Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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infantilism, diaper play, bathroom access control play, humiliation play, urine

consumption, clothes or bed wetting, or voyeurism. Contrary to popular belief,

people are told to wash their hands after urination not because urine is

unsanitary, but because genitals are. Uncontaminated urine is actually sterile.

(See also: Bathroom Access Control, Brown showers, Humiliation, Scat, Urine

play, Water sports)

Gor. Gor is the name of a fictional planet whose people were the subject of a

series of pulp fiction novels by John Frederick Lange Jr. writing under the pen

name John Norman. Devotees of the “Gorean” subculture of the D/s lifestyle

pattern their relationship and social dynamics, language, customs, protocols, and

even their sexual activities after the manner of the people of this fictional planet,

which is also sometimes referred to by the series publishers as “Counter-

Earth.” The planet, as envisioned by John Norman, is ruled by a technologically

advanced insect-like race of Priest-Kings who have, over the course of eons,

transported large numbers of humans from earth to populate the planet, many of

whom are made slaves, if they happen to be female. (See also: Master, Kajira)

Group Marriage. Generally refers to any marriage or relationship resembling a

marriage that has more than two partners, typically without regard to the legal

standing of the relationship in the eyes of the law. Group marriage is also

sometimes referred to as plural marriage. (See also: Polyamory, Polyandry,


Gun Play. Gun play is a form of BDSM edge-play which consists of using a

firearm or simulated firearm to create sensations of fear and/or arousal in the

bottom. This sort of play can be extremely dangerous if anyone involved in the

scene is unfamiliar with basic weapons safety procedures. Even overly curious

bystanders can put themselves or others at risk if proper precautions are not

meticulously observed. Gun play is sometimes combined with abduction or rape

fantasy play. (See also: Abduction play, Edge play, Gang rape fantasy,

Humiliation, Interrogation play, Rape fantasy)

Guydyke. A person who was born and remains assigned male, yet his primary

sexual attraction is to gay and bisexual females, usually to the complete

exclusion of heterosexual females.

Hairbrush Spanking. Paddling or spanking with the flat back-side of a

hairbrush. (See also: Paraphilia, Paddling, Spanking)

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