Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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has two wives, named Julie and Ginger, who live in separate households. Julieis his submissive, and their relationship dynamic never changes. Ginger is hisDomme, and their relationship dynamic also never changes. Chuck claims tolove both women equally, and expresses no preference for either his dominant orsubmissive role in the relationships. Interestingly enough, Chuck and hispartners keep it relatively vanilla in the bedroom, and none of them are active inor seek out others in the lifestyle.Top-leaning BDSM SwitchThe Top-leaning BDSM Switch enjoys both topping and bottoming but preferstopping, regardless of his other emotional and relationship dynamicpreferences. Example: Kirk is a Dominant in his primary relationship, and thatnever changes. However, when he and his submissive Kim attend BDSM playparties, he has been known to enjoy bottoming to some extent. His preference,however, is and always will be topping.Bottom-leaning BDSM SwitchThe Bottom-leaning BDSM Switch enjoys both topping and bottoming butprefers bottoming, regardless of his other emotional and relationship dynamicpreferences. Example: William considers himself a monogamous slave to hispoly Mistress Victoria, who also has other slaves. Occasionally, his Mistresshosts play parties for the entire clan, and even though William has no significantemotional connection with her other slaves, he does sometimes engage in BDSMplay with them, and often switches with a preference for bottoming.Balanced BDSM SwitchThe Balanced BDSM Switch is equally attracted to and finds fulfillment in therole of a Top or a Bottom in his kink activities. Example: Sierra is a submissivein her primary relationship with her Dominant Joseph, and that never changes.However, at BDSM play parties, Sierra equally enjoys giving and gettingspankings, paddlings, floggings and other forms of impact-play.D/s-BDSM SwitchThe D/s-BDSM Switch is able to change his dominance-orientation in both hisrelationship dynamic and his kink activities, though the switching may not besynchronized by timing, direction or intensity. Example: Bob is a D/s BDSMSwitch who is the hinge in a poly “V” relationship, where he is Dominant to

Sue, but submissive to Diane. His kink activities with each of his partners staysaligned with his relationship role, but when he attends his local BDSM groupplay parties, he is equally likely to assume the role of a Top or a Bottom.I am fairly certain that, as a result of what I have written here, I will be delugedwith countless letters, messages and emails asking me to divulge the“authoritative source” that has served as the wellspring for this unique methodof categorizing Switches. To those folks, I can only point to the nearest bottle oftequila. As far as I know, I am the only one crazy enough to have made such anattempt and, frankly, I’m beginning to think that maybe there was a darn goodreason why people way smarter than me didn’t try it.If You Are a SwitchIf you are a Switch, or if you are beginning to suspect that you might be one, myadvice to you would be to embrace who you are, and refuse to be pressured intohaving to decide between the two ends of the dominance-spectrum, especially ifyou are perfectly comfortable sliding back and forth along its length. On acompletely unrelated side note, I probably shouldn’t get too comfortable saying“sliding back and forth along its length.”For most people, their dominance orientation is no more a choice than theirsexual orientation. It is simply a matter of who they are. It develops andsometimes changes as they mature, just like every other aspect of theirpersonality. It is hardly the set-in-concrete, black-and-white proposition thatsome people seem to think it is.Virtually no one would feel justified in demanding that a bisexual pick aheterosexual or homosexual preference and just stick to it, yet there has neverbeen a shortage of people who think it’s perfectly acceptable to make similardemands of Switches.If you happen to be one of those people, perhaps now would be a good time torethink your approach.

has two wives, named Julie and Ginger, who live in separate households. Julie

is his submissive, and their relationship dynamic never changes. Ginger is his

Domme, and their relationship dynamic also never changes. Chuck claims to

love both women equally, and expresses no preference for either his dominant or

submissive role in the relationships. Interestingly enough, Chuck and his

partners keep it relatively vanilla in the bedroom, and none of them are active in

or seek out others in the lifestyle.

Top-leaning BDSM Switch

The Top-leaning BDSM Switch enjoys both topping and bottoming but prefers

topping, regardless of his other emotional and relationship dynamic

preferences. Example: Kirk is a Dominant in his primary relationship, and that

never changes. However, when he and his submissive Kim attend BDSM play

parties, he has been known to enjoy bottoming to some extent. His preference,

however, is and always will be topping.

Bottom-leaning BDSM Switch

The Bottom-leaning BDSM Switch enjoys both topping and bottoming but

prefers bottoming, regardless of his other emotional and relationship dynamic

preferences. Example: William considers himself a monogamous slave to his

poly Mistress Victoria, who also has other slaves. Occasionally, his Mistress

hosts play parties for the entire clan, and even though William has no significant

emotional connection with her other slaves, he does sometimes engage in BDSM

play with them, and often switches with a preference for bottoming.

Balanced BDSM Switch

The Balanced BDSM Switch is equally attracted to and finds fulfillment in the

role of a Top or a Bottom in his kink activities. Example: Sierra is a submissive

in her primary relationship with her Dominant Joseph, and that never changes.

However, at BDSM play parties, Sierra equally enjoys giving and getting

spankings, paddlings, floggings and other forms of impact-play.

D/s-BDSM Switch

The D/s-BDSM Switch is able to change his dominance-orientation in both his

relationship dynamic and his kink activities, though the switching may not be

synchronized by timing, direction or intensity. Example: Bob is a D/s BDSM

Switch who is the hinge in a poly “V” relationship, where he is Dominant to

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