beth could see Dan’s face as her messages were read.

Later, Beth and Dan would learn the nurses saved every letter,

which they placed into an album as a keepsake for the couple.

“The care team went out of their way to help us. It’s

amazing what they did to comfort Beth,” says Dan. Beth

even received a call from the hospital’s CEO, Jeremy

Normington-Slay, who asked if there was anything further

the hospital could do to support her. “I was shocked the

CEO of the hospital took the time to call me,” she says.

Attempting to inject a little humor into a challenging time,

Beth informed Dan’s pulmonologist, Dr. Christopher Avendano,

that Dan needed to get home to mow the lawn. “It started as

a joke, but the lawn grew so fast. Dan is proud of his lawn and

particular about how it’s mowed. I became stressed about the

lawn but knew he would not like me mowing it. And I didn’t

know how to operate the mower. Dr. Avendano shared he had

a similar mower. He coached me through the type of fuel to

use, how to fuel it, and suggested I drive the mower around

the yard to get a feel for the steering before actually mowing,”

says Beth. “Dr. Avendano’s kind support shows how much

everyone cares, including the doctors. The physicians were so

patient with me and explained things thoroughly, which helped

me make the many important decisions about Dan’s care.”

2019 Annual Report 11

Throughout his hospitalization, Dan received

intensive 24-hour medical care, including dialysis

due to kidney failure. On April 20th, Dan began

breathing on his own and was removed from the

ventilator. Emerging from his 22-day coma, Dan

woke thinking only one day had passed. “Often,

comatose patients can hear, but they are not fully

conscious of what is happening. It creates a lot

of emotion, and the patient can develop a sort of

post-traumatic syndrome,” explains Susan. But

Dan remembered very little. “I remember the

nurses reading Beth’s letters and I also recall

people patting me and encouraging me.”

Christopher Avendano, MD, Pulmonologist

On May 7th, 2020, Dan was discharged from

the hospital. Approximately 200 Firelands team

members directly supported his care, and countless

others indirectly supported it. Doctors, nurses,

and other members of the Firelands team lined

the halls to say good-bye to Dan as his family took

him home to celebrate his victory over COVID.

“God’s grace, Beth’s love and letters, and

the excellent care I received helped me

survive,” says Dan. “ I believe God puts

waymakers in our lives - people through

whom God provides for our needs, and

performs miracles. People such as the

nurses, doctors, pharmacists, aides, dietary

hostesses, my friends and pastor, and many

prayer warriors, all helped set me on my

path to recovery. The simple things in life

now put a smile on my face. I’m thrilled to

be with Beth, family, and friends. I enjoy

just about anything I can do.”

After his discharge, Dan experienced a few

setbacks, including episodes of atrial fibrillation,

overall weakness, and esophageal issues. The

couple booked a lodge in Gatlinburg, Tennessee,

where eleven of the Rice brood traveled to celebrate

life, spend quality family time and cultivate new

memories. The fourth day into their trip, Dan began

coughing up blood. Dan and Beth drove straight

back to Ohio to the Firelands Emergency Room.


2019 Annual Report

“The care from the Firelands team does not end when

you walk out the door. My follow-up care has been

outstanding. When I return to the hospital for lab work

or therapy, it astonishes me how much the staff sincerely

continues to care,” says Dan. Beth adds, “The hospital’s

tagline, ‘Big enough to care for you, but small enough to

care about you’ perfectly describes Firelands.”

“I had flashbacks of my initial visit to the ER when I first

was diagnosed with COVID. I was terrified.” But this visit was

different. Many of his newfound hospital friends checked on

him while in the emergency room, helping to put him at ease.

Fortunately, Dan was treated and released.

Today, Dan continues to work diligently toward the restoration

of his health with the help of physical, occupational, and speech

therapists. “I no longer use a walker, and can again ambulate

stairs, all of which are big achievements. I still experience dizzy

spells, and my strength has not fully returned in my legs. Much

of the 53 pounds I lost were from muscle atrophy in my arms

and legs. Also, my esophagus is a little messed up after being

on the vent. These are all small prices to pay for having my life,”

he says. As a result of the irritation to his esophagus, Dan had

to learn how to swallow again. His voice still weakens and fades

as the day goes on. “The COVID kicked my butt. I wake up with

half a battery every day, and by midafternoon I am exhausted.”

Despite the lingering effects of his illness, Dan pushes himself

to return to daily life activities. Understandably, Beth does not

let him out of her sight for long. “She let me run my mower

the other day. I was thrilled to mow the lawn,” he says.

Having no idea how he contracted the COVID disease, Dan

is concerned about how many people do not wear a mask or

heed social distancing. “People subject themselves or family

members to the possibilities of getting this disease. Take

it from me; this is a nasty virus. I am likely immune, but

respectfully I wear a mask, if for no other reason to set an

example. I do not want people to take this disease lightly.”

2019 Annual Report 13



The coronavirus has had a profound effect on all of us in many ways. Perhaps most

significantly, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought out the best in our community

members. Even in quarantine, area residents have rallied to protect and support each

other. Firelands Regional Medical System has also benefitted from numerous acts of

kindness and support, for which we will be forever grateful.

Sandusky City Schools donated candy bars to Firelands employees from a fundraising sale that was cancelled, due to COVID.

The creative ways people and organizations

have offered support to Firelands Regional

Medical Center and its staff is overwhelming.

The donors highlighted on this page are just

a snapshot of the countless acts of kindness

and generosity Firelands encountered.

“It is amazing the support we have received.

I have never seen anything like it,” says

Charlie Kanthak, Firelands’ director of

facilities and plant operations.

As national news reported daily, PPE (personal protective equipment)

such as N95 and surgical masks, gowns, gloves, and face shields were

in short supply. On the front end of the virus outbreak, Firelands Regional

Medical Center fielded numerous unsolicited calls from people offering

PPE donations and other supplies and services. Many wished to donate

meals in support of the staff. Others volunteered to sew fabric face masks

to supplement the PPE’s shrinking inventory for non-clinical employees.

Hundreds of colorful handmade face masks have been and continue to

be received from talented area residents.

When members of the hospital team called local businesses to identify

sources of personal protective equipment, nearly all the companies

contacted, from veterinarians, nail salons, manufacturers, contractors,

schools, stores, and farmers refused the hospital’s offer to purchase

the supplies and donated the items.


2019 Annual Report

Corso’s Flower and Garden Center donated Easter lilies to brighten employees’ spirits.

The Wilkes Plumbing and Heating team donated

labor and materials to pipe oxygen into a triage tent.

The Sandusky Lowe’s team delivered and donated a shed to provide

drive-thru patient screenings for COVID.

2019 Annual Report 15

Pat Galliers was the first to call and offer her sewing talents to make face masks.

The Jimmy Johns team donated

sandwiches to feed our employees.

Dustin Ness and Keith Sweigert of Waterstreet Financial teamed up with

Matt Keech of Cameo Pizza to provide pizza for Firelands team members.


2019 Annual Report

When the hospital called Lowe’s in Sandusky

to purchase a shed to provide drive-thru

COVID-19 screenings for patients, the shed

was not only delivered within hours but was

donated as well. The large triage tent located

outside the Emergency Department required

a new floor following a downpour rain. Tusing

Builders & Roofing Services immediately

responded, donating both the labor and

flooring materials. The job was completed

the next day, which was a Saturday morning.

Additionally, the triage tent needed a pipeline

installed for oxygen, for which Wilkes Plumbing

& Heating in Huron provided the specialized

labor. Jimmy John’s on Hayes Avenue surprised

the staff and construction workers with boxes

of donated sandwiches throughout the day.

The Girl Scouts donated dozens of boxes of

Girl Scout cookies to energize and nourish

nurses. Target contributed gift cards to help

team members while away from their

families. Local churches donated money to

help purchase materials for face masks. Area

restaurants, organizations, and individuals

contributed food for our team. Corso’s

Flower and Garden Center offered hospital

employees a free Easter lily. Sandusky High

School donated candy bars earmarked for

a fundraiser canceled due to the school’s

closure. A woman called and expressed she

wanted to help but did not know how, so

she drove to the hospital, remained in her

car, and prayed for the hospital staff and

the patients. Many notes of appreciation

have been received from the community

encouraging and supporting the team.

Firelands Regional Medical Center would like

to thank all of the countless unsung heroes in

the community, working quietly on a grassroots

level to win the war against COVID-19. We also

wish to thank those who observed the stay

at home order, those who continue to wear

a mask in public, and those who continue to

practice safe distancing. Firelands Regional

Medical Center appreciates every one of you

for your support during these challenging

times. Each act of kindness, no matter how

big or small, makes a positive difference.

Together, we can keep each other safe.

2019 Annual Report 17






Late last year reports of a mysterious respiratory illness affecting

people in China and other Asian countries began circulating

the world. By January, the first confirmed case in the US

occurred in Washington, where a man in his 30s developed

symptoms after returning from a trip to Wuhan, China, where

the virus first appeared. In February, the highly contagious

illness received the name COVID-19, an acronym for coronavirus

disease 2019. In the early days of the coronavirus outbreak,

false rumors and misinformation spread as fast as the virus,

leaving people anxious, scared, and unsure of whom to trust.

The main campus cafeteria was converted into

the supply staging area hub to keep all supplies

readily available in the event of a surge.


2019 Annual Report

To help alleviate some of the confusion surrounding the virus

and to provide healthcare consistency and continuity, Firelands

Regional Health System initiated a Hospital Incident Command

System (HICS) operation. HICS was designed to assist hospitals

and healthcare organizations implement emergency management

planning and response during unforeseen events and disasters.

Over 40 Firelands employees comprise the HICS team.

Some of the key members include Firelands President,

Jeremy Normington-Slay, who is the incident commander.

He is responsible for leading the operation and determining

which parts of the action plan to activate and at what times.

Firelands Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Scott Campbell, is one

of the medical/technical specialists who assist the incident

commander by providing crucial information and support.

Sarah Henkel, director of safety and security at Firelands,

is one of the planning section chiefs.

In the early stages of the pandemic, the Firelands Leadership

Team and HICS Team frequently met to evaluate the status of

COVID-19, sift through the influx of information, develop new

policies and procedures and implement strategies to address

the changing needs of the health system.

Dr. Campbell cited his biggest challenge as the pandemic

developed was keeping up with the tsunami of information

coming in all at once. “It was literally like drinking from a

fire hose. I was constantly trying to sort out fact from fiction,

and recommend actions based on the best credible evidence

I could sort out.”

Firelands Regional Health System’s Hospital Incident Command

(HICS) operation remains in effect and will continue to evaluate

and provide updates as additional information becomes available.

The HICS team meets regularly to discuss the health system’s

initiatives and responses to the ongoing pandemic.

During the first few months of the pandemic, incident command met daily to discuss the rapidly-evolving situation.

The Hospital Incident Command System

The HICS structure consists of five major functional

areas: Command, Operations, Planning, Logistics,

and Finance/Administration. These five areas form

two groups: the Command Staff and General Staff.

• The Command Staff is led by an incident commander

responsible for heading up the operation and determining

which parts of the action plan to activate and at what times.

The public information officer provides essential information

to media, staff, and patients. The liaison officer acts as a

conduit between the hospital and outside agencies. The

safety officer monitors situations and ensures the safety

of responders, staff, and patients. Finally, the medical/

technical specialists assist the incident commander

by providing crucial information and support.

• The General Staff consists of four significant positions.

The operations section chief is responsible for developing

and implementing strategies and tactics and carrying out

objectives set out by the incident commander, including

staging, medical care, infrastructure, security, hazardous

materials, and business continuity. The planning section

chief is responsible for developing alternatives for tactical

operations, preparing incident action plans, and overseeing

incident-related data gathering and analysis. The logistics

section chief supervises damage, sanitation, supply, transport,

and nutrition and obtains necessary resources and medical

supplies. Lastly, the finance/administration section chief

monitors incident-related costs and provides accounting,

procurement, and data analysis. Under each of these four

positions are several leaders and director roles responsible

for the health system’s day-to-day operation.

2019 Annual Report 19







For many patients, having an

MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

can be at best unpleasant, and at

worst, terrifying. The standard MRI

machine requires the patient to lie

still in a narrow tube for anywhere

from 30 to 90 minutes, surrounded

by the pounding noise of the magnet.

