Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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such cases certainly favors a train wreck in the not-too-distant future.

Sometimes, however, people can surprise you. They change. They grow. They

learn and adapt and, occasionally, they succeed in a relationship which

completely defies explanation. This, however, is generally the exception, rather

than the rule.

Poor Communication

Make no mistake about it; communication is a skill, and a critical one at that.

D/s relationships are no more prone to communication breakdowns than vanilla

ones, but their complexity and potential consequences can be mind-boggling. At

the end of this chapter, I share a simple example of how two people having two

completely different notions of the definition of the word “extreme” can change

everything. Just because you and your partner both speak English doesn’t

necessarily mean you speak the same language.

Words can have drastically different connotations and meanings to people, but

when you are part of a fetish culture that habitually frames things in double

entendre and euphemism, it becomes even more complicated. For example,

when is “whips and chains” just another way to say BDSM, and when does it

literally mean whips and chains? It’s not unusual at all to hear someone in the

lifestyle who claims to be into “whips and chains” to go pale when an actual

bullwhip is brought out, saying “Oh no, I didn’t mean an actual whip! Got any

nice, thuddy floggers?”

When we hear a term like “age play,” we generally assume that it involves a

mature individual acting in a child-like role. In reality, age play is any activity

where one person assumes the role of someone any age that significantly differs

from his true age, while another person interacts with him age-appropriately.

The most common expression of age play is found in the Daddy Dom - babygirl

relationship dynamic, but there are plenty of other possible permutations,

including role play gerontophilia, which is a sexual attraction to the elderly.

Examples like these can be humorous or even ironic at times, but when a

relationship goes off the tracks because of a basic misunderstanding, it can be

heartbreaking. Some of the most common communication breakdowns occur as

the result of a lack of clarity on such things as the differences between a slave

and a submissive, or what a collar represents to each of the parties involved. A

simple word like respect can mean completely different things to different

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