Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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radar for spotting the alpha individual in any room? If so, you are

definitely not alone. Many natural submissives have, over the course of

their lifetimes, developed and honed this ability, often without even realizing it.

Similarly, many gays and lesbians are able to utilize a finely tuned “gaydar”

sense that helps them to spot subtle body language and other nonverbal cues

that can help to identify potential partners. When you walk into a

room full of strangers, do your “spidey senses” immediately home in on that

alpha person? Is your curiosity naturally drawn to the person telling a funny

story in the center of a cluster of laughing people? Or

perhaps you can simply feel his or her direct gaze upon you from clear across the

room. If any, or all, of these scenarios sound familiar to you, you

just might be a submissive.

Do you feel good about changing your appearance, behavior, or habits in order

to please your partner? People generally

tend to fall into three categories, when it comes to altering how they look or act

in order to please someone else. Just for fun, I sometimes like to

characterize the three categories as salmon, cats, and dogs.

Salmon swim against the current. The salmon folks are those who are fiercely

independent and completely uncompromising when it comes to their appearance

and behavior. A person in this category not

only enjoys blazing her own path, but often seeks out and enjoys the

opportunity to swim against the tide of opinion, even if it is the opinion of the

person whose opinion she values the most. She’s the one who says, “Honey, I

love you, but if you try to tell me what to wear, how to look, or how much I

should weigh, I will rip your balls off and feed them to the dog.”

Cats are aloof. A cat person is one who is ambivalent or even apathetic about

this issue. If her appearance or

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