Patient anxiety and claustrophobia

can cause scans to be interrupted

and uncompleted.

Firelands Regional Medical Center recently installed a

new General Electric MRI system that has dramatically

improved patient experience and produces sharper,

clearer, and more detailed diagnostic images.

Health care professionals use MRI to diagnose a variety

of conditions, from torn ligaments to tumors. It is especially

valuable for examining the brain and spinal cord. Despite its

benefits as a diagnostic tool, for many patients undergoing

an MRI, the experience can be uncomfortable, loud, and

extremely distressing for those who have claustrophobia.

The new MRI features Silent Scan noise reduction technology,

and a wider scanning bore (the tube where the scans are taken)

than previous MRI models. Additional comfort upgrades to

improve the patient experience include dense foam padding

on the table to minimize pressure points and the ability for

feet-first entry and scanning to enable the patient to maintain

eye contact with their technologist.

This new MRI is housed within the Caring MRI Suite,

designed to reduce patient anxiety, claustrophobia, and the

need for sedation. Patients will enter the Caring MRI Suite and

personalize the suite to please their senses of sight and sound,

resulting in a more relaxed and less anxious atmosphere.


2019 Annual Report

There is a monitor in the scanning bore for

those undergoing head scans and a monitor

on the ceiling of the MRI room for those whose

heads can remain outside the bore. Patients

can select a favorite nature theme, room lighting

color, music, and even a favorite movie. The

nature themes feature original 4K nature videos

created specifically for patients that can be

paired with soothing music. Patients can

request a music style or enjoy their music on

a compatible smartphone, MP3 player, or CD.

They can even preview and choose a nature

theme in a waiting area before their exam or

view videos in advance to help ease anxiety.

Mike Vickery, Director of Imaging Services

at Firelands, enlisted the help of neurologist

Steven Benedict, MD, and neuroradiologist

Mark A. Buehler II, MD, when researching

the more advanced MRI units. “We initially

looked at three MRI companies. We visited

several hospitals to learn how the different

types of machines compared to each other

regarding software availability, patient

comfort, and diagnostic capability,” says

Mike. “The General Electric MRI and Caring

MRI Suite had technological advances in both

patient comfort and image quality that the

others lacked.”

The improvement in patient experience and scan

quality has been significant. “Having a wider and

shorter scan chamber and installing the Caring

MRI Suite has made the experience much more

positive for patients. Anxiety has decreased,

which means less patient movement, less

interruption of scans, and less need for

sedation. As for scan quality, the magnet’s

strength in the new MRI is twice as much

as that of the previous MRI, resulting in

much clearer images,” says Mike.

2019 Annual Report 21





In 2009 Alice Springer, director of development

for The Foundation for Firelands, was asked by

the hospital’s president and CEO to create a

charitable golf outing, with the money raised

to benefit Firelands Regional Health System

cancer patients. The summer was already full of

several well-established charity golf outings, and

Alice knew that for the event to be a success, it

would need a unique twist to draw participants.

Her solution: The “Caddyshack” Open. “The

inspiration for the event stemmed from my allmale,

golf-loving household. I have watched the

Caddyshack movie 20 times, at a minimum. Most

golfers love the film, due to its subtle satire of golf

and country club life. It seemed like the right,

and a fun, hook to attract golfers to participate,”

she says.

Craig Stahl, a Sandusky businessman, and a

former Sandusky city commissioner, was the

first individual Alice asked to join the planning

committee for the golf outing. He thought the

idea was crazy, and the event would be a failure.

“Boy, was I wrong! It has been a fantastic

fundraiser that has helped countless patients

at Firelands. I have never been involved in such

a worthy event, such as this golf outing. The

patients' stories about how these funds have

positively impacted their lives and relieved their

burdens have touched my soul. We are helping

so many people with life-altering diagnoses when

they need help most. That's why people like

to be involved and support the event. It’s

such a fun tournament; people love it!"

The “Caddyshack” Open celebrated its

tenth anniversary this year and has collectively

raised more than one million dollars to help

support Firelands' patients. In 2016, the golf

outing evolved into a two-day event with the

addition of "Comedy Night." Alice attended a

comedy club in Arizona in late 2015 and found

herself doubled over in laughter, listening to

comedian Jason Lawhead. His jokes centered

on growing up in a large family, and of all things,

Cleveland sports teams. Alice recalls, "At the

time, I thought to myself, a comedy club

with this type of relatable humor would

be a hit back home." Following the show,


2019 Annual Report

2019 Annual Report 23

Alice additionally credits the

success of this event to FUN!

“We all have challenges in our

lives – some more than others.

FUN individuals plan this

event. Our FUN donors spend

a Sunday evening laughing

with their friends, and the

next day golfing on a beautiful

golf course for a great cause.

Counting our blessings and

helping others is the hole-inone

in life.”

Alice waited to speak to Jason. She learned he grew up in

Lorain, Ohio, and his father, Jim, is a two-time cancer survivor

and former coach and athletic director. Jason is a “stand-up”

kind of guy in more ways than one. She asked him if he would

perform in Sandusky for The "Caddyshack" Open in 2016, and

he agreed immediately. "Jason is kind-hearted and connects

to our cause. He is also a sports broadcaster, and the crowd

loves him! Jason has since evolved as our emcee for “Comedy

Night," and recruits other stand-up comedians to participate.”

Craig confessed, "When Alice came to me about possibly adding

a Comedy Night the eve before the golf outing, I thought the

idea was crazier than the "Caddyshack" idea. Again, I was

wrong! It has been as popular, if not more so, than the golf

outing. Comedy Night is a way for non-golfers to participate

in the event and has helped raise more charitable funds."

The “Caddyshack” Open Golf Scramble is one of many popular

golf outings in the region, and possibly the zaniest. Golfers

wear their loudest golf attire to mirror the personas of the 1980

movies cast of wacky characters, who initially were played

by actors such as Chevy Chase, Rodney Dangerfield, and Bill

Murray. An award is given annually for the “Craziest Pants.”

The funds raised from the golf outing directly support cancer

patients receiving care at Firelands Regional Medical Center.

The golf outing's long-standing success is a result of

numerous people who have gotten behind the event.

In part, the tournament has been made possible by the

sponsorships of KeyBank, McDonald's / Siegfried Enterprises,

and Dr. Amy and J.J. Reese. These donors all notably have

been “Bushwood Champ Main Event” sponsors over the past

ten years. Dave Rengel, in 2011, and Craig Soule, in 2015,

shot a hole-in-one to win a new car, courtesy of Kasper

Auto Group. Since 2012, Mathews Ford has sponsored a

"$100,000 shoot-out" and is now the "Hole-in-One" sponsor.

According to Laura Criscione, the development officer for

the Foundation for Firelands, the list of contributors who

make this event a success is long. “They include donors of

auction items; those who bid on items or purchase raffle

tickets; sponsors who underwrite the event, and the donors

who attend the golf outing and Comedy Night. Equally

important are the planning committee members and the

volunteers and caddies who donate their time to help.

It is the culmination of everyone together, which greatly

enhances our community's health beyond calculation."


2019 Annual Report

Comedy Night raises the

audience’s spirits through

laughter. The proceeds of

Comedy Night lift the spirits

of patients receiving care at

Firelands Regional Medical

Center. Behind the laughter,

and the cause, are the

“Comedy Night Main Stage

Sponsors,” namely Ultimate

Software and Tusing Builders

& Roofing Services.

Jason and Jen Tusing have been event sponsors for Comedy

Night and participants in the golf tournament. The Tusings

have many heartstrings attached to the “Caddyshack” event.

The first time they attended the event, they were dating. The

compelling patient stories drew them to participate. “Becoming

involved has been a blessing on many levels. Not only have

we been able to contribute to the cause, but we have also

met some wonderful people we truly admire,” says Jen.

In 2018, Tusing Builders & Roofing Services celebrated its

20th year in business. “We were looking for a way to tie in our

20th anniversary to our Comedy Club sponsorship,” says Jason.

Generously, the couple built on the occasion and created a

campaign they coined, “$20,000 in 20 Days.” Jason and Jen

invested countless hours on a social media campaign that shared

patient stories and why the cause was significant. “Lots of people

shared our post. Our goal was to raise $20,000 to help cancer

patients. The patient stories touched our hearts, and we knew

they would touch others if we could get the word out,” says Jen.

The night of the event, Jen and Jason presented a check for more

than $20,000 to The Foundation for Firelands. They had surpassed

their goal. Jen commented to Jason onstage that they had not

yet personally donated to the cause. In a surprise move, as the

“raise your paddle” was about to begin, Jen and Jason pledged

to match all paddle donations up to $10,000. The contributions

from the crowd exceeded $10,000, raising another $20,000

for the cause. It was a momentous night for patients served by

Firelands. Jason and Jen shared, “Donating to our community

fuels us most when working with Firelands. We know the money

raised stays local and directly helps people in our backyard.”

2019 Annual Report 25



Each year, we shine a spotlight on some of

the talented physicians who care for you at

Firelands Regional Health System. We are

proud to bring you quality care, close to home.


2019 Annual Report

Donald Cundiff, M.D.

Obesity and Nutritional Medicine

Obesity medicine is dedicated to the comprehensive

care of patients with obesity. Clinicians who practice

obesity medicine use evidence-based scientific and

individualized approaches to treat obesity, helping

patients achieve their weight and health goals.

I attended medical school at the University of Toledo College

of Medicine and Life Sciences and completed my residency

in family medicine at Riverside Methodist Hospital, Columbus.

I met my wife, who was a nursing student while I was

in medical school. After my residency, we moved to the

Sandusky area to be close to her family in Milan. I practiced

family medicine for 22 years before deciding to focus on

obesity medicine.

After I became board certified in obesity medicine, I worked

in Lexington, Kentucky, under the mentorship of a very well

respected obesity medicine physician to gain more experience

in the field. I then moved to Lahey Hospital and Medical

Center in Burlington, Massachusetts, for six and a half years.

I enjoyed the experience, but my wife and I wanted to move

back to the area. I became the medical director of the

Firelands Center for Coordinated Care in 2019.

While practicing family medicine, I saw quite a few patients

struggling with weight gain and weight loss. I became

intrigued with the science behind obesity and nutrition,

and the relationship of exercise and nutrition to the disease.

Obesity is more than a lifestyle choice: it’s a disease.

It’s much more complicated than most people, including

physicians, realize. Obesity and nutritional medicine allows

me to help people and be intellectually stimulated as well.

As the medical director of the Center for Coordinated Care,

I treat obesity and diabetes. We use a multi-disciplinary,

state-of-the-art approach to both diseases, with pharmacists,

dieticians, nurse practitioners, and an exercise physiologist

on our team. The hospital is very supportive of the program

and its goals. It’s refreshing to work for an institution that

is not in the healthcare business for the money but to

help people.

David Hykes, D.O.


Gastroenterology is the study of the normal function

and diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small

intestine, colon and rectum, pancreas, gallbladder,

bile ducts, and liver.

I have a bachelor of arts in chemistry from Malone College

in Canton, Ohio. I attended the Lake Erie College of

Osteopathic Medicine in Erie, Pennsylvania.

I completed both my residency and fellowship at Millcreek

Community Hospital in Erie, Pennsylvania. My fellowship

included training in hepatology at the Cleveland Clinic,

pediatrics at Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital, and general

gastroenterology at Excela Health System in Greensburg/

Latrobe, Pennsylvania. I was recruited by the physicians who

trained me in that area upon completion of my fellowship.

I chose to enter the medical field because I enjoy caring

for people and helping them lead healthier lives. It is the

perfect fit for me. I chose gastroenterology because I like

the blend of procedures, medicine, and direct patient care.

While we enjoyed living in Pennsylvania, my wife and I are

originally from the Vermilion area. After living out of the state

for 15 years, we realized we missed the area and wanted our

children to grow up here and near their grandparents. We like

the small-town feel and the many summer activities available.

When I interviewed at Firelands, I was impressed by my future

colleagues’ kindness, experience, and professionalism.

I like being at a regional hospital and value Firelands’

commitment to the community. It is a collegial working

environment focused on the best patient care.

In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family,

watching my children participate in their various activities,

fly fishing, and traveling.

2019 Annual Report 27

Adam Kapler, D.O.


