Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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accomplished by dinner time. This condition is often referred to as sub frenzy,which we discuss at greater length elsewhere in this book. As one might expect,the Novice submissive’s efforts usually end in miserable failure but,occasionally, she is unexpectedly presented with the worst possible outcome:success.When that happens, the Novice is usually hastily collared by an inexperienced orphony Dominant, used and abused physically, emotionally, and sexually, andthen unceremoniously dumped like yesterday’s Chinese take-out. The Novice’sfirst collar typically lasts about as long as it takes the so-called Dominant toreach an orgasm or, conversely, to learn that it isn’t going to happen.Sometimes, the collar will just fade away in a muddled fog of uncertainly overthe following days or weeks as the hapless Novice struggles to figure out whatwent wrong and whether or not she still has a Dominant. Nevertheless, theundeterred Novice usually sets out again to do it all over again, ad nauseum,again and again, and again.It should come as no surprise that the Novice submissive has a very highlikelihood of eventually becoming someone who passionately believes thatBDSM is for losers. After all, she has nothing but her own pathetic experiencesupon which to base her judgment. This makes me sad. So, how does someonesuccessfully navigate the treacherous path from Novice to true submissive?There is no clear and definitive road map that is guaranteed to help you find yourway, but there are three principles which I believe can make that journey safer,quicker, and tremendously more fulfilling.The first is quite simply this: Time is your friend. Don’t be in such a hurry tofind, submit, or commit to a Dominant. He isn’t a carton of milk. There’s noexpiration date stamped on his ass. He’ll still be there tomorrow, or next week,or even next month. If it is meant to be, then a few days or weeks won’t makemuch difference in the grand scheme of things. It’s often tempting - evenirresistible - to leap into a relationship while your endorphins are pumping andyour heart is racing. But it is also almost always going to be a mistake. Takeyour time.The second principle would be: Consider a collar, if one is involved, assymbolic of your mutual commitment. (We’ll discuss collars in greater depth inChapter 5: The Collar.) At the very least, before entering into any D/srelationship, ask yourself and/or the prospective Dominant the following

questions: What, exactly, is the nature of the commitment I am making here?What are your obligations to me? Am I an equal partner, unequal partner, orproperty? What happens if either of us fails to live up to these commitments?How have you handled these issues in the past? Are you any good at this?There’s nothing disrespectful or inappropriate about any of these question.Don’t be afraid to ask. Trust me on this. The time to learn the answers to thesequestions is before you wear the collar, not after.The third principle is crucial, and often much more difficult than the first two.Here it is, in a nutshell: If you have serious trust issues, don’t bother. Don’teven think about jumping into a D/s relationship. The bedrock and foundation ofevery D/s relationship is trust. Entering into or even considering a D/srelationship knowing that you cannot trust is a little like skydiving without aparachute. It may start out great, but it doesn’t end well.The PainslutThe Painslut is typically an extreme masochist, which is someone who enjoys oris aroused by sensations of intense or extreme pain. While masochists can anddo exist in every other major category of submissive, Painsluts rate their owncategory in the pantheon of submission for one simple reason. The Painslut’sprimary interest, attraction, and fetish is pain – pure and simple, completelyunadulterated, and in heaping quantities. Many of the masochists in the othercategories view pain as a wonderful thing, but they typically value pain on a parwith the other good things in a relationship. The Painslut goes well beyondseeing pain as a good thing. For the Painslut, it is usually the best thing and,sometimes, the only thing. The inclusion of the suffix slut is not incidental, bythe way. Painsluts are often known as much for their sexual promiscuity as theyare for their extreme brand of masochism.The PetA Pet submissive is one who assumes the role of a cherished animal companionto her Dominant, who typically role plays the part of owner, caretaker, trainer,breeder, or rider. Pet submissives typically are able to slip in and out ofcharacter as needed in order to deal with the mundane aspects of their vanillalives. In some cases, Pet submissives attempt to stay in character 24/7, which iswhat takes their role play from being a mere kink to being a full-blown lifestyle.The animal roles chosen by Pet submissives generally fall into three major

questions: What, exactly, is the nature of the commitment I am making here?

What are your obligations to me? Am I an equal partner, unequal partner, or

property? What happens if either of us fails to live up to these commitments?

How have you handled these issues in the past? Are you any good at this?

There’s nothing disrespectful or inappropriate about any of these question.

Don’t be afraid to ask. Trust me on this. The time to learn the answers to these

questions is before you wear the collar, not after.

The third principle is crucial, and often much more difficult than the first two.

Here it is, in a nutshell: If you have serious trust issues, don’t bother. Don’t

even think about jumping into a D/s relationship. The bedrock and foundation of

every D/s relationship is trust. Entering into or even considering a D/s

relationship knowing that you cannot trust is a little like skydiving without a

parachute. It may start out great, but it doesn’t end well.

The Painslut

The Painslut is typically an extreme masochist, which is someone who enjoys or

is aroused by sensations of intense or extreme pain. While masochists can and

do exist in every other major category of submissive, Painsluts rate their own

category in the pantheon of submission for one simple reason. The Painslut’s

primary interest, attraction, and fetish is pain – pure and simple, completely

unadulterated, and in heaping quantities. Many of the masochists in the other

categories view pain as a wonderful thing, but they typically value pain on a par

with the other good things in a relationship. The Painslut goes well beyond

seeing pain as a good thing. For the Painslut, it is usually the best thing and,

sometimes, the only thing. The inclusion of the suffix slut is not incidental, by

the way. Painsluts are often known as much for their sexual promiscuity as they

are for their extreme brand of masochism.

The Pet

A Pet submissive is one who assumes the role of a cherished animal companion

to her Dominant, who typically role plays the part of owner, caretaker, trainer,

breeder, or rider. Pet submissives typically are able to slip in and out of

character as needed in order to deal with the mundane aspects of their vanilla

lives. In some cases, Pet submissives attempt to stay in character 24/7, which is

what takes their role play from being a mere kink to being a full-blown lifestyle.

The animal roles chosen by Pet submissives generally fall into three major

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