Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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consider such activity as “intimate.” Ultimately, the meaning of polyfidelityshould be mutually agreed upon by the individuals in the relationship. (See also:Group marriage, Polyamory)Polygyny. Refers to a polyamorous relationship in which a man has more thanone female partner. It is typically used to describe a polygamous or pluralmarriage consisting of a husband with two or more wives. (See also: Groupmarriage, Polyamory)Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC, as it is commonlyreferred to, is a synthetic polymer plastic that can be produced in rigid or flexibleform. In its pure form, PVC resembles the hard white plastic generallyassociated with plastic piping and conduits. When PVC is combined withcertain other substances, it becomes pliable and a less expensive substitute forleather, natural rubber, or other materials used in fetish-wear. PVC can beproduced to be glossy or matte, flexible or rigid. It is often confused for leather,rubber, latex, or other types of plastic. (See also: Latex, Rubber)Pony Play. Pony Play refers to a form of pet play that involves assuming therole of a pet pony. Ponies typically fall into three categories: cart ponies, ridingponies, and show ponies. Cart ponies pull a small cart called a sulky, whichcarries her owner or other riders. Riding ponies prefer to be ridden directly,either while on all fours, or standing, with the rider on her back or shoulders.Since this can be problematic due to the rider’s weight, it is often simulated.Show ponies are all about the dressage, and often wear very elaborate plumes,braids, harnesses, bridles, and other decorative items. (See also: Pet play,Ponygirl, Ponyboy, Pony Slave)Ponygirl Ponyboy Pony Slave. Refers to a person who enjoys or gets sexuallyaroused by assuming the role of a pony for pony play. (See also: Pet play, Ponyplay.)Poppers. Typically refers to small glass ampules encased in a pouch made ofabsorbent material. The ampules, when crushed, release a liquid that soaks theabsorbent material and becomes an inhalant that produces a momentary feelingof heart-pounding euphoria or inebriation. Poppers usually contain amyl nitrate,butyl nitrate or other similar compounds and are sold over-the-counter in adultretail establishments under various brand names as liquid incense. The sameinhalants are also often sold in liquid form in small bottles as solvents, cleaners,

or air fresheners. Inhaling the fumes during sex often results in intense orgasm,increased heart rate and respiration, and relaxation of the anal sphincter.Overuse of poppers and similar inhalants can lead to serious medical problems,including death.Postural Asphyxiation. Postural asphyxiation occurs when a person’s bodyposition makes it difficult or impossible for that person to breathe. Differentpeople may be susceptible to postural asphyxiation as a result of differentpositions, which makes it extremely difficult to anticipate or take preventativemeasures for. The best strategy for mitigating the effects of posturalasphyxiation is continuous monitoring of the bottom’s physical, emotional, andcognitive condition. (See also: Asphyxiation, Autoerotic asphyxiation)Predicament Bondage. Predicament bondage typically refers to a scene thatfeatures either a bondage position that is untenable or difficult to maintain forvery long, or the dilemma of having to choose between two equallyuncomfortable or painful options. An example of the former would be abondage position that requires a bottom to stand on his or her tiptoes in order toreduce the discomfort of a partial suspension. As the tiptoe stance becomesuntenable and the bottom stands flat-footed, the discomfort of the partialsuspension becomes significantly more intense. An example of the latter wouldbe a bottom who is given a choice between having her ass spanked and havingher pussy spanked. When she gives a signal that one has become unbearable, theTop will switch to the other, alternating back and forth as appropriate.Predicament bondage is generally considered to be a form of edge play, meaningthat it carries a higher than average risk of injury. (See also: Bondage, Kinbaku,Restraints, Shibari)Primal. A person who embraces his or her animalistic or primal instincts.Primals are often neither inherently dominant nor submissive by nature. Primalstend to prefer nontraditional poly relationships patterned on the pack or pridedynamic, similar to that of wolves and lions. Primals do treat dominance andsubmission as a significant part of their interactions with others, but it issomething that is fluid and spontaneous, and often established in an ad-hoc, spurof the moment fashion upon meeting someone for the first time. This process ofestablishing dominance or submission may involve stare-downs, sniffing, verbalsparring, or even physical aggression. On a hypothetical spectrum with role playat one end and real life at the other, primalism tends to be a core personality

consider such activity as “intimate.” Ultimately, the meaning of polyfidelity

should be mutually agreed upon by the individuals in the relationship. (See also:

Group marriage, Polyamory)

Polygyny. Refers to a polyamorous relationship in which a man has more than

one female partner. It is typically used to describe a polygamous or plural

marriage consisting of a husband with two or more wives. (See also: Group

marriage, Polyamory)

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC). Polyvinyl Chloride or PVC, as it is commonly

referred to, is a synthetic polymer plastic that can be produced in rigid or flexible

form. In its pure form, PVC resembles the hard white plastic generally

associated with plastic piping and conduits. When PVC is combined with

certain other substances, it becomes pliable and a less expensive substitute for

leather, natural rubber, or other materials used in fetish-wear. PVC can be

produced to be glossy or matte, flexible or rigid. It is often confused for leather,

rubber, latex, or other types of plastic. (See also: Latex, Rubber)

Pony Play. Pony Play refers to a form of pet play that involves assuming the

role of a pet pony. Ponies typically fall into three categories: cart ponies, riding

ponies, and show ponies. Cart ponies pull a small cart called a sulky, which

carries her owner or other riders. Riding ponies prefer to be ridden directly,

either while on all fours, or standing, with the rider on her back or shoulders.

Since this can be problematic due to the rider’s weight, it is often simulated.

Show ponies are all about the dressage, and often wear very elaborate plumes,

braids, harnesses, bridles, and other decorative items. (See also: Pet play,

Ponygirl, Ponyboy, Pony Slave)

Ponygirl Ponyboy Pony Slave. Refers to a person who enjoys or gets sexually

aroused by assuming the role of a pony for pony play. (See also: Pet play, Pony


Poppers. Typically refers to small glass ampules encased in a pouch made of

absorbent material. The ampules, when crushed, release a liquid that soaks the

absorbent material and becomes an inhalant that produces a momentary feeling

of heart-pounding euphoria or inebriation. Poppers usually contain amyl nitrate,

butyl nitrate or other similar compounds and are sold over-the-counter in adult

retail establishments under various brand names as liquid incense. The same

inhalants are also often sold in liquid form in small bottles as solvents, cleaners,

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