Neurology is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment

of disorders of the nervous system, which includes the

brain, the spinal cord, and the nerves. These disorders

may consist of Alzheimer’s disease, amyotrophic lateral

sclerosis (ALS), concussion, epilepsy, migraine, multiple

sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and stroke.

I’m a big fan of my home state of Iowa. Not only did I grow

up in Iowa, but I received most of my education there as

well. I went to Des Moines University for undergraduate

and graduate school and then attended Des Moines

University’s Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine program.

My introduction to Ohio happened in my third year of

medical school when I came to Firelands for clinical

rotations. I had no intention of leaving Iowa permanently.

After I finished my rotations, I planned to return to

Iowa. But while in Sandusky, I met my wife.

There were six of us from Des Moines and six others

from Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic

Medicine, including Elyse Tinker, a Norwalk native who

I later married. We both went to Chicago for residency,

she in family practice and I in neurology. She wanted to

practice in her hometown and be near her family. I had

done a rotation with Advanced Neurological Associates, and

when I finished my residency, they asked me to join them.

I’ve always been fascinated with electronics, circuitry,

and plumbing, which is similar to the study of neurology.

It’s similar to solving a puzzle. It also involves quite

a bit of patient interaction. A neurologist must spend

time talking and listening to patients in order to

pinpoint where in the nervous system the problem

originates and then narrow down possible diagnoses.

During my medical school and residency years, I trained

in many large medical institutions. I’ve always liked

Firelands. It’s not too big and not too small. I enjoy how

everyone knows each other and how well everyone works

together. It has a wide variety of services and good acuity

of care. I’m thrilled with my decision to stay in Ohio.

Alexander Keister, D.O

Emergency Medicine

The practice of emergency medicine includes the initial

evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, coordination of care

among multiple providers, and disposition of any patient

requiring expeditious medical, surgical, or psychiatric care.

I’m originally from Carey, Ohio, a small town located close

to Findlay. I went to undergraduate school at the University

of Findlay, and I attended medical school at the Ohio

University Heritage College of Osteopathic Medicine in

Athens. I completed a residency in emergency medicine

at MetroHealth Medical Center and the Cleveland Clinic

in Cleveland.

I’ve always known that I wanted to pursue a career in

emergency medicine. Before I started medical school,

I was a volunteer firefighter in Carey, which gave me an

idea of emergency medicine. I spent my third and fourth

years of medical school at Firelands, where I completed

clinical rotations in many specialties, including emergency

medicine. I liked the fast pace, the variety of cases, and

how ER physicians can help so many community members

in a single day. I was impressed with how they took charge

of each situation and how much the patients depended on

them for help.

After I finished my residency in Cleveland, I asked Dr. Scott

Campbell, the director of the Firelands Regional Medical

Center Emergency Room, if there might be a job for me here.

I liked the staff in the ER and the hospital in general. They

were friendly and helpful, and I enjoyed working with them.

Before I did my rotations, the only time I had been to

Sandusky was to go to Cedar Point. But during the two

years I lived here, I developed an appreciation for what

the area has to offer. There is plenty to do, and I enjoy

all the different lake activities. Sandusky has everything

you need but still has a small-town atmosphere. The

people are welcoming and neighborly. And it was close

to Carey, where some of my family still lives. My wife and

I bought a house and plan to stay here for quite a while.


2019 Annual Report

Jared Lizzi, D.O.

Emergency Medicine

The practice of emergency medicine includes the initial

evaluation, diagnosis, treatment, coordination of care

among multiple providers, and disposition of any patient

requiring expeditious medical, surgical, or psychiatric care.

I grew up listening to stories about Firelands

Regional Medical Center from my mom, Rosemary,

who was a secretary in the pathology department

for many years. Hearing about her experiences is

the reason I became interested in medicine.

I attended Ohio University Heritage College of Osteopathic

Medicine in Athens after my undergraduate school at

Heidelberg University in Tiffin, Ohio. The first two years of

medical school are spent in the classroom, and the third

and fourth-year students complete rotations in the clinical

setting at teaching hospitals. I did both of my clinical years

at Firelands. I was in my third year of medical school, and

I still hadn’t decided what type of medicine to practice.

Then two experiences led me to emergency medicine.

My lung collapsed, and I had to go to the Firelands ER,

where I later completed a rotation. From that moment

on, I was sold on emergency medicine. I like how ER

physicians do a little bit of everything. You have to be

ready for whatever comes through the door. I enjoy

the controlled chaos that is emergency medicine.

After I completed my residency at Marietta Memorial

Hospital in Marietta, Ohio, I came home. I grew up in

Huron and like the area. I wanted to live and work here

to be close to my family. ER Docs, the medical group

that staffs the Firelands emergency room, asked

me to join their practice. I happily accepted.

I like that Firelands is a community hospital instead

of a large institution. The doctors, nurses, techs,

and the entire team are more like a family instead

of co-workers. I enjoy working at a place where I

like to be, and with people I consider my family.

Lawrence McCormack, M.D.


Gastroenterology is the study of the normal function and

diseases of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, colon

and rectum, pancreas, gallbladder, bile ducts, and liver.

I graduated from the Ohio State University Medical School

and served my internship and internal medicine residency

at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. My father,

who was a pathologist, had trained there, and I was familiar

with the institution and the area.

I originally planned to pursue a career in nephrology, but

in the 1970s, the specialty was in its infancy. Nephrologists

had to make their own dialysis machines, and I wasn’t

mechanically inclined. I did a rotation in gastroenterology

and loved it. I did a three-year gastroenterology fellowship

at Scripps University in La Jolla, California, one year in

research and two years in clinical work.

I’m from the east side of Cleveland and wanted to come back

to the Cleveland area when I finished my fellowship. One of

my Ohio State classmates who was from Sandusky told me

the hospitals in town were looking for a gastroenterologist

and that I should check it out. My wife and I visited in

January of 1978 just after a giant snowstorm. I remember

the hospital administration didn’t think they’d ever convince

me to come to Ohio from California, but I was from the east

side of Cleveland and was used to snow.

I was the first and only gastroenterologist in Sandusky for

five years. I was able to recruit Dr. Martin Beerman, which

helped tremendously. Dr. David Hykes joined us about eight

years ago, and this summer Dr. Cameron Ditty started his

practice in Sandusky.

For the size of our community Firelands Regional Medical

Center is a very accomplished hospital. We have a solid base

of family practice and subspecialty physicians that can serve

most of the community’s healthcare needs. There’s not much

that we can’t do. Firelands is also a very friendly hospital.

The administration and medical staff get along very well.

In many hospitals, particularly those in bigger cities, that

isn’t the case.

As far as I’m concerned, Sandusky is an undiscovered gem.

Coming here was the right choice for my family and me.

2019 Annual Report 29

Richard D. Patterson, Jr., M.D.


Radiologists are medical doctors that specialize in

diagnosing and treating injuries and diseases using

medical imaging (radiology) procedures (exams/tests)

such as X-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic

resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine, positron

emission tomography (PET) and ultrasound.

I attended undergraduate school at Miami University of

Ohio in Oxford and medical school at the University of

Cincinnati College of Medicine in Cincinnati. I served a fiveyear

residency at Case Western Reserve University Hospitals

were I received diagnostic radiology training and developed

CT guided interventional skills. I finished my education with

a one-year fellowship at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation,

where I developed ultrasound guided interventional skills.

I chose the field of radiology because I like the role

radiologists play in overall patient care. I enjoy the analytical

problem solving involved in helping clinicians make a

diagnosis. Sometimes radiologists can confirm a diagnosis,

and other times he or she can redirect the pathway to finding

a diagnosis. I also like performing image-guided procedures,

both diagnostic and therapeutic. Although mostly behind the

scenes, radiologists are a very integral part of medical care.

I like the old world charm of Sandusky. Everyone is so

welcoming and helpful. I’m sure being on the shores of

Lake Erie is a draw for everyone, but for me, I can’t get

enough of Cameo’s pizza!

Firelands Regional Medical Center provides physicians

an uncommon combination: the ability to offer all the

personalized care of a community hospital and access

to the newest and finest technology that is typically only

available in a large metropolitan hospital.

The Firelands Department of Radiology is truly my work

family. The nurses and technologists are well trained. The

goal every day is to work together as a team to provide the

best patient care. Our administrators are focused not only

on the “health” of our hospital but also on fostering

a positive work environment, allowing for exceptional

collaboration and patient care.

Mourhaf Traboulssi, MD, FACC


Cardiology is the field of medicine that specializes in

diagnosing and treating diseases of the heart, blood

vessels, and circulatory system. These diseases include

coronary artery disease, heart rhythm problems, and

heart failure.

I received my Doctor of Medicine degree at the University

of Damascus in Syria and served on the faculty of Human

Medicine at the university for two years. I completed my internal

medicine internship and cardiology fellowship at the University

of Louisville Hospitals, Louisville, Kentucky. After I finished

my education, I came to Firelands Regional Medical Center.

I was drawn to cardiology because it combines all the exciting

aspects of medicine. I like how cardiology requires you to use

your brain, your hands, and the latest technological techniques

to treat patients.

When I was recruited to join the Firelands medical staff

twenty-one years ago, the hospital was beginning its heart

program. I was intrigued by the idea of being part of the

team that would build the program from the ground up. I

thought the task would be both challenging and rewarding.

I’ve always been impressed with the Firelands administration

and staff. The hospital has a small town, friendly atmosphere,

but provides complex, sophisticated care. My colleagues and

I can offer the type of treatment we were trained to do. Firelands

provides physicians with state-of-art equipment and technology

that enables us to perform procedures and treatment that

are usually only available at larger healthcare institutions.

As a result, I am able to specialize in general cardiology,

nuclear cardiology, echocardiography, transesophageal

echocardiography, and cardiac catheterization.

Another advantage is how fabulous my patients are. Even

though I’m from another country, my patients are very friendly

and accommodating. I like them tremendously. I also like the

Sandusky area because of the many lake activities and the

proximity to such larger cities as Cleveland, Toledo, and Detroit.

I came to the United States for two main reasons. I had family

here, and I wanted to pursue advanced training in cardiology,

which was not available in Syria. I am very happy with the

decision I made.


2019 Annual Report

Bo Zhao, MD

Hematology and Oncology

Oncologists diagnose and treat cancers of all types. They use diagnostic tools like

biopsies, endoscopies, X-rays and other imaging, nuclear medicine, and blood tests.

Cancer surgeons, or surgical oncologists, remove tumors, while medical oncologists

treat cancers with chemotherapy. Radiation oncologists use multiple forms of radiation

to eliminate tumors.

I graduated from Dalian Medical University, China, in 1996, with a Bachelor of

Medicine degree. I pursued postgraduate training in general surgery and obtained

a Master of Medical Sciences degree in 1999, followed by a Doctor of Medicine degree

from Peking University Health Sciences in 2002. I then came to the United States,

where I did postdoctoral research at the University of Kentucky and Mount Sinai School

of Medicine. My research focus was on mutagenesis and tumorigenesis. I served my

residency in internal medicine at RWJ Barnabas Hospital in New Jersey, followed by

my hematology and oncology fellowship training at the Cleveland Clinic. In addition to

practicing at University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Center at Firelands Regional Medical

Center, I am a clinical assistant professor at Case Western Reserve University School of

Medicine. At Firelands, I practice general hematology and oncology, and I’m the cancer

committee’s co-chair.

I’ve been naturally drawn to the medical sciences, but my interest in oncology came from

family experiences with cancer. My grandfather and mother both had the disease, and my

wife struggled with breast cancer nine years before she passed away.

My research in the biology of cancer has given me a good foundation in understanding

how the disease works at a molecular level, which in turn helps me guide my patients

during such a difficult time. I can help them better understand their treatment and the

disease itself. Because of my family’s experience with cancer, I can relate to their situation

better and understand their fears and concerns. Everyone’s cancer is different. I tailor

my approach and treatment to each individual, depending on a variety of factors.

Coming to the United States enabled me to participate in advanced research possibilities

and training. I enjoy living in the Sandusky area, and I like the people here. They are downto-earth

and very easygoing. We’re not that far from Cleveland, where I have a lot of friends,

and I can stay in touch with them. Working at Firelands provides me a unique opportunity to

provide quality cancer care to area residents in a smaller city. You don’t have to travel far to

receive state-of-the-art treatment. For example, we currently have twenty-five clinical trials

available to patients. I like the multi-disciplinary team we have and enjoy being part of it.

