Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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behavior pleases her mate great, but his opinion carries no more weight - andoften less - than anyone else’s does. She worries about what people think, justnot so much about what her partner thinks.Dogs are eager to please. They are not only willing to alter their appearance andbehavior to please their partners, they live for it. The dog person derives atremendous amount of joy and fulfillment from the approval that comes from hermate as the result of any change in her wardrobe or hair color, the success of herdiet, or progress in overcoming bad habits. If you fit into this latter category; ifyou’ve ever found yourself asking your partner what you shouldwear, how you should eat, or whether you should quit smoking, then there’s avery good chance that you might be a submissive.Pencils down! Pass your papers to the front of the class. Let’s take a momenthere to reiterate the point that there are no right or wrong answers to any of thepreceding questions. They are simply designed to get you thinking about what isreally going on inside of your head and in your heart. It is entirely possible tohaveanswered all of the introspection questions in the negative, and yet still be asubmissive. Conversely, you could have been nodding in completeand utter agreement with every question, and still not be a submissive.To say it can be an incredibly complicated issue would be a grossunderstatement.If only it were as easy as going to the pharmacy, purchasing a test kit, and takingit home to pee on a little plasticstick. Red for Dominant, blue for submissive, purple for switches, andyellow for everyone else. Life really would be so much simpler.

The Gift of SubmissionMuch has been said in D/s circles about theso-called “Gift of Submission” that is believed by many to be bestowed upon aDominant by his submissive. For many, especially those who may benew to the D/s lifestyle, it can be a concept with a great deal ofutility. After all, it sometimes needs to be said that one’s submissionis not something that can be taken from you by force. It is somethingthat you give willingly to someone who deserves it. So, in the sense that it iswillingly given, submission is most definitely a gift.There are also some people who may not fullyappreciate the very real and intrinsic value of one’s submission to herDominant. If a submissive is plagued with serious self-esteem issues, shemay view herself as worthless and, therefore, her submission as equallyworthless. In such a case, it becomes necessary and appropriateto teach her that not only does she have value, but her submission is a gift ofgreat value which should not be wasted on the unworthy. Insuch a case, the metaphor of submission as a gift can be very useful.One occasionally hears discussion of the gift of submission as something whichmust be earned. I, for one, am not entirely comfortable with that notion, but amcertainly willing to take acloser look at it. Can you think of any other situation or scenario inour society where gifts must be earned? We have words for the things we earnin our culture; words like wages, paychecks, tips and bonuses. I will certainlyadmit that a Dominant should earn a submissive’s trust, respect and love as theirrelationship evolves but,

The Gift of Submission

Much has been said in D/s circles about the

so-called “Gift of Submission” that is believed by many to be bestowed upon a

Dominant by his submissive. For many, especially those who may be

new to the D/s lifestyle, it can be a concept with a great deal of

utility. After all, it sometimes needs to be said that one’s submission

is not something that can be taken from you by force. It is something

that you give willingly to someone who deserves it. So, in the sense that it is

willingly given, submission is most definitely a gift.

There are also some people who may not fully

appreciate the very real and intrinsic value of one’s submission to her

Dominant. If a submissive is plagued with serious self-esteem issues, she

may view herself as worthless and, therefore, her submission as equally

worthless. In such a case, it becomes necessary and appropriate

to teach her that not only does she have value, but her submission is a gift of

great value which should not be wasted on the unworthy. In

such a case, the metaphor of submission as a gift can be very useful.

One occasionally hears discussion of the gift of submission as something which

must be earned. I, for one, am not entirely comfortable with that notion, but am

certainly willing to take a

closer look at it. Can you think of any other situation or scenario in

our society where gifts must be earned? We have words for the things we earn

in our culture; words like wages, paychecks, tips and bonuses. I will certainly

admit that a Dominant should earn a submissive’s trust, respect and love as their

relationship evolves but,

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