Catalyze Magazine Fall 2020

With Ideagens extensive member network and influential platform, Catalyze Magazine serves as an aggregate for all the content, events, articles, and collaboration that we do. It is a quarterly magazine where you will find transcriptions from Ideagen events from this quarter, articles and information surrounding how we are completing our mission. With this magazine we want to highlight the nature of cross sector collaboration and how we infuse into our daily mission on a global scale.

With Ideagens extensive member network and influential platform, Catalyze Magazine serves as an aggregate for all the content, events, articles, and collaboration that we do. It is a quarterly magazine where you will find transcriptions from Ideagen events from this quarter, articles and information surrounding how we are completing our mission. With this magazine we want to highlight the nature of cross sector collaboration and how we infuse into our daily mission on a global scale.


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B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

10<br />

An Exclusive Interview<br />

with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

From Ideagen's most ambitious summit to<br />

date, The 17 Days of Sustainability.<br />

Empathy, Resiliency & Reimagining 2030<br />

Achieving the 2030<br />

Global Goals<br />

Key insights into cutting edge innovation<br />

towards good health and well-being from<br />

Providence Health's Dr. Rhonda Medows<br />

K A T E J O H N S O N - M I C R O S O F T U S - C O V E R P H O T O<br />

PLUS<br />

Ideagen<br />

Presents:<br />

The Master<br />

Class and<br />

Global<br />

Leaders<br />



B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

An Exclusive Interview<br />

with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

10<br />

From Ideagen's most ambitious summit to<br />

date, The 17 Days of Sustainability.<br />

Empathy, Resiliency & Reimagining 2030<br />

Achieving the 2030<br />

Global Goals<br />

Key insights into cutting edge innovation<br />

towards good health and well-being from<br />

Providence Health's Dr. Rhonda Medows<br />

M E L I N D A G A T E S - G A T E S F O U N D A T I O N - C O V E R P H O O T O<br />

PLUS<br />

Ideagen<br />

Presents:<br />

The Master<br />

Class and<br />

Global<br />

Leaders<br />



B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

10<br />

An Exclusive Interview<br />

with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

From Ideagen's most ambitious summit to<br />

date, The 17 Days of Sustainability.<br />

Empathy, Resiliency & Reimagining 2030<br />

Achieving the 2030<br />

Global Goals<br />

Key insights into cutting edge innovation<br />

towards good health and well-being from<br />

Providence Health's Dr. Rhonda Medows<br />

A D E N A F R I E D M A N - N A S D A Q - C O V E R P H O T O<br />

PLUS<br />

Ideagen<br />

Presents:<br />

The Master<br />

Class and<br />

Global<br />

Leaders<br />



B Y I D E A G E N<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

10<br />

An Exclusive Interview<br />

with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

From Ideagen's most ambitious summit to<br />

date, The 17 Days of Sustainability.<br />

Achieving the 2030<br />

Global Goals<br />

Key insights into cutting<br />

edge innovation towards<br />

good health and well-being<br />

from Providence Health's Dr.<br />

Rhonda Medows<br />

D R . R H O N D A M E D O W S - P R O V I D E N C E - C O V E R P H O T O<br />

PLUS<br />

Ideagen<br />

Presents: The<br />

Master Class<br />

and Global<br />

Leaders<br />



B Y I D E A G E N<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

10<br />

An Exclusive Interview<br />

with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

From Ideagen's most ambitious summit to<br />

date, The 17 Days of Sustainability.<br />

Achieving the 2030<br />

Global Goals<br />

Key insights into cutting edge innovation<br />

towards good health and well-being from<br />

Providence Health's Dr. Rhonda Medows<br />

V I O L A D A V I S - A C T R E S S - C O V E R P H O T O<br />

PLUS<br />

Ideagen<br />

Presents:<br />

The Master<br />

Class and<br />

Global<br />

Leaders<br />



B Y I D E A G E N<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

10<br />

An Exclusive Interview<br />

with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

From Ideagen's most ambitious summit to<br />

date, The 17 Days of Sustainability.<br />

Achieving the 2030<br />

Global Goals<br />

Key insights into cutting edge innovation<br />

towards good health and well-being from<br />

Providence Health's Dr. Rhonda Medows<br />

S H A R O N P R I C E J O H N - B U I L D A B E A R - C O V E R P H O T O<br />

PLUS<br />

Ideagen<br />

Presents:<br />

The Master<br />

Class and<br />

Global<br />

Leaders<br />



B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

10<br />

An Exclusive Interview<br />

with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

From Ideagen's most ambitious summit to<br />

date, The 17 Days of Sustainability.<br />