2019 Annual Report 31




The Thomas M.

Routh Family

Heart Fund

After Thomas M. Routh,

the President of the

J.H. Routh Packing

Company and Chairman

of the Firelands Regional

Medical Center’s Board

of Trustees unexpectedly

passed away in October

2018, his family began

exploring ways to

commemorate the life

of their beloved husband,

father, grandfather,

uncle, and brother.

“We wanted to do something that would not only

honor Tom but help people as well. Tom was a

very giving, kind man who helped many people

during his life. We wanted to recognize his strong

commitment to others,” explains Martha Routh

Taylor, Tom’s sister.

The Routh family, which owned the JH Routh Packing

Company in Sandusky for generations, has a long history

of philanthropy.

“It’s related to our faith,” says Martha. “Our grandparents,

John H. and Helen Routh were devout Christians who

always emphasized the value of kindness and caring

for others.”

Their oldest son, Robert M. Routh, served as president

of Routh Packing for many years, continuing the tenets

of faith and service.


2019 Annual Report

Under Tom’s leadership, the company’s board of directors

established the Robert M. Routh Memorial Fund as a resource

for the family to advance the values of Christianity and aid those

in need. Tom’s family decided to contribute to The Foundation

for Firelands to create a Heart Fund to assist cardiac patients

with financial needs. Tom’s wife, Chris, and their children thought

it appropriate since Tom died of cardiac complications.

The Foundation for Firelands created the Routh Family Heart

Fund with the generous donation in 2019 to serve cardiac

patients who are uninsured or underinsured. The fund has helped

patients who have suffered a heart attack and require a device

called a LifeVest. LifeVest is an external defibrillator, which

prevents sudden cardiac death until an automatic implantable

cardiac defibrillator can be placed in the patient. As many as 1

in 36 patients will experience sudden cardiac arrest within the

first month after suffering a massive heart attack. Still, medical

guidelines and Medicare requirements prohibit an implantable

defibrillator from being inserted in patients for forty days. The

LifeVest is the best treatment for these patients. This device

provides peace of mind for patients and their families.

Unfortunately, some insurance companies do not cover the

considerable cost of renting a life-saving device. Due to the

generosity of the Routh Family Heart Fund, patients can obtain

the LifeVest.

Tom Routh was a humble, generous

and kind man who had an unwavering

commitment to Firelands and the health

and well-being of our community,” says

Alice Springer, director of development

for the Foundation for Firelands. “We

are very grateful to the Routh family for

continuing their legacy of giving and

remembering Tom with such a thoughtful

and truly needed gift.

2019 Annual Report 33


2019 Annual Report

Thank you to

the following

2019 generous


who have

provided gifts

that help our

care team

respond to

the healthcare

needs of our


2019 Annual Report 35




A Perfect Pixel Photography

Larry and Mary Aaron

Andrea Absher

Brett and Hillary Adams

Courtney Adkins

Advanced Neurologic Associates, Inc

Max hner

Ahoy Inn Guesthouse

Dr. Rajender and Rita Ahuja

Antonio and Margaret Alcala

Lee and Nick Alexakos

Dexter Alexander

Brian and Kristin Allen

AllianceBernstein L.P.

Tatiana Alperovich and Dr. Mikhail Kirnus

American Colors, Inc

Ike Amison

Kathy Amison

Tina Ammanniti

The Ancora Group, INC

Chris Antel

Kathy Archibald

Maria Arellano Arroyo

Linda Armstrong

Jane and Christopher Arnold

Debbie Artino

Mary Ary

Erica Ashford

Ronald and Dorothy Atkinson

Dawn Austin

Cesare Avallone

Dr. Christopher and Melissa Avendano

AVI FoodSystems

Tom and Marilyn Aylward

Dr. Michael and Patricia Babiuch

John Bacon

Joy Bahnsen

Baird Foundation, Inc

Ellen Baker

Lisa Balconi

Macy Balduff

Jo Ballard

Justin Ballinger

Kandy Banahan

Bank of America

Sharon and Bob Barnes

Barnes Wendling


Trisha Barth

Blanche Batesole

Mary and Dan Bauer

Laraine Bauer

Krystan Bauer

Bethany Bauman

Kevin Baxter

Dr. Yuerong Bayer

Sandie Beal

Lawrence and Marianne Bedee

Dr. Martin and Karlynn Beerman

Susan and David Behrens

Jessica Belcher

Jackie Bellamy

Christina Belmont

Abbey Bemis

Giovanni Bendetta

Dr. Steven and Melanie Benedict

Marlene and Andrew Benko

Arlyn and Candace Bensch

Joanne Berardi

Lindsay Berger

Terri and Peter Bergman

Ursula Beseler

Julia Beverick

Tammy Biglin

Patricia Bignoli

Angela Billman

Barb Biltz

Ann Bingham


Dr. Michael Blank and Dr Kari Ketvertis

David and Patricia Blatt

Mike and Terri Bleile

Andrea Blumensaadt

Stacy and Tim Boals

Monica Boda

Mary Baumgartner and Michael Bode

Sarah Bodi

Amy Bohn-Green

Charles and Consetta Boles

Travis and Dawn Bonnett

Jaime Borders

Patricia Bordner

Steve Bowe

Kim Bowie

Erica Bowman

Dick and Debe Brady

Lisa and Justin Brady

Gurli Branco

Phyllis and Joe Bransky

Daniel and Jean Brattain

Dr. Dale and Maura Braun

Jon Brausch

Breast Cancer Fund of Ohio

Pamela Bressler

Bridge HomeCare Partners, LLC

Thorvald and Ruth Brink

Cindy Brink

Karen Brixie

Joan Brock

Jim and Barb Brossia

Matt and Amber Brotzki

Blendia Brown

Lori and Doug Brown

Judith Brown

Steven and Elaine Brown

Susan Brown

Karen and Leo Brown

Kristy Brownell

Barbara Brownlow

Francis Brozena

Jennifer Brubaker

Mark and Jennifer Bruyere

Buckeye Broadband

Buckingham Asset Management, LLC

Jody Buller

Anna Bundren

Sally Burger

Tamara Burt

Katie Busch

Joey Butcher

Joe and Kim Buti

Celene Cahlik

Jim and Sandy Cairelli

Cameo Pizza

Dr. Scott and Paula Campbell

Tracey Campbell

Scott Canfield


2019 Annual Report

The Canning Family

Heather Cantu

Jennifer Capizzi

Julie Capodice

Tina Capodice

Tony Caponi

Jaime Caporini

Kenneth and Sharon Carbary

Card Club Members

Reggie Carter

Thomas and Ann Cassidy

Angela Catalano

Catawba Island Club

Julia Catlett

Cedar Corner

Cedar Fair Entertainment Company

Cedar Point

CHI Living Communities

Ralph Chamberlain

Mark and Susan Charlton

Jacqueline Chasteen

Susie Cheek

Margaret Cheetham

Angela Chesser

Debbie Chesser

Richard and Lori Choquette

City of Sandusky

Civista Bank

Karen Claar

Alvin and Laurie Clair

Jacquie and David Clark

Josh and Jen Clark

Clark Business Solutions, LLC

Amy and Mark Claus

Barb Clemons

Cleveland Browns

Amanda Cloud

Mary Cmar

Ingrid Coiffard

Julia Colavincenzo

The Commons of Providence

Community Hospitalists

Carrie Condon

Dr. Thomas and Laura Conley

Jessica Conrad

Christina Coons

Dr. Marsha Cooper

Tonia Copsey

Jennifer Cordle

Corso’s Flower & Garden Center

Diana Corwin

Christy Cox

Susan Cramer

Andrea Crawford

Lisa and Jim Crescimano

Laura and Billy Criscione

Jayme and Bill Criscione

Cheryl and Jim Crooks

Darlene and Jason Crooks

Alex Cruey

Barb Curran

Barbara Curtis

Sarah Curzydlo

Connie Dagg

Kathleen Dahmen

James Dahnke

Jeff and Sandy Dalton

Becky and Joe Dandurand

Lauren Daniels

Susan Daugherty

Stephen and Phyllis Davey

Sue Davison

Nichole Dehn

Michael Delahunt

Brenda and Rich Delamatre

Marsha Delor Opalk

Gene Delp

Scotia Delpercio

Cindy and Frank DeLuca

Kimberly Deming

Patricia Demuth

Dr. Nick and Heidi Denbesten

Daria Deno

Robert Densmore

Dr. Anthony and Colette DeRiso

Christine Desalle

Concetta Di Rosa

Dick and Donna Dibbs

Ashley Dickman

Jessica Didion

Stephanie Diederich

Jennifer Dietrich

Erin and Ryan Dillard

Kristi Dillery

Joseph and Anita Donahue

Cynthia Donahue

Sharon Dorman

The Randolph J. & Estelle

M. Dorn Foundation

Tim Dorsey Fitness

Elizabeth and Dan Dower

Angela Downs

Martyn Drabik-Hamshare

Arlene Druckenmiller

Virginia Duff

Becky Dukeman

David and Lindsay Dunn

Amy and Kevin Durbin

Donna Durbin

Holly Duttera

Mike Eaton

MaryEllen and Greg Edinger

Dr. Essam Elashi

Judy and Marv Elliott

Dr. Daniel Elskens

Holly and Jarret Ensign

ER Doc, Inc.

Kate Erf

Erie County Community Foundation

Dr. David Ernst and Christine Barry

Steve and Amy Ernst

Roberta Espejo

Tony Esposito

Julie Etherington

Shelly Everett and Rob Kreimes

Alli Evert

Elizabeth and Gregory Eytchison

Mary Jane and Lyle Faber

Scott Fais

Fancy Me Boutique

Anna Fantozzi

Traci Fay

Jolene Felder

David Fenn

Beth and Kody Ferguson

Jennifer Filpo

Findley, Inc.

