Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

from alejandroheinricks More from this publisher

not as much of a pervert as you might have thought!This is a culture that is incredibly diverse and places a very high value ontolerance. Just because my kink is not your kink doesn’t necessarily make meright and you wrong. You may view another person’s fetish with disdain or evenrevulsion, but you should never forget that the world is full of people who mightlook upon your kinks with equal repugnance. It is this community’s respect andreverence for diversity and rejection of judgmental posturing that makes it veryspecial. That does not, however, mean that we should tolerate absolutelyanything.I won’t pretend to be able to tell you how you should set your own moralcompass. Just know that when you come into this lifestyle, you shouldn’t leaveyour ethics at the door.D/s relationships can be among the happiest and most intense, loving,passionate, and fulfilling kinds of relationships you may ever experience. Avery small percentage of people will be lucky enough to find the right D/spartner at the right time under the right circumstances, and literally live happilyever after. Another small slice of those in the lifestyle may get just a brief tasteof what could have been, and spend a lifetime hoping once again to recreate thatmagical spark. Still others may never get a chance at all to experience the thrillof hearing or saying, “I am yours,” and knowing it is not just a figure of speech.The rest of us - the great majority of us - will do what we have always done, inor outside of the lifestyle.We will find those special people who make us smile so much that our cheekshurt, who spark our imaginations, who make us unafraid to show our secretselves, who want the very best for us and prove it every single day, the ones whomake us ache for them, day and night. When we find those people, we holdthem close and live, love, lust, and laugh with them for as long as we possiblycan.Rinse. Repeat.You can find joy and fulfillment in a loving, healthy D/s relationship.There are no guarantees, no sure things, and no secret formulas for success. Itcould last a day, or it could last a lifetime. Regardless of how long it lasts, if youkeep your focus on bringing joy to your partner, and savoring the personal

fulfillment that springs from that, you’ll be on the right path.

fulfillment that springs from that, you’ll be on the right path.

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