Achieving the 2030<br />

Global Goals<br />

Key insights into cutting edge innovation<br />

towards good health and well-being from<br />

Providence Health's Dr. Rhonda Medows<br />

J U D Y M A R K S - O T I S - C O V E R P H O T O<br />

PLUS<br />

Ideagen<br />

Presents:<br />

The Master<br />

Class and<br />

Global<br />

Leaders<br />



B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

10<br />

An Exclusive Interview<br />

with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

From Ideagen's most ambitious summit to<br />

date, The 17 Days of Sustainability.<br />

Empathy, Resiliency & Reimagining 2030<br />

Achieving the 2030<br />

Global Goals<br />

Key insights into cutting edge innovation<br />

towards good health and well-being from<br />

Providence Health's Dr. Rhonda Medows<br />

J O A N N J E N K I N S - A A R P - C O V E R P H O T O<br />

PLUS<br />

Ideagen<br />

Presents:<br />

The Master<br />

Class and<br />

Global<br />

Leaders<br />



B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

10<br />

An Exclusive Interview<br />

with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

From Ideagen's most ambitious summit to<br />

date, The 17 Days of Sustainability.<br />

Empathy, Resiliency & Reimagining 2030<br />

Achieving the 2030<br />

Global Goals<br />

Key insights into cutting edge innovation<br />

towards good health and well-being from<br />

Providence Health's Dr. Rhonda Medows<br />

C H A N T A L L I N E C A R P E N T I E R - U N C T A D - C O V E R P H O T O<br />

PLUS<br />

Ideagen<br />

Presents:<br />

The Master<br />

Class and<br />

Global<br />

Leaders<br />



B Y I D E A G E N <strong>Fall</strong> <strong>2020</strong><br />

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

10<br />

An Exclusive Interview<br />

with<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President<br />

Microsoft US<br />

From Ideagen's most ambitious summit to<br />

date, The 17 Days of Sustainability.<br />

Empathy, Resiliency & Reimagining 2030<br />

Achieving the 2030<br />

Global Goals<br />

Key insights into cutting edge innovation<br />

towards good health and well-being from<br />

Providence Health's Dr. Rhonda Medows<br />

M A R Y M I L L B E N - C O V E R P H O T O<br />

PLUS<br />

Ideagen<br />

Presents:<br />

The Master<br />

Class and<br />

Global<br />

Leaders<br />


11.17.20<br />

17 Days of<br />

Sustainability<br />

Ideagen® is proud to share that the<br />

inaugural 17 Days of Sustainability kicked<br />

off on September 17 and ran through<br />

October 9, broadcast on Ideagen TV<br />

“Powered by Azure”. The World is facing<br />

many diverse challenges, the most<br />

significant of which are identified in the<br />

17 United Nations Sustainable<br />

Development Goals. Having been agreed<br />

upon and ratified by all 193 member<br />

states of the United Nations, the Global<br />

Goals are the largest global undertaking<br />

to address the world's most vexing issues<br />

from ending hunger to achieving gender<br />

equality and sustainability. Ideagen is<br />

focused on developing global partnerships<br />

and collaboration across sectors to<br />

achieve the Global Goals by 2030. During<br />

the 17 Days, over 60 Million people<br />

across the planet were reached with the<br />

inspiring content.<br />


Sifakis: Kate, you have<br />

George<br />

at Microsoft for three years<br />

been<br />

That's a relatively short time,<br />

now.<br />

you've made such a global<br />

but<br />

already. What drew you to<br />

impact<br />

and what appealed to you<br />

Microsoft,<br />

Johnson: I've had a career<br />

Kate<br />

I've had the opportunity to<br />

where<br />

for a bunch of different<br />

work<br />

doing lots of different<br />

companies<br />

I've been in sales, operations,<br />

jobs.<br />

and services. The<br />

technology,<br />

thread across all of those<br />

common<br />

looking back, is change<br />

roles,<br />

Then the opportunity at<br />

leadership.<br />

presented itself. Here we<br />

Microsoft<br />

the CEO Satya Nadella, who's<br />

have<br />

this crystal clear mission to<br />

got<br />

every person and<br />

empower<br />

on the planet to<br />

organization<br />

K A T E J O H N S O N<br />

P R E S I D E N T O F M I C R O S O F T U S<br />

K E Y N O T E S P E A K E R :<br />

E M P O W E R I N G W O M E N & G I R L S<br />

S U M M I T<br />

about the company?<br />

achieve more.<br />

For more information about the event, please<br />

visit: https://www.ideagensummits.com/ CATALYZE MAGAZINE | 2

Inside the Summit!<br />

A Preview of Kate Johnson on Leading with Empathy

We can address things like nutrition, housing,<br />

Dr Medows: So when people say, well,<br />

you've done a great job in reducing avoidable<br />

homelessness. We can do those types of<br />

things upfront. We can actually provide<br />

emergency room use. And that means actually<br />

having people not be in the emergency room if<br />

services in coordination with school districts.<br />