Dave Finger

Jenae and Sean Finneran

Sukie and Rich Finneran

Firelands Regional Medical Center

Accounting Department

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Auxiliary

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Behavioral Health and

Quality Departments

Firelands Regional Medical Center

Cancer Center Team

2019 Annual Report 37




Firelands Regional Medical Center

Education Department

Firelands Regional Medical Center

Environmental Services Team

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Home Health Team

Firelands Regional Medical Center

Human Resources Department

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Laboratory Team

Firelands Regional Medical Center

Marketing Department

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Medical Staff Team

Firelands Regional Medical Center

Patient Accounts Department

Firelands Regional Medical Center

Physical Therapy, Occupational

Therapy and Speech Therapy Team

Firelands Regional Medical Center

School of Nursing Faculty and Staff

Firelands Symphony Orchestra

Laverne Fish

Fisher-Titus Medical Center

Dawn Fitt

Julie Flesher

Tim Force

Marilyn and Tom Forster

Cyndi Foster

Sandy and Wayne Foster

Paul Fox & Sons Excavating LTD

Theodate E Francis Irrevocable Trust

Candy and Gary Frankowski

Ashley Franks

Josh and Jennifer Frederick

Breanne Fredrick

Ellen Frias

Diana and Donald Frost

The Frost-Parker Foundation

Kathleen and Lawrence Furlong

Darla Gaiser

Nancy Gallagher

Sally Galloway

Tasha Gama

Roberta Gangl

Vickie Gardner

Dr. Jeffrey and Mary Garman

Jane and Roger Garner


Martha and Arthur Gerold

Lupe Gessner

Ghostly Manor Thrill Center

Kristi and Ben Gibson

Catherine Gilchrist

Venita Gilchrist

Gilmore Jasion Mahler, LTD

Jesse Gingrich

Patricia Glasgow

Susan Glenn

Marcia Goff

The Goff Family

Lara Goldberg

Marcia Goodsite

Kathy and Nick Gordon

William Gosser

Glenda Gray

Great Lakes Chart Company

Gretchen Scott

Beth and Don Grieves

Wally Grinnell, Sr

Emily Gronberg

Bonita Gropp

Jude Guerra

Peggy Guerra

Shannon and Jerry Guerra

Tracy and Ron Guerra

Roger and Deborah Gundlach

Dr. Donald and Mary Ann Gustovich

Brittany Gutschalk

Lorraine Haerr

Steve Hafner

Juanita Hall

Jackie Hamernik

Jessica Hamm

Maria Hammons

Erica Hanko

Ritchey Hansen

Sandra and Troy Hansen

Lucille and Carl Hanson

Barb and Jack Haplea

Cindy and Bob Hare

Harley Ellis Devereaux

Debra Harren

Mary Ellen and Jim Hart

Roland Hart

Lauri and Craig Hartman

Beth Hartz

Alissa Harvey

Jeanette Harvey

Dr. Chris and Kathleen Hassett

Sue Hedrick

Dr. John Helmkamp

Lisa and Chuck Hemker

Brittany Hemmer

Sarah Henkel

Christopher and Marcy Henry

Greg Hensel

Lori Hernandez

Kurt and Paige Hernon

Dr. Timothy Herron

The Joseph and Olive Hert

Charitable Trust

Sharon and Dave Herzer

John and Gayle Heston

Hilarities, Pickwick and Frolic

John and Marie Hildebrandt

Mary Jane and Frank Hill

Lisa and Greg Hill

Dianne Hillman

Carrie Himmelman

HNI Healthcare

James Hoffman

Linda and Richard Hohler

Ellen Hohler

Martin Holkovic

Helen Holl

Amber and Jason Holland

Quinn Holler

The Hologic Charitable Fund at

The San Diego Foundation

Elaine Holtz

Pamela Holzaepfel

Rian Honaker

Dr. Young and Jae Hong

Carl Hopfinger

Lisa and Todd Horchler

Dr. Judith and Jeffery Horchler

John and Sherry Hoty

House of Blues


2019 Annual Report

Dan Howell

Kathy Hower

John Hufnagle

Terence Hunady

Susan Hunt

Nykyta Hunter

Bryan Huntley

Tom and Tricia Hutchison

Dr. David and Nicole Hykes

Industrial Nut Corporation

Integrative Massage Therapy

Andrea Itzkowitz

Dr. Fred and Connie Itzkowitz

Jamie James

Karen and Carl James

Janotta & Herner

Rick and Gayle Jeffrey

Lee and Sandra Jewett

Dr. Anupam Jha

Dr. Yuying Jiang

Jimmy John’s

Rhonda and Craig Johnson

Sheri Johnson

Gary and Sally Johnson

Emily Johnson

Erika Johnson

Maren and James Johnston

Edward D Jones

Phillip Jordan

Shelly and Tim Jordan

Deborah Jordan

Patrick Joreski

Dr. Niharika Juwarkar

K & K Home Furnishings

Kalahari Resorts and Conventions

Jenny Kaple

Marybeth Kaser

Bryan Kasper

Cynthia and Jerry Kasper

Kasper T.S., Inc.

Ted Kastor

Paul Keech

Dr. Dan and Sharon Kelderhouse

Carol Keller

Dr. Richard and Michaele Keller

Laura and Dan Keller

Michael Kelley

The Kelley’s Island Wine Company

Connie Kendrick

Gloria Kenne


Mary Ann and Gene Kidwell

Donna Kieffer

Kevin Kieffer

Dr. Kyung H Kim Family Legacy Fund

Judy and Dick Kinzel

Amber Klein

Joan Kline

Judith and Richard Klotz

Beth Kluding

Renee and Thomas Kluding

Luella Knight

Belinda and Robert Knoll

Melissa and Paul KochLeah Koch

Betty Koehler

Barbara Koenig

Brian and Jill Kollars

Susan G. Komen Northwest Ohio Affiliate

Dennis and Susan Kopco

Peter and Marsha Kowalski

Leticia Kozbial-Brown

Edward and Delores Krause

Barbara Kresser

Kurt Kresser

Katherine Kromer

Chris Kromer

Edward Krystosik

Sara Kuba

Zane and Lisa Kuhl

Dr. Bryan Kuns

Lori Kuns

Emily Kuns

Andra and Ross Kurtz

Alan and Kaye Kuzell

Debbie Kyle

Dr. Paul Laffay and Dr. Elizabeth Laffay

Kayla and Alex Lakner

Rhonda Lang

Richard Larson

Jason Lawhead

Barbara and Jim Lawhead

Linda Leahy

Cathy Leal

Donald and Diane Leck

Mike and Halley Leffler

Dr. Don and Michael Lenhart

Barb and Dan Lesch

Lori Levorchick

Colleen Lewis

Steve and Sharon Lichtcsien

Dr. Kristopher and Sandra Lindbloom

Connie Link

Kathleen Linz

Cheyanna Littlejohn

Rosemary Lizzi

Gloria Lloyd

Lori and Jeff Logan

Lord Abbett Investment

Missie Lowrey

Kurt and Deborah Loyd

The Luckiest Collection

Diana Lundy

Cynthia Lusk

Ted Lux

Steven and Rhonda Lynch

Kula Lynch

Richard and Gia Lynch, Jr.

The Maca Root Juice Bar & Eatery

David and Christine Mack

Rachael Macko

Sibley Mahler

Mary Majoy

Darren Majoy

Jordan and Keri Manlet

Dave and Diane Marcus

Liz and Mark Marinik

Elizabeth Markley

Patty and Dennis Martin

Sandra Martinez

Jose Martinez

Emily and Mark Martucci

Mary B Myers

Steve and Sara Massello

Dr. Eric and Jody Mast

Beth and Bob Mathews

Jamie and Rob Mathews

Mathews Ford Lincoln

Jeanne Mattern, PhD

George C Matthes

Beverly Matthews

Mary Matthias

Barbara Mayer

Catherine Mayle

Tim Mayles

Joel Mazza

James McBride

Cherie McCleese

2019 Annual Report 39




Jason and Kim McClure

Dr. Lawrence and April McCormack

Lee and Anne McDermond

Laura McDowell

Gregg McDowell

Cynthia McGinnis

Anne and Jim McGookey

Ann and Carl McGookey

Holly and Peter McGory

Dr. Pat and Elaine McGuinn

Mel McGuire Burns

Jody and Jay McKillips

Robin McNulty

John and Brenda McNulty

Medical Mutual

MEDNAX Services Inc.

Liz Meggitt

Jamie Meinelschmidt

Patricia Mellen

Dru and Tahnee Meredith

The Charles Merz and Evelyn

Scott Merz Memorial Fund

Kara and Josh Mesenburg

Sally Mesenburg

Jack and Dianna Mesnard

Gary Meyers

M-H Recycling

Dr. Stephen and Joanna Miely

Rene Mihalic

Mikey’s Frozen Yogurt

Duff and Gina Milkie

Jennifer Miller

Craig Miller

Jim and Martha Miller

Mackenzie Miller

Miller Boat Line

Laura Mincheff

Paula Mischler

Dr. Brad and Lisa Mitchel

Kristi Mitchell

Lisa Mize

Jo and John Moffitt

Jenna Molnar

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Ben Moncher

Dan Moncher

Theresa Ann Monn

Louise Moon

Connie Moore

Jo Moore

Rob Moore and Kathryn

Muehlhauser Moore

Autumn Morgan

Eric Morgan

Karen Mork

Pamela Morris

Mosser Construction, Inc.

Tiffany Motley

Marsha and Dr. Christopher Mruk

Joanne Mueller

Mulberry Street Properties LLC

Kathleen Mulvin

Marisa and Tony Munafo

Jodi Munk

Margaret Murray

Martha and Dennis Murray

Nolan Murray

John Muscetta

William and Linda Muthig

The Mylander Foundation

Kaitlynn Napholz

National Automobile Dealers

Automobile Charitable Foundation

National Christian Foundation

Navin, Haffty and Associates

Don Nelson

Dustin and Lori Ness

Network for Good

The New York Community Trust

Morgan Newcomer

Heather Newkirk

Jason Ninke

Noble Axes

Marsha Noftz

NOMS Eye Care

NOMS Foundation

Jeremy and Abigail Normington-Slay

Deborah North

Dr. Karl Oberer

Kristina and Greg O’Brien

Oglesby Construction Inc

Marianne O’Halla

Tina O’Hara

Dr. Thomas Olexa

Tricia Oliver

Rene Oltman

David and Susan Omlor

Cathy Ontko

Dana Opfer

Ron Opfer

Sarah and Jared Opfer

Claire and Corey Opfer

Julie and Ed Opfer

Dorothy Osborn

Osborn Engineering

Paddle & Climb

Heidi Painter

Paper Moon Vineyards

Carolyn Parrish

Denise Parrish

Dr. Kenneth and Louanne Parschauer

Dr. Frank and Kathleen Parzynski

Amanda Paseka

Theodore Patrick

Tricia Patten

Paul Motry Memorial Fund

Payne Nickles & Company

Pediatrix Medical Group, Inc

Pelz Lettering Inc

Patricia Pepitone

Harry and Paula Perdue

Damian Perkins

Perkins Cheer Club

Perkins Restaurant & Bakery

Deb Perrin

Perry proTech

Dr. Baird Pfahl, Jr.

Sheila Pfanner

Morgan Pfeiffer

Gary and Pat Pisarsky

Alyce and Rosario Piscitello

Larry and Laurie Pitts

Plante Moran, PLLC

Nancy and Skip Plesnarski

Plum Brook Country Club

Matt and Nadine Pompeani

Connie Porter

Michelle and Bill Porter, Jr

Judy Porterfield

George and Michele Poulos

Poulos + Schmid Design Group, Inc.


