Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

from alejandroheinricks More from this publisher

Types of SubmissivesIf you are in the BDSM lifestyle or involved in a D/s relationship, you may knowsome of the following categories of submissives by different names. You mayeven know of additional categories or traits that are not fully represented here,and that’s okay. No book on this subject is going to be able to capture everyaspect of the lifestyle or its many subcultures. Even so, I’m sure you’llrecognize many of the character traits and behaviors we’re about to explore, andperhaps even learn a little about yourself and others you may know.As we go through these categories, you may find yourself wondering why thereis no category designated for the “sex slave.” The reason is simply that, in myhumble opinion, there is no such category of submissive. A submissive in anyof the following categories could accurately be referred to as a sex slave,particularly by those with a limited understanding of the D/s or BDSMlifestyles. I believe that sex is something that a person does; it is not a very gooddescription of who someone is. Frankly, anyone can have sex or role-play thepart of a sex slave. That doesn’t really tell us anything useful about who theyare, how they love, or how we can love them.The AcolyteThe Acolyte is a submissive who is usually in a D/s relationship with a LesserGod Dom. There is a very real distinction between being in a relationship withthe Lesser God Dom, versus being attracted to a Lesser God Dom. The reasonfor this distinction is actually quite simple. The Acolyte is a member of anintense D/s personality cult. She rarely enters into any relationship with aDominant as an Acolyte; she is invariably converted to it.The Acolyte may be referred to as a disciple, follower, worshipper or priestess,and considers herself not only her Dominant’s number one fan, but also as aholder of sacred knowledge, a gatekeeper with the keys to her Dominant’s innersanctum, and a part of a relationship that will endure through eternity,transcending even death. The reason for that belief is rooted in the quasireligiousfoundations of this sort of D/s relationship. The Lesser God and hisAcolytes are part of their own private religion, where sin and redemption areredefined and the Dominant sits at the center of his worshippers’ universe as agod or prophet. They don’t expect or need the rest of us to understand, as longas it continues to work for them.

Of all the submissive types, the Acolyte usually is in the greatest danger ofpotential abuse, even more so than the Novice (see below). A Lesser God Domconsiders himself unbound by any rules other than those me makes for himself,and the Acolyte typically exists in a detached, isolated and sometimes amoralreality in the presence of her own personal god. When things are going well inthis kind of relationship, they tend to go very well. But when things begin to gobadly – and they often do - it can be a disaster of biblical proportions. Withintheir quasi-religious paradigm, death is often viewed as a mere illusion or as agraduation from one level of awareness to the next. This can becomeproblematic when the Lesser God Dom is revealed to his Acolytes to be a meremortal, or when the group feels threatened by outsiders.The relationship between the Acolyte and her Dominant always reminds me ofthe movie Ghostbusters. In that movie, an immense and horrifying demon peersat the diminutive Dr. Ray Stantz (brilliantly played by Bill Murray) and asks in abooming voice, “Are you a God?” Dr. Stantz tentatively replies, “No.” Hisresponse triggers an incredible, demonic display of lightning, destruction, andchaos from the demon. In the midst of it all, fellow ghostbuster WinstonZeddemore grabs Stantz by the collar and screams, “Ray, when someone asksyou if you're a god, you say yes!”The BratNo category of submissive has been more misunderstood, mischaracterized, norbeen made the brunt of as many jokes, as the Brat submissive. A Brat is asubmissive who is generally well-behaved, but has made misbehavior, teasing,and limited kinds of defiance or disobedience an integral part of her Dominantsubmissivedynamic. Preferably, this occurs with the full awareness and at leastthe implied approval of her Dominant. When such is not the case, problems willinvariably arise. There is term for submissives who conduct themselves as Bratswithout the approval of their Dominants. We call them phony submissives.There is a widespread misconception in the D/s lifestyle that Brats are alwayswell-behaved with their Dominants, and that it is only with other Dominants andsubmissives that they exhibit their inner brat. This ridiculous notion completelyignores the fact that it is the dynamic between the submissive and her Dominantthat defines her. No submissive (nor Dominant, for that matter) is defined byhow they treat everyone outside her relationship. If such were the case,categorizations would not only be impossible, but meaningless. This silly notion

Of all the submissive types, the Acolyte usually is in the greatest danger of

potential abuse, even more so than the Novice (see below). A Lesser God Dom

considers himself unbound by any rules other than those me makes for himself,

and the Acolyte typically exists in a detached, isolated and sometimes amoral

reality in the presence of her own personal god. When things are going well in

this kind of relationship, they tend to go very well. But when things begin to go

badly – and they often do - it can be a disaster of biblical proportions. Within

their quasi-religious paradigm, death is often viewed as a mere illusion or as a

graduation from one level of awareness to the next. This can become

problematic when the Lesser God Dom is revealed to his Acolytes to be a mere

mortal, or when the group feels threatened by outsiders.

The relationship between the Acolyte and her Dominant always reminds me of

the movie Ghostbusters. In that movie, an immense and horrifying demon peers

at the diminutive Dr. Ray Stantz (brilliantly played by Bill Murray) and asks in a

booming voice, “Are you a God?” Dr. Stantz tentatively replies, “No.” His

response triggers an incredible, demonic display of lightning, destruction, and

chaos from the demon. In the midst of it all, fellow ghostbuster Winston

Zeddemore grabs Stantz by the collar and screams, “Ray, when someone asks

you if you're a god, you say yes!”

The Brat

No category of submissive has been more misunderstood, mischaracterized, nor

been made the brunt of as many jokes, as the Brat submissive. A Brat is a

submissive who is generally well-behaved, but has made misbehavior, teasing,

and limited kinds of defiance or disobedience an integral part of her Dominantsubmissive

dynamic. Preferably, this occurs with the full awareness and at least

the implied approval of her Dominant. When such is not the case, problems will

invariably arise. There is term for submissives who conduct themselves as Brats

without the approval of their Dominants. We call them phony submissives.

There is a widespread misconception in the D/s lifestyle that Brats are always

well-behaved with their Dominants, and that it is only with other Dominants and

submissives that they exhibit their inner brat. This ridiculous notion completely

ignores the fact that it is the dynamic between the submissive and her Dominant

that defines her. No submissive (nor Dominant, for that matter) is defined by

how they treat everyone outside her relationship. If such were the case,

categorizations would not only be impossible, but meaningless. This silly notion

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