When we were in school when people actually<br />

they don't necessarily need to be and giving<br />

them alternatives, upstreams so that they don't<br />

were the attending classes before the<br />

pandemic. Now we do again, a lot of work to<br />

actually even have to consider that as an<br />

option. So that means actually knowing the<br />

community partners to provide alternative<br />

population and anticipating their needs, and<br />

services. We find that we have people who<br />

don't need to go to the emergency room as<br />

then doing upstream work to give them<br />

solutions and services. It could be anything<br />

much, but the routine care for true<br />

emergencies, we want them to come into the<br />

from telehealth. It could be actually making<br />

ourselves available through nurse lines or<br />

emergency room, no doubt about it. People<br />

having symptoms of stroke, heart attack, et<br />

telephonic care managers. It can actually mean<br />

anything from, um, even meeting them in the<br />

cetera, still need to come into us, but we show<br />

them a better and safer way to access care.<br />

emergency room and actually showing them<br />

the access that they can receive care and<br />

alternative sites. Now because we're in the<br />

middle of a pandemic, a lot of what we do is<br />

actually telephonic and telehealth, which<br />

actually is more convenient for quite a few<br />

people. The work to actually reduce avoidable<br />

EDS starts with actually understanding the<br />

population, providing information, health and<br />

wellbeing services, through alternative<br />

methods at home digitally using the expanded<br />

use of technology and other services and<br />

partnerships. Sometimes it actually means,<br />

making adjustments and actually supporting<br />

those services that can help with the incidents<br />

or the things that actually contribute to<br />

feelings of illness or well not being well.<br />





Ideagen's newest branch of our streaming services is<br />

Ideagen Radio. Streaming on over 16 platforms, Ideagen<br />

takes all the great content you have come to love with<br />

Ideagen TV, now in a convenient podcast form! Each day<br />

as we release Ideagen TV Content at 12 PM Noon ET,<br />

Ideagen Radio will release the corresponding interview in<br />

podcast form to all of the above streaming platforms at 3<br />

PM ET. Whether you're on the go, prefer audio to video, or<br />

just want a new way to consume Ideagen content, Ideagen<br />

Radio provides an even more convenient way to hear from<br />

some of the world's most influential global leaders and<br />


"That role (Annalise Keating) absolutely defined my<br />

career only because of the role that, a woman who<br />

looked like me who would not necessarily be<br />

considered for that role. She was cool... she's a<br />

leading lady on network television" -Viola Davis<br />


Enroll Now!

I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

10<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

Kate Johnson<br />

President Microsoft, U.S.<br />

Jo Ann Jenkins<br />

CEO - AARP<br />

Adena Friedman<br />

CEO - Nasdaq<br />

Sharon Price John<br />

CEO, Build-A-Bear Workshop, Inc<br />

Viola Davis<br />

Emmy/Oscar Award Winning Actress<br />


I D E A G E N 2 0 2 0<br />

10<br />

P O W E R L I S T<br />

Melinda Gates<br />

Co-Chair, Bill & Melinda Gates<br />

Foundation<br />

Dr. Chantal Line Carpentier<br />

Chief UNCTAD NYC<br />

Dr. Rhonda Meadows<br />

President of Population Health Management, Providence<br />

Mary Millben<br />

Award Winning Singer/Songwriter<br />

Judy Marks<br />

CEO - OTIS<br />


has been one of the most challenging years in human history<br />

<strong>2020</strong><br />

the global pandemic. Despite this global challenge, Ideagen<br />

with<br />

a renewed effort and commitment to convene the world's<br />

made<br />

minds from the world's leading companies, ngo's and public<br />

greatest<br />

to address the world's most vexing issues. To date, Ideagen<br />

sector<br />

has reached over 90 Million People across the planet with<br />

TV<br />

interviews and custom programming. On November 2,<br />

inspiring<br />

Ideagen Radio Launches with a focus on a similar ubiquitous<br />

<strong>2020</strong><br />

distribution model beginning with our platform,<br />

content<br />

"Powered by Azure".<br />

IdeagenGlobal.com<br />

us in 2021 as we convene over 21 High-Impact Summits<br />

Join<br />

with the Dynamic Resiliency Summit on January 27 and<br />

beginning<br />

2021. 2021 promises to be epic and we promise to build upon the<br />

28,<br />

of Ideagen TV. Stay tuned for new programming!<br />

success<br />

& CEO<br />

Editor-in-Chief<br />

-Ideagen<br />

Editor's Note<br />

Dear Friends and Colleagues,<br />




<strong>Fall</strong> Publication Editor<br />

Pictured Top to Bottom<br />


Dr. Rhonda Medows, Providence<br />


Kate Johnson, Microsoft<br />

<strong>Fall</strong> Publication Co-Editor<br />

George Sifakis with Robert Reiss

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