2019 Annual Report

Michael and Sarah Prout

Providence Care Center

Sue Pullano

Susan Pumphrey

Josh Querin

Jim Raimondo

Donald Rausch

RE/MAX Quality Realty - Linda

Armstrong & The A Team

Patricia Redding

John Rees

Dr. Amy and JJ Reese

Rosemary Reidy

Jennifer Reiman

Melissa Reinbolt

Reminger Co., LPA

Paula and Dave Rengel

Revenue Group

Harold Rew

Beth Rhodes

Deborah Rhodes

Dr. Robert and Brenda Rice

Mitchell Rice

Christine Richardson

Dr. David and Dana Riemann

Marilyn E. Ries

Dr. Kathleen Rinkes

Gina Risaliti

Val and Steve Ritzenthaler

Dr. Larry and Emily Robinson

Rick and Joanna Rocco

Tanya and Don Roesch

Cathy and Dave Rogers

Janice Rolsten

Virginia Rosebrook

Charles Rosenbaum

Nicki Rospert

Kelly Ross

Ralph Roth

Lyle and Betty Ann Rowe

Janine Rowland

Ronald Ruble

Barbara Ruggles

Marcia Russ

Karen Russell

Dr. Tom and Jean Russin

Sylvia Ruthsatz

Denao and Jackie Ruttino

Jalicia Ruttino

RxPreferred Benefits

Martha Ryan

Robert and Beverly Ryan

S & D Capital Family

S & H Blinds & Floors

Neal and Nancy Sabino

Lynn Sackett

Sylvia Sackett

Safe and Reliable Limousine

Jeffrey Saffran

Dr. Farid and Rosie Said

Michelle and Jason Salis

Jacqueline Salter

Dr. Eugene Sanders

Leslie Sandles

Sandusky Fireworks Super Store

Sandusky State Theatre

Sandusky Yacht Club

Sanofi Genzyme

Marty Sawicki

Sawmill Creek Shops

Mark Schababerle

Judy Schaeffer

Rachel Schaffer

Walter Schaufler

Dr. James and Carol Scherger

Marianne Schmidt

Mary Ann Schmitt

Harold Schonhardt

Kimberly Schreiner

Bev and Jim Schrickel

Jeanne Schroeder

Tara Schuster

Steve and Valerie Schuster

Ryan and Meagan Scott


Molly Selinsky

Sellers Publishing

Christine Selmen

Jim and Jody Sennish

Arthur and Barbara Shaffer

Jaymie Shanker

Erica Sharkey

Shannon Shaw

Dr. Karen Sheehan and Brian Cockrell

Carol Sheldon

Pat and Cam Shenigo

Mary Kay Shepherd

Derrick Shepherd

Lisa Sheppard

David Shipley

Laurel Shober

Jason Shupe

Tarina Sidoti

Michelle and Paul Siegfried

Ron Siehda

Ronald Silverwood

Carol Simpson

Liz and Kim Skrinak

Kelly Slater

Mary Slattery

David and Tammy Slauterbeck

Amanda Smith

Bill Smith

Charles and Michele Smith

Greg Smith

Katherine and Tyson Smith

Lois Smith

Patricia Smith

Shannon Smith

Steve and Kathryn Smith

William Smith, III

Pamela Smith-Droll

Marilyn Snedden

Marty Sofia

Kaleen Soisson

Annette Solet

Carrie Solly

Rosaria and James Sortino

Lisa Sortino

The SOS Group

Spa Kalahari

Mike and Casey Sparks

Spartina 449

Speak of the Devil

Linda and David Speer

Robert and Martha Speers

Martha Sperry

Jim and Laura Spicer

Michael and Joann Spisak

Jessica Spooner

JoAnn and Judson Spore

Sports Facilities Management LLC

Bill and Alice Springer

Derek Sprouse

Janet Sprow

Robert and Lori Stacy

Craig and Sue Stahl

Angela Stanley

Sherry Stanley

Sean and Kerry Steffanni

Charlie and Pat Steffanni

James and Penny Steffanni

The Sam S. and Rose Stein Foundation

2019 Annual Report 41




Tessa Steinemann

Christina Steinmetz

Carol Steuk

Jessica and William Steuk

Jessica Stevens

Lisa Stevens

Amanda Stickles

Lenora Stiger

Martin and Sandra Stites

Becki and John Stock

Kelly Stockner

Laurie Storer

Jim and Heather Stouffer

Dr. Leanne Strack

Melodie Streng

Lee Summers

DJ and Angela Swearingen

Keith and Lauren Sweigert

Lisa Syverson

Elizabeth Taylor

Shelby Taylor

Martha Taylor and the

Thomas Routh Family

Tea 2 Sea

Susan Teagarden

Telamon Construction, Inc

Donald and Donna Terek

Lori and Tom Theisen

Heather Thomas

Jake Thomas

Ron Thompson

Deb Timm

Melissa Tinney

James and Ann Todd

John Tolaro

Tom’s Cruz Limousine

Ed Torres

Robert and Sharon Traut

Melinda Trejo

Tromi Corp

True Alpha Wealth Management

Maria Trump

Cathleen Tucker

Herb Turner

Bill Turton

Jen and Jason Tusing

Tusing Builders and Roofing Services

UIS Insurance and Investments

Ultimate Software

Margaret Urban

Vacationland Federal Credit Union

Holly and Gary Valko

Kelly and Brad VanCauwenbergh

Tina Vara-Korotky

Dr. Albert and Karen Vargas

Kate Vargo

Megan Vaschak

Deb Vassar

Madeline Ventline

Dixie and Barry Vermeeren

David and Shelley Veverka

Cheryl Vickers

Mike Vickery

Vine and Olive

Jen and Dave Voight

Lori Volker

Morgan and Chuck Wadding

Zach Waddington

Dottie and Fred Waldock

Shirley and George Waldock

Linda Waldock

David Waller

Brett Ward

Casey Warner

Marni Warner

Sara Warner

Sydney Watson

Rhonda Watt

Greg and Amy Wearsch

Nichole Weatherwax

Angel Wechter

Stephanie Weisenburger

Cindy Weiss

Joan Welton


Kelly Whelan

Jennifer and Thomas Wensink

Kathy Werner

Ruth and John West

Jennifer West

Westbrook Country Club

Michele Westerman

Ryan Whaley

Lezlie and Tom Whaley

Susan Whelan

Mallory White

Jeffery White

Jim and Norma Wible

Wickens Herzer Panza

Leon and Mary Ellen Wieber

Michelle Wightman-Karrie Wieber

Charitable Foundation

Dawn and Ryan Wikel

Amy Wiles

Ted Willett

Mallory Williams

Matt Williams

Laurie and Mike Williamson

Carrie Wilson

Patricia and William Wilson

Wilson Sporting Goods

Timothy Wise

Eric and Jennifer Wobser

Thomas and Mary Wolf

Carol and Art Wolfe

Amy Wolfe

Jonathan Wolshuck

Kayla Worcester

Chrissy and Don Wostmann

Linda Wrenn

Dawn Wright

Teresa Wright

John Wright

Dr. Susie Wyse

Julie Yaratch

Mary Ellen and Donald Yontz

Stan Zaharewicz

Dr. Sherif Zaky

Elaine Zang

Bernhardt G. Zeiher

Jennifer Zemba

Carolynne Zettler

Dr. Bo Zhao

John Zielinski

Chris and Rich Zimmer

ZINC Brasserie

Amanda and James Zoellner


2019 Annual Report


Angel Donors

and their


Dr. Jean Paul Amegee by

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Dr. Timothy Amidon by

Bill and Alice Springer

Clover Andres by

April McCormack

Jessica Boreman by

April McCormack

Dr. Dale Braun by

Linda Reichenbach

Rebecca Brewer by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Andrew Brown by

Mary Kay Shepherd

Jennie Buchanan by

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Bill and Alice Springer

Dr. Jeffrey Buehrer by

Linda Reichenbach

Truc Bui by

Jo Ballard

Kiley Burris by

William and Patricia Wilson

Mekenna Bush by

Keri and Jordan Manlet

Stephanie Butler by

Gary and Sally Johnson

Care Team Providers at Firelands

Regional Medical Center by

Christine Antel

Kelly Cheesman by

Sandra Martinez

Holly Duttera by

Elaine Holtz

Alvin and Laurie St. Clair

Anne Ernsberger by

Gary Meyers

Angie Evans by

Mark and Susan Charlton

Jolene Felder by

Marsha Opalk

Firelands Regional Medical

Center 4th Floor Team by

Ronald Silverwood

Firelands Regional Medical

Center 4 North Team by

The Canning Family

Firelands Regional Medical

Center IT Team by

Tony Caponi

Firelands Regional Medical Center

Radiology Department by

David Fenn

Dawn Fitt by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Kay Fox by

Marsha Opalk

Dr. Susan Gallagher by

Marianne and Lawrence Bedee

Vickie Gardner by

Bill and Alice Springer

Erica Gast by

Mark and Susan Charlton

Rebecca Getz by

Cynthia McGinnis

Alex Goodrich by


Brook Green by

Jo Ballard

Derrick Grohe by

Marsha Opalk

Tanya Guthrie by

Sue Hedrick

Valerie Hall by

Marsha Opalk

Dawn Hohler by

Bill and Alice Springer

Kyle Homerick by

Giovanni Bendetta

Dr. David Hykes by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Makayla Jenkins by

Jeanne Schroeder

Dr. Anupam Jha by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Sharon Kelderhouse by

Giovanni Bendetta

Dr. Adam Kapler by

Patty and Dennis Martin

DeeDee Keckler by

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Quality Department

Beverly J. King by

Jody and Jay McKillips

Dr. Thomas Kramer by

Sally and Gary Johnson

Ryan Lesniewski by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Dr. John Liebenthal by

Beverly and Robert Ryan

Connie Link by

Bill and Alice Springer

Kylene Liphart by

Giovanni Bendetta

Cheyanna Littlejohn by

Sandra Martinez

Jenna Lizzi by

Michelle Rowe

Dr. W. Patrick McGuinn by

April McCormack

James and Penny Steffanni

Robin McNulty by

Jody and Jay McKillips

Nichole Merriman by

Marsha Opalk

Kristen Mossing by

Jody and Jay McKillips

Dr. Michael Murray by

Sharon Clifford

Dr. Mona Nataprawira by

Jody and Jay McKillips

Pam Nims by

Jody and Jay McKillips

Cindy Patterson by

Ted Lux

Barb Phillips by

Ted Lux

Dr. Brian Printy by


Kimberly Riedy by

Jody and Jay McKillips

Valerie Ritzenthaler by

Bill and Alice Springer

Megan Robertson by

Keri and Jordan Manlet

Dr. Eric Robinson by

April McCormack

Gary Meyers

Cheryl “Dee” Rodgers by

Lisa and Zane Kuhl

Martha Ruiz by

Penny and James Steffanni

2019 Annual Report 43

Deborah Scally by


Dr. Gregory Surfield by

David Martin

Lori Volker by


Amber Whaley by

The Canning Family

Josh Schloemer by

Giovanni Bendetta

Michael Schnittker by

Cynthia McGinnis

Julie Smith by

Cynthia McGinnis

Rebecca Smith by

Arlene Druckenmiller

Frank Thompson by

Kandy Banahan

Kevin Minger

Kara Timmons by

Sharon Clifford

Pablo Trevino by

April McCormack

Jacqueline Turner by

Marsha Opalk

Jill Watters by

Keri and Jordan Manlet

Dr. Thomas Williamson by

Ronald Ruble

Linda Reichenbach

Justin Ward by

Sandra Martinez

Shelly Wicker by

Laurie and Mike


Ann Witter by

Kandy Banahan

Kevin Minger

Dr. Christopher Yontz by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Bob Zoellner by

Christine Antel


The donors listed made a

tribute gift in honor of

these special individuals

Dr. Steven Benedict by

Carol Sheldon

Dr. Dale Braun by

Ted Lux

John “Bev” Buller by

Jody Buller

Connie Dagg by

Kimberly Schreiner

Dr. Anthony DeRiso by

Neal and Nancy Sabino

Mary Ann Highlander by

Marianne O’Halla

Firelands Regional Medical Center

Plant Operations Department by

Jeremy and Abigail Normington-Slay

Firelands Regional Medical Center

Senior Management Team by

Jim Sennish

Ginger Rausch-Cusano by

Giovanni Bendetta

David Rengel by

Paula Rengel

Kimberly Schreiner by

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Cancer Center Team

Jim Sennish by

Jody Meisler-McKillips

Dr. Mourhaf Traboulssi by

Carol Sheldon

James O. Wible by

Bill and Alice Springer

Dr. Thomas Williamson by

Ronald Ruble

Carol Wolfe by

Laura Mincheff

Justin A. Zielinski by

John Zielinski


Paver donors and their honorees

Celina Bolding by

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Accounting Department

Lois “GG” Camp by

Jaime Caporini

Jennifer Cordle

Christine Desalle

Jennifer Filpo

Cyndi Foster

Shannon Shaw

Marni Warner

Mary Cmar by

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Cancer Center Team

Sue Coe by

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Environmental

Services Team

Sharon Cole by

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Environmental

Services Team

Lynn A. Grenier by

Amanda Zoellner

Richard Lentz by

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Environmental

Services Team

E. Vincent Schlicht, MD by

Robert Guss, Jr., Connie

Link, and Cheryl Crooks


2019 Annual Report

Doctors’ Day

The donors listed made a gift in honor of these physicians

who have positively impacted their lives

All Physicians by

Timothy Mayles

Donald Rausch

Virginia Rosebrook

Ralph Roth

Bill and Alice Springer

Dr. Rajender Ahuja by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Dr. Brian Baxter by

Betty Koehler

Dr. Yuerong Bayer by

Marcia Russ

Dr. Martin Beerman by

Louise Moon

Mike and Laurie Williamson

Dr. Steven Benedict by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Dr. James Berry by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Dr. Michael Blank by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Amy Braddock, NP by

Betty Koehler

Dr. Dale Braun by

Ted Lux

Dr. Paul Bruner by

Giovanni Bendetta

Dr. Mark Buehler by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Dr. Jeffrey Buehrer by

Susan and Mark Charlton

Dr. Scott Campbell by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Cassandra Case, NP-C by

Gloria Lloyd

Dr. Greg Cook by

Bill and Alice Springer

Dr. Marsha Cooper by

Louise Moon

Dr. Michael Felter by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Dr. Thomas Felter by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Heart Center

Physicians and Staff by

Juanita Hall

Dr. James Fish by

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Thomas Fleming by

Rosemary Riedy

Dr. Bill Fullum by

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Dennis Furlong by

Kathleen and

Lawrence Furlong

Dr. Jim Gallagher by

Gary and Pat Pisarsky

Dr. Susan Gallagher by

Mary Matthias

Rosemary Riedy

Dr. Satya Gorty by

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Jennifer Gould by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Dr. Young Hong by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Dr. Hassan Ibrahim by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Dr. Fredric Itzkowitz by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Louise Moon

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. G. Robert Kaftan by

Virginia Duff

Dr. Richard Keller by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Margaret Cheetham

