Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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refuse, subject to circumstances, persuasion, or the right partner. Violating

a soft limit without prior consent is still considered a serious breach of


· Must Limits: An activity that is a requirement or a requisite condition

of a scene. One example might be a bottom’s requirement that aftercare be

provided following a scene, or a Top’s requirement that his play partners

sign a declaration of good health prior to any scene.

· Time Limits: A limitation on how long a scene can last, or a set time

where it must end.

· No Limits: The term is sometimes used as a synonym for Total Power

Exchange (TPE), but most often refers to a consensual agreement between

a Top and bottom that there will be no limits of any kind in an ensuing

scene or relationship. This is generally considered to be an extremely

unwise thing to do, since even the most experienced and hardened BDSM

practitioners have some limits.

Little. A Little, sometimes referred to as a Baby, Babygirl, Lolita, Loli, Lolly,

Little Girl, Little One, or Tot, is a submissive who finds great joy in embracing

her inner child. This sort of age play often involves behaving, speaking and/or

dressing in a childlike manner, and may or may not involve sex or other adultappropriate

themes. While the great majority of Littles and their Daddy Doms

find age play to be sexually stimulating, there are also those who simply find

comfort in the simulated adult-child dynamic, and do not associate it in any way

with sex. (See also: Age play, AB/DL, Daddy Dom, Diaper play, Infantilism)

Lolita. (See: Little.)

Masochism. Masochism, which is sometimes referred to as sadomasochism,

S&M, or S/M, refers to the derivation of arousal, pleasure, or sexual gratification

from inflicting or receiving pain or humiliation. Aside from its association with

sadism and BDSM, there are clinical psychological classifications of sexual

masochism are sometimes the subject of debate. They are:

· Class I Sexual Masochist: Bothered by, but not seeking out, fantasies.

May be preponderantly sadists with minimal masochistic tendencies and/or

non-sadomasochistic with minimal masochistic tendencies

· Class II Sexual Masochist: Equal mix of sadistic and masochistic

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