Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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categories: kittens, puppies, and ponies. Kitten play allows the submissive todemonstrate feline characteristics, seductive mannerisms, and perhaps even astreak of independence. Puppy play is more often than not characterized byeager devotion, playfulness, mischievousness, collars and leashes. Ponysubmissives typically fall into three categories themselves: cart ponies, ridingponies, and show ponies. Cart ponies pull a small cart called a sulky, whichcarries her owner. Riding ponies prefer to be ridden directly, either while on allfours, or standing with the rider on her back or shoulders. Since this can beproblematic due to the rider’s weight, it is often simulated. Show ponies are allabout the dressage, and often wear very elaborate plumes, braids, harnesses,bridles, and other decorative items.A Pet submissive who assumes the roles of multiple types of pets is sometimesknown as a hybrid. It should also be noted that pet play is also sometimes usedby submissive-leaning switches to try out roles where disobedience is expectedand tolerated, such as the role of a disobedient puppy. Another point worthnoting is the fact that Pet play is frequently a Novice submissive’s first realexposure to the D/s dynamic due to its low level of complexity and the relativeease with which one can keep things on a nonsexual level. It is relativelycommon among teenagers in online chat venues to be involved in pet play, eitheras furries, or in other forms of role play. Parents of very young teens who arefurries just might want to ask themselves, “Who’s stroking that kitty?”The Pseudo-subWe mercilessly skewered the poor Tin Pot Dominant in the previous chapter, soI suppose it is only fair that we devote equal time and disparagement to pseudosubmissives.Frankly, I am often seriously conflicted on this particular topic.After all, I truly do believe that it is ultimately the responsibility of the Dominantto recognize these traits in any potential partner who may honestly and naivelybelieve that she really is a submissive. If he is sufficiently skilled or at leastlucky enough to recognize the warning signs, he can then make informeddecisions about their options and any potential relationship. His options mayinclude abandoning any attempt to forge a relationship, accepting her as she is ina non-D/s relationship dynamic, or attempting to train her as a submissive.Learning that your potential partner is a pseudo-submissive can be a rather messyand incredibly painful process for everyone concerned. Typically, the pseudosubis someone who may be fairly new to the lifestyle and doesn’t quite

understand that just because she is a rope-bunny, spankophile, masochist, orbottom, that this doesn’t necessarily make her a submissive. She usually isn’ttrying to deceive anyone; it’s all simply the unfortunate but predictable resultof erroneously assuming that because she is a bottom, she must also be asubmissive.It really is an honest and easy mistake to make, which makes it very hard to faultsomeone for making it. On the other hand, these very same sweet yet naivelydeluded pseudo-submissives have sometimes been known to go just a little bitpostal when their Dominants suggest that perhaps some training might be inorder. I’m guessing that it’s probably that whole enraged-psychotic-subbiewith-a-kitchen-knifereaction that is the source of my mixed emotions on thistopic.Frankly, I can be simultaneously sympathetic and cruelly contemptuous ofpseudo-submissives. Perhaps that explains why I have considered coining a funnew acronym for the folks who fall into this category. The acronym would standfor:Deluded Undisciplined Masochists & Bottoms Earnestly Living the Lifestyle inError as SubmissivesIt would be abbreviated as DUMBELLES. But, no. I am not going to do it,because that would be mean-spirited and wrong on so many levels. Then again,you’ve got to admit, it is kind of funny in a “just-kidding-but-you-know-I’mreally-not”sort of way.I’ll probably just sneakily say it by saying that I am not going to say it. After all,being a Dominant is all about having your cake and eating it, too.Here are some of the tell-tale signs that may indicate that someone may, indeed,be a pseudo-submissive:· A pseudo-sub just loves following her Dominant’s instructions, just aslong as those instructions happen to coincide with what she really wantedto do in the first place.· A pseudo-sub thinks it’s critical to get her Dominant’s opinion on whatcolor panties to wear, but neglects to mention that she bought a car today.· A pseudo-sub is ever-ready to offer her Dominant advice on how to be

categories: kittens, puppies, and ponies. Kitten play allows the submissive to

demonstrate feline characteristics, seductive mannerisms, and perhaps even a

streak of independence. Puppy play is more often than not characterized by

eager devotion, playfulness, mischievousness, collars and leashes. Pony

submissives typically fall into three categories themselves: cart ponies, riding

ponies, and show ponies. Cart ponies pull a small cart called a sulky, which

carries her owner. Riding ponies prefer to be ridden directly, either while on all

fours, or standing with the rider on her back or shoulders. Since this can be

problematic due to the rider’s weight, it is often simulated. Show ponies are all

about the dressage, and often wear very elaborate plumes, braids, harnesses,

bridles, and other decorative items.

A Pet submissive who assumes the roles of multiple types of pets is sometimes

known as a hybrid. It should also be noted that pet play is also sometimes used

by submissive-leaning switches to try out roles where disobedience is expected

and tolerated, such as the role of a disobedient puppy. Another point worth

noting is the fact that Pet play is frequently a Novice submissive’s first real

exposure to the D/s dynamic due to its low level of complexity and the relative

ease with which one can keep things on a nonsexual level. It is relatively

common among teenagers in online chat venues to be involved in pet play, either

as furries, or in other forms of role play. Parents of very young teens who are

furries just might want to ask themselves, “Who’s stroking that kitty?”

The Pseudo-sub

We mercilessly skewered the poor Tin Pot Dominant in the previous chapter, so

I suppose it is only fair that we devote equal time and disparagement to pseudosubmissives.

Frankly, I am often seriously conflicted on this particular topic.

After all, I truly do believe that it is ultimately the responsibility of the Dominant

to recognize these traits in any potential partner who may honestly and naively

believe that she really is a submissive. If he is sufficiently skilled or at least

lucky enough to recognize the warning signs, he can then make informed

decisions about their options and any potential relationship. His options may

include abandoning any attempt to forge a relationship, accepting her as she is in

a non-D/s relationship dynamic, or attempting to train her as a submissive.

Learning that your potential partner is a pseudo-submissive can be a rather messy

and incredibly painful process for everyone concerned. Typically, the pseudosub

is someone who may be fairly new to the lifestyle and doesn’t quite

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