Dr. Robert Kerro by

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Kari Ketvertis by

Gloria Lloyd

Dr. Brett Kuns by

John and Brenda McNulty

Dr. Brett Kuns and Staff by

Mary Jane and Lyle Faber

Dr. Paul Laffay by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Ingrid Coiffard

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Eric Mast by

Tom and Jean Russin

Dr. W. Patrick McGuinn by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Louise Moon

Dr. Brad Mitchell by

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Matthew Morrow by

Rosemary Riedy

Dr. David Mueller by

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Benjamin Murcek by

Luella Knight

Dr. Karl Oberer by

Gene Delp

Dr. Thomas Olexa by

Louise Moon

Dr. Richard Patterson by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Dr. Mark Pifer by

Rosemary Riedy

Dr. Brian Printy by

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Amy Reese by


Mary and Daniel Bauer

Dr. Amy Reese and Staff by

Alyce and Rosario Piscitello

Dr. Robert Rice by

Joan Kline

Dr. David Riemann by

Valerie and Stephen


Bill and Alice Springer

Kaitlyn Roseman, PA-C by

Gloria Lloyd

Dr. Karen Sheehan by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Patty and Dennis Martin

Dr. Scott Sheldon by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Dr. Leanne Strack by

Patty and Dennis Martin

Dr. Greg Surfield by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Louise Moon

Dr. John Swain by

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Dan Traetow by

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Albert Vargas by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Robert Vaschak by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Marcia Russ

Dr. Richard Visci by

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Jeffrey Ward by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Dr. Sandra Weaver-Emery by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Dr. Thomas Williamson by

Marsha Noftz

Donald and Mary

Ellen Yontz

Dr. Christopher Yontz by

Valerie and Stephen


Dr. Sherif Zaky by

Louise Moon

Dr. Bo Zhao by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Ursula Beseler

Louise Moon

2019 Annual Report 45

Memorial Gift Donors

The donors listed made a memorial gift in remembrance

of these special individuals who have touched their lives

Airica Mae Benko by

Andrew and Marlene Benko

Gregory P. Blouse by

Francis Brozena

Christina Coons

The Goff Family

Emily Gronberg

Sibley Mahler

Jeanne Mattern, PhD

Charles Rosenbaum

Mark Schababerle

Marianne Schmidt

Jaymie Shanker

Tina Vara-Korotky

Celina Bolding by

Arlyn and Candace Bensch

Daniel Moncher

Faculty and Staff of Firelands Regional

Medical Center School of Nursing

Bill and Alice Springer

Pearl Borthwick by

Carolyn Parrish

Captain Wilfred J. Brownlow by

Barbara Brownlow

Joan Butler by

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Clyde Cheetham by

Margaret Cheetham

Marc Coiffard by

Bill and Alice Springer

Patty Cressaty by

Nancy and Skip Plesnarski

Jack Criswell by

Jeff and Sandy Dalton

Christopher and Marcy Henry

Donald and Diane Leck

Robert and Lori Stacy

David and Shelley Veverka

Chuck Dagg by

Bill and Alice Springer

Dominic Dellisanti by

Bill and Alice Springer

Viola Densmore by

Robert Densmore

John Durbin by

Donna Durbin

Christopher Earhart by

Charles and Michele Smith

Frank G. “Jerry” Fantozzi by

Anna Fantozzi

Bevy E. Fish by

Laverne Fish

Charlie Fresch by

Mary Matthias

Vaughn Friend by

Faculty and Staff of Firelands Regional

Medical Center School of Nursing

Ida Garrard by

Deborah Artino

Philip Gaudiello by

Faculty and Staff of Firelands Regional

Medical Center School of Nursing

Donal Goff by

Marcia Goff

Tony Gorant by

Edward D. Jones

Patricia Grinnell by

Wallace Grinnell, Sr.

Bill Hoffman by

Daniel Moncher

Helen M. Hoffman by

Mary Matthias

Gwen Hufnagle by

John Hufnagle

Jacqueline Kaufman by

James and Sandra Cairelli

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Kyle Kenney by

Nancy and Skip Plesnarski

Patty Lang by

Harold Schonhardt

Joyce Leimbach by

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Marie Leser by

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Anthony J. Linz, DO by

Kathleen Linz

Marilyn M. Lippert by

Wallace Grinnell, Sr.

Isaac Alexander Manlet by

James and Ann Todd

Sheri Johnson

Bill and Alice Springer

Richard “Dick” J. Marshall by

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Daniel Moncher

Dona Maschari by

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

John G. Matthias by

Mary Matthias

Amy McDowell by

Laura McDowell

David Mehling by

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Michael D. Michaux by

Leon and Mary Ellen Wieber

Jean Miller by

Daniel Moncher

Paula and David Rengel

Carol Steuk

Jeff Miller by

Dr. James and Carol Scherger

Ethel Missler by

Carolyn Parrish

Louise Moon by

Mary and Daniel Bauer

Laura and Billy Criscione

Christine and David Mack

Daniel Moncher

Kayla and Alex Lakner

Eileen Mullens by

Leslie Sandles


2019 Annual Report

Tony Munafo, Sr. by

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Education Department

Michael Kelley

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Matt and Nadine Pompeani

Dr. David and Dana Riemann

Stan Zaharewicz

Jerry B. Murray by

Mary Matthias

Pam Nesgoda by

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Auxiliary

Madeline Parthemore by

Daniel Moncher

Bill and Alice Springe

Bill and Ruth Poesch by

Sylvia Ruthsatz

Thomas Routh by

The Routh Family

Martha and Jack Taylor

Kenneth Ruthsatz by

Sylvia Ruthsatz

Dr. Edward Vincent Schlicht by

Ann Bingham

Buckingham Asset Management, LLC

Richard and Debra Brady

( continued )

Judith Brown

Steve and Elaine Brown

Sally Burger

Sue Ellen Davison

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Medical Staff

Diana and Donald Frost

Nancy Gallagher

Martha and Arthur Gerold

Marie and John Hildebrandt

Richard and Linda Hohler

Kathy Hower

Jerry and Cynthia Kasper

Gene and Mary Ann Kidwell

Barbara Kresser

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Jo Moore

Dr. S. Baird Pfahl, Jr.

Judy Porterfield

Paula and Dave Rengel

S&D Capital Family

Kitty and Steve Smith

Marilyn Snedden

Bill and Alice Springer

JoAnn and Judson Spore

Carl and Barbara Toft

Frederick and Dorothy Waldock

Joan Welton

Dean E. Sheldon, Jr. by

Carol Sheldon

Ralph Sondergeld by

Blanche Batesole

Sarah Bodi

Ellen Frias

Melvyn J. and Mary Stauffer by

Jim and Mary Ellen Hart

Margaret Stephenson by

Firelands Regional Medical

Center Auxiliary

Doris Terek by

Donald and Donna Terek

Barbara Vance by

Paula and Dave Rengel

Jack Waldock, Sr. by

Lee and Anne McDermond

Daniel Moncher

Paula and Dave Rengel

Bill and Alice Springer

Jim and Norma Wible

Nancy Weeks by

Bill and Alice Springer

Robert Wyerman by

Nancy and Skip Plesnarski

Donald Yontz by

Bill and Alice Springer

Interested in

supporting patient

care at Firelands

Regional Health

System? It’s easy

to invest in the

good health of

your community!

Simply go to https://www.

ways-to-give/donate-online/; or,

Call The Foundation for Firelands

at 419-557-7150; or,

Mail a donation using the enclosed

remittance envelope to

The Foundation for Firelands

1111 Hayes Avenue

Sandusky, OH 44870

All gifts make a difference and will

help to enhance and save lives!

2019 Annual Report 47

Tom Weiber, volunteer Marsha Scott, volunteer Jae Wong, volunteer Zuki, Black Lab volunteer

Firelands Recognizes

2019 Dedicated


Volunteers at Firelands enhance every aspect of

the patient experience, from registration to discharge.

Their gifts of time are invaluable to everything we do.

Please join us in thanking the following individuals

who devote thousands of hours of service annually

to provide exceptional healthcare to our patients.

Jerry Adams

Marta Adelman

Heather Amezquita

Sherryl Balduff

Rhea Banks

Russell Bateson

Marilyn Beckman

Nancy Bickley

Judy Bouy

Elizabeth Bowers

Pat Bricker-Cook

Mary Ann Briehl

Susan Brooks

Karen Brown

Haley Brown

Carol Buderer

Patricia Cassidy

Sydney Cmar

Ingrid Coiffard

Catelynn Collins

Virginia Cook-Browne

June Copper

Marjorie Cremean

Jim Cremean

Janet Croom

Lois Cruse

Ruth Culver

Ann Daniel

Susan Daniel

Lois Dean

Dennis Deitenbeck

Gary Desmond

Rita Dominick

James Drumm

Kay Eash

Brandy Eddinger

JaCoreon England

Bonnie Faber

Takyra Fenderson

Trudie Ferguson

Daryle Ferguson

Kathy Gitz

Frank Floding

Candy Frankowski

Sally Franzen

Andrew Franzen

Janet Freehling

Arlene Gilbert

Mara Gogolewski

Chris Goodman

Donna Greulich

Elizabeth Growel

Nancy Gruver

Rol Hart

Pam Hartung-Kellem

Sarah Henkel

Jai’Shanti Hicks

Susie Hippler

Helen Holl

Jae Hong

Joanne Hosey

William Hoskin

Judith Hoskin

Mattie Irby

Gladys Janssen

Gayle Jeffrey

Walt Johnson

Virginia Jordan

Donna Kieffer

Aaron Klein

Sophie Knauer

Carol Koelsch

Kathy Kreidler

Steven Krisfalusy

Peggy Kuhl

Verna Lehrer

Sharon Lentz

Steve Lippert

Jennifer Lippus

John Lippus

Janet Lippus

Linda Lombard

Mimi Luberger

Pat Mandrik

Shirley Mapus

Paige Maschari

Jody Mast

Renetta Matso

Bev Matthews

Millie McCready

Mary Anne McGory

Marilyn McKenna

Ruth Meade

Elizabeth Meggitt

Kate Milkie

Holly Miller

Donald Miller

Cecilia Moffett-Hesch

Vera Moore

Emma Moore

Sandy Morris

Cristina Myers

Louise Newton

Keith Newton

Piper Nickoli

Pamela Nims

Susan Omlor

David Omlor

Irene Opp

Thomas Orihel

Suzanne Parker

Barbara Parker

Patty Pascoe

Edwin Pawlowski

Mary Ann Pelz

Ta’Presha Pickens

Mary Pierson

Beth Pitts

John Planthaber

Susan Porter

Mary Potts

Jean Puckrin

Walt Richards

Patty Rinella

Sara Samstag

Dawn Sartin

Donald Sartin

Marty Sawicki

Daniel Schaeffer

Sophia Schmenk

Marcia Schutt

Marsha Scott

Jean Seeholzer

Madison Shenigo

Nancy Siliko

Helen Skelton

Diane Smith

Kitty Smith

JoAnn Spore

Amy Springer

Ruth Steele

Christine Stein

Phyllis Stengel

Lauren Stickland

Carolyn Stough

Brenda Strack

Janet Stradtman

Jean Tomasula

Dominque Tran

Ellen Troike

Rebecca Trout

Sharon Turini-Kent

Donna Van Auken

Susan Van Barg

Ruth Anne Van Fleet

Nancy Viviano

Alexa Wadding

Caroline Walker

Jan Ware

Terri Washburn

Cecelia Weaver

Irwin Weingeld

Judy Weit

Ruth West

Katelyn White

Ginny Wicker-Piddock

Tom Wieber

Jill Wilhelm

Helen Wirt

Flo Young


2019 Annual Report

The MJ Stauffer

Annual Giving Society

Recognizes donors who give $1,000 or more during a calendar year

in support of patients served by Firelands Regional Health System.

While gifts are categorized in two levels, every gift to The Foundation

for Firelands is deeply appreciated.


of the MJ Stauffer Annual Giving

Society recognized for giving

$5,000 or more in 2019

MJ Stauffer in 2016.

