Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

from alejandroheinricks More from this publisher

strategies based on specific animal species, or no strategy at all. Primalscertainly appear to have a higher likelihood of being polyamorous thanmonogamous, but there is little hard data to support that notion. Some identifyso strongly with their specific animals, that they will adopt that animal’s matingstrategies, as well. A wolf would therefore employ a strategy of monogamy,whereas a lion might feel compelled to build a pride of five or six mates. It’salso entirely possible that for some Primals, surrendering to their animal instinctsmeans not really having a strategy at all, but simply doing what instinctivelyfeels right at the moment.What comes as a surprise to many who may not be familiar with Primals is thefact that they typically do not identify or connect themselves with the Furrysubculture. Furries, for the benefit of anyone who may have been living in acave for the past few decades, are people who role-play anthropomorphic animalcharacters with human characteristics. A furry may look like a dog, or cat, orfox, or skunk, but he walks and talks and acts just like a human being in mostrespects. In other words, a furry is, in practically every way that counts, theexact opposite of a Primal. A Primal is a human who instinctively thinks, acts,and perceives the word in an animalistic way. He considers his Primalism a corepersonality trait, rather than a role, and will often view himself as a humananimalhybrid, or humanimal. A furry, by contrast, is a role-player who is partof a fandom, rather than a lifestyle. His fascination is with looking the part of ananimal, while maintaining most or all of the characteristics of humanity.Another subtle distinction between Primals and Furries concerns the socialcircles, events and gatherings that are typical to each. Primals are generallyconsidered to be part of the D/s lifestyle, primarily due to their preoccupationwith Dominance and submission, even if their expression of it is considered nontraditional.Their involvement in the BDSM lifestyle is generally dependentupon the degree to which they also subscribe to BDSM related kinks andfetishes. When Primals meet it is, almost by necessity, a face-to-face meeting.When they gather in large numbers, it is usually at fetish events and BDSMconventions.Conversely, Furries are generally considered to be a subset of the sciencefiction, fantasy, gaming and comic book fandoms. Since it is far more practicalto be a giant, walking, talking kitty-cat wearing human clothes in an onlinevirtual environment, the internet is the most common venue for personal

encounters. When Furries gather in large numbers, it is usually at cosplay eventsand comic book conventions.One might be tempted to assume that Primals, with their fascination for biting,scratching, and fighting for dominance are, at their core, sadomasochistic. Thatwould probably be a mistake. A true sadist enjoys inflicting pain upon others,regardless of their feelings on the matter. A true masochist enjoys thesensations of pain, regardless of whom or what the source of that pain might be.There are, of course, an infinite number of gradations between an extremelyhard-core sadist or masochist versus someone who is nominally one. But thecommon denominator for all sadists and masochists alike is simply theenjoyment of pain for pain’s sake.Sadomasochism is not a phenomenon that occurs naturally in the animal worldwith any real frequency. Animals typically hunt, kill, or fight for purelyutilitarian purposes. True, a cat may toy with a mouse before killing it, but thatbehavior is probably a lot more like playing with your food before eating it, thanit is an expression of sadism. Primals, too, see pain as a necessary and utilitarianpart of their mating rituals and for determining dominance. This is not to saythat Primals can’t also be sadists or masochists. We’re simply saying thatPrimals shouldn’t be considered sadomasochistic just because they enjoy bitingand scratching during sex.Each of these so-called Primal preferences is a gross generalization which mayor may not necessarily apply to any specific Primal you may know. Wheneverwe are dealing with animalistic instincts, we have to be prepared to acknowledgethat the instincts of a cat are going to differ significantly from those of a dog, ora monkey, or a penguin. And yes, a Primal may identify with just about anykind of animal imaginable.There are a lot of questions about Primals which defy any attempt to makegeneralizations or come to any useful conclusions. Those questions must beanswered by each Primal individually, and I would venture to guess that no twoanswers would be alike. Questions like these, perhaps:· Are you, as a result of your instinctive way of evaluating the world,inherently amoral?· If there were no limits to what you could do, how far would you go toalter your physical appearance to resemble your inner animal?

strategies based on specific animal species, or no strategy at all. Primals

certainly appear to have a higher likelihood of being polyamorous than

monogamous, but there is little hard data to support that notion. Some identify

so strongly with their specific animals, that they will adopt that animal’s mating

strategies, as well. A wolf would therefore employ a strategy of monogamy,

whereas a lion might feel compelled to build a pride of five or six mates. It’s

also entirely possible that for some Primals, surrendering to their animal instincts

means not really having a strategy at all, but simply doing what instinctively

feels right at the moment.

What comes as a surprise to many who may not be familiar with Primals is the

fact that they typically do not identify or connect themselves with the Furry

subculture. Furries, for the benefit of anyone who may have been living in a

cave for the past few decades, are people who role-play anthropomorphic animal

characters with human characteristics. A furry may look like a dog, or cat, or

fox, or skunk, but he walks and talks and acts just like a human being in most

respects. In other words, a furry is, in practically every way that counts, the

exact opposite of a Primal. A Primal is a human who instinctively thinks, acts,

and perceives the word in an animalistic way. He considers his Primalism a core

personality trait, rather than a role, and will often view himself as a humananimal

hybrid, or humanimal. A furry, by contrast, is a role-player who is part

of a fandom, rather than a lifestyle. His fascination is with looking the part of an

animal, while maintaining most or all of the characteristics of humanity.

Another subtle distinction between Primals and Furries concerns the social

circles, events and gatherings that are typical to each. Primals are generally

considered to be part of the D/s lifestyle, primarily due to their preoccupation

with Dominance and submission, even if their expression of it is considered nontraditional.

Their involvement in the BDSM lifestyle is generally dependent

upon the degree to which they also subscribe to BDSM related kinks and

fetishes. When Primals meet it is, almost by necessity, a face-to-face meeting.

When they gather in large numbers, it is usually at fetish events and BDSM


Conversely, Furries are generally considered to be a subset of the science

fiction, fantasy, gaming and comic book fandoms. Since it is far more practical

to be a giant, walking, talking kitty-cat wearing human clothes in an online

virtual environment, the internet is the most common venue for personal

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