Terri and Peter Bergman

Stacy and Tim Boals

Jen and Josh Clark

Clark Business Solutions, LLC

Bill and Jayme Criscione

Firelands Regional Medical Center Auxiliary

Theodate E Francis Trust

Shannon and Jerry Guerra

Lauri and Craig Hartman

Dr. Young and Jae Hong

Bryan Kasper

Laura and Daniel Keller


Dr. Eric and Jody Mast

Beth and Bob Mathews

Mathews Ford Lincoln

George C. Matthes Trust

The Mylander Foundation

Jason Ninke

NOMS Foundation

Jeremy and Abigail Normington-Slay

Dr. Amy and JJ Reese

Paula and David Rengel

RxPreferred Benefits, Inc.

Michelle and Paul Siegfried

Bill and Alice Springer

Susan G. Komen Northwest Ohio

Jen and Jason Tusing

Tusing Builders & Roofing Services

Carol and Arthur Wolfe

Bill Springer and Arthur Wolfe enjoying

the 2019 MJ Stauffer Annual Giving

Society reception at CIC.

2019 Annual Report 49


of the MJ Stauffer Annual Giving Society recognized for giving $1,000 or more in 2019

Larry and Mary Aaron

Advanced Neurological Associates

Lee and Nick Alexakos

Tatiana Alperovich and

Dr. Mikhail Kirnus

American Colors


Linda Armstrong

Jane and Christopher Arnold

AVI Foodsystems, Inc.

Thomas and Marilyn Aylward

John Bacon

Bank of America

Sharon and Bob Barnes

Dr. Steven and Melanie Benedict


Dr. Michael Blank and Dr. Kari Ketvertis

Lisa and Justin Brady

Jon Brausch

Breast Cancer Fund of Ohio

Bridge HomeCare Partners

Dr. Scott and Paula Campbell

Ann and Thomas Cassidy

Catawba Island Club

Cedar Fair Entertainment Company

CHI Living Communities

Civista Bank

Jacquie and David Clark

The Commons of Providence

Andrea Crawford

Lisa and Jim Crescimano

Laura and Billy Criscione

Darlene and Jason Crooks

Donna and Dick Dibbs

Elizabeth and Dan Dower

Dr. Essam Elashi

Erie County Community Foundation


Dave Finger

Firelands Regional Medical Center

Marketing Department

Paul Fox & Sons Excavating LTD

Josh and Jennifer Frederick


Ghostly Manor Thrill Center

Ron and Tracy Guerra

Roger and Deborah Gundlach

Lucille and Carl Hanson

Harley Ellis Devereaux

Lisa and Chuck Hemker

Joseph and Olive Hert Trust

The Hologic Charitable Fund

Industrial Nut Corporation

Dr. Anupam Jha

Dr. Niharika Juwarkar

K & K Interiors

Kalahari Resorts

Kasper T.S., Inc.

Dr. Kyung H Kim Family Legacy Fund

Richard and Judith Kinzel

Judith and Richard Klotz

Steven and Sharon Lichtcsien

Kathleen Linz

Kula Lynch

Patty and Dennis Martin

Rob and Jamie Mathews

Timothy Mayles

Kim and Jason McClure

Dr. W. Patrick and Elaine McGuinn

Medical Mutual of Ohio

Dru and Tahnee Meredith

Dr. Stephen and Joanna Miely

Duff and Gina Milkie

Jim and Martha Miller

Dr. Bradley and Lisa Mitchel

John and Jo Moffitt

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Dan Moncher

Louise Moon

Rob Moore and Kathy

Muehlhauser Moore

Mosser Construction, Inc.

The Paul Motry Memorial Fund

John Muscetta

Dustin and Lori Ness

Kristina and Greg O’Brien

Oglesby Construction

Dr. Thomas Olexa

Osborn Engineering

Payne Nickles & Company

Pediatrix Medical group

PerryPro Tech

Plante Moran

Plum Brook Country Club

Providence Care Center

Reminger Co., LPA

Revenue Group

Dr. Robert and Brenda Rice

Dr. Kathleen Rinkes

S & H Blinds and Floors

Neal and Nancy Sabino

Sanofi Genzyme


Jim and Jody Sennish

Dr. Karen Sheehan and Brian Cockrell

Carol Sheldon

Patrick and Cam Allison Shenigo

Tarina Sidoti

Jim and Laura Spicer

Sports Facilities Management, LLC

Dr. Leanne Strack

Keith and Lauren Sweigert

Telamon Construction, Inc.

Donna and Donald Terek

True Alpha Wealth Management

Jen and Jason Tusing

Ultimate Software Group, Inc.

UIS Insurance & Investments

VacationLand Federal Credit Union

Jen and Dave Voight

Morgan and Chuck Wadding

Linda Waldock

Jim and Norma Wible

Wickens Herzer Panza

Tom and Mary Wolf

Amy and Artie Wolfe

Chrissy and Don Wostmann

Dr. Sherif Zaky

Dr. Bo Zhao

Amanda and James Zoellner


2019 Annual Report

The Foundation for

Firelands Legacy Society

Recognizes donors who have cumulatively given $15,000 or more in

support of the patients served by Firelands Regional Health System


$15,000 -$49,999

The Ancora Group

Linda Armstrong

Christopher and Jane Arnold

The John Bacon Families*

Bank of America

Terri and Peter Bergman

BETTCHER Industries, Inc.*

Tom and Joyce Bohlander

Dr. Dale and Maura Braun

Bridge HomeCare Partners

Dr. William Bruner

Cedar Fair Entertainment Company

Kenneth E. and Janet N. Conway*

Bill and Jayme Criscione

The Erie County Community Foundation*

The Erie County Medical Society*

First Energy Foundation*

Theodate E. Francis

John and Nanette Frankel*

Jerry and Shannon Guerra

Lauri and Craig Hartman

Joseph and Olive Hert*

John and Sherry Hoty

HNI Healthcare

Dr. Frederic and Connie Itzkowitz

Kalahari Resorts

Bryan Kasper

Jerry and Cindy Kasper

KF Ventures

The Kiwanis Club of Sandusky*

Dr. Carlos and Susan Lowell

David and Christine Mack

Mack Snyder Rau Foundation

Mark Advertising*

Dennis and Patty Martin

Dr. Eric and Jody Mast

Mathews Ford Lincoln

Lee and Anne McDermond

Medical Mutual of Ohio

Dru and Tahnee Meredith

O.E. Meyer Company*

Duff and Gina Milkie

Dr. Judy and Bill Monaghan

Daniel J. Moncher and Family

Rob Moore and Kathryn

Muehlhauser Moore

Marsha and Dr. Christopher Mruk

Allen and Diane Nickles

and Erin Thompson*

Jason and Jamie Ninke

Jeremy and Abigail Normington-Slay

Pediatrix Medical Group (Mednax)

Dr. S. Baird Pfahl

Plante Moran

Poulos + Schmid Design Group

Reminger Co. LPA

Paula and David Rengel*

Dr. Robert and Brenda Rice

RxPreferred Benefits

Sandusky Register*

Bev and Jim Schrickel

Michelle and Paul Siegfried

Dr. W. Scott and Lisa Sheldon

Mary and Mel Stauffer*

Carol Steuk*

Jim and Heather Stouffer

The Stouffer Family and

Catawba Island Club

Martin and Mary Tursky*

Ultimate Software Group

VacationLand Federal Credit Union

Leon J and Mary Ellen Wieber*

James O. and Norma K. Wible*

Chrissy and Don Wostmann

Dr. Kam and Lo Wong

John Bacon

Dr. S. Baird Pfahl

Dr. Dale and Maura Braun


$50,000 - $99,999

Buckeye Broadband*

Civista Bank*

ER - Doc, Inc.

Susan E. Francis

* Denotes Charter Members

Girls Night Out*

Robert J. Kromer, DO*

Beth and Bob Mathews*

Dr. W. Patrick and Elaine McGuinn

The Paul Motry Memorial Fund*

Carolyn and Chuck Rainger*

Dr. Amy and JJ Reese*

Chuck and Julie Stark*

Jason and Jennifer Tusing

Tusing Builders and

Roofing Services

UIS Insurance and Investments

Mary and Tom Wolf*

Dr. Bo Yoo and Dr.

Vicenta Gaspar-Yoo*

2019 Annual Report 51


$100,000 - $249,999

American Colors, Inc.*

The Joseph Burnham Family*

Dr. Young and Jae Hong

Daniel and Laura Keller*

KeyBank National Association*

NOMS Healthcare

Ruth Frost Parker*

The Paul and C.J. Pheiffer Family*

Thomas and Christine Routh*

J. William and Alice Springer*

The Michelle Wightman and Karrie

Wieber Charitable Foundation*


$250,000 - $499,999

The Sidney Frohman Foundation*

Janotta & Herner*

Charles and Evelyn Scott Merz*

George L. Mylander*


Arthur and Carol Wolfe*


$500,000 - $999,999

The Randolph J. and Estelle

M. Dorn Foundation*

The Frost-Parker Foundation*

The Mylander Foundation*


$1,000,000 AND ABOVE

Firelands Regional Medical Center Auxiliary*

Lee and Sandra Jewett*

George C. Matthes*

Mary B. Myers*

The Sam S. and Rose Stein Foundation*

* Denotes Charter Members

Firelands Regional

Medical Center Auxiliary

The Firelands Regional Medical Center Auxiliary is a

group whose volunteer efforts help to keep Firelands

Regional Medical Center on the cutting edge of

healthcare technology and services. The Firelands

Auxiliary operates three gift shops and hosts special

sales to obtain funding to purchase equipment and to

meet other needs within Firelands Regional Health

System. Their influence can be seen in nearly every

department and in every aspect of the health system.

Marta Adelman

Sherryl Balduff

Judy Bouy

Maura Braun

Lori Brown

Carol Buderer

Ingrid Coiffard

Lois Cruse

Ann Daniel

Kay Dickens

Kay Eash

Bonnie Faber

Chelsea Gallatin

Donna Greulich

Elizabeth Growel

Helen Holl

Jae Hong

Joanne Hosey

Mattie Irby

Donna Kieffer

Kathy Kreidler

Pat Mandrik

Shirley Mapus

Jody Mast

Bev Matthews

Millie McCready

Louise Moon

Vera Moore

Irene Opp

Sue Parker

Mary Ann Pelz

Ginny Piddock

Beth Pitts

Mary Potts

Jean Puckrin

Sara Samstag

Marty Sawicki

Marcia Schutt

Jean Seeholzer

Helen Skelton

JoAnn Spore

Ruth Steele

Jean Tomasula

Sharon Turini-


Nancy Viviano

Terri Washburn

Cecelia Weaver

Ruth West

Helen Wirt


2019 Annual Report




$32.96 Million

with 187,447

people served


health outreach

and education

Screenings, educational programs,

childbirth classes, health fairs, etc.

population served




health services

population served



patient education

& homecare

$28.6 Million

unpaid costs of

public programs

Services not provided by

Medicare and Medicaid

population served


$2.2 Million

charity care

Services provided without payment

population served


Education on disease

prevention & home care

population served



In-Kind donations

Support provided for other

non-profit organizations,

schools, etc. for programs

benefiting the community


medical education/

nursing programs

Services not provided by

Medicare and Medicaid

18 medical education residencies

2 pharmacy residencies

123 nursing school students

2019 Annual Report 53

This financial

statement reflects

the 2019 operating

results for Firelands

Regional Health

System, including

Firelands Regional

Medical Center,

Firelands Physician

Group, and

The Foundation

for Firelands.…


2019 Annual Report

2019 Financial Statement

Our Income

Revenue from 47,094 patient days of service provided to 10,487 patients $238,555,467

Revenue from supporting services and care rendered for Ambulatory,

Emergency Department, Home Health, other Outpatient and Physician Services $471,320,640

Total revenue from these services $709,876,107


System contractual adjustments to third party payors ($426,957,320)

Cost of care underwritten for persons without the ability to pay for their

services and bad debt ($17,213,588)

Net revenue from patient services $265,705,199


Other operating revenue $27,776,497


Total Operating Revenue $293,481,696

Our Expenses

Salaries, wages and employee benefits $156,994,648

Supplies, purchased services and general expenses $125,425,083

State of Ohio imposed Franchise Fee $3,391,829

Interest expense $4,651,682

Total Operating Expenses $290,463,242

NET RESULTS $3,018,454

2019 Annual Report 55

The Foundation for Firelands

1111 Hayes Avenue

Sandusky, OH 44870


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