Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

from alejandroheinricks More from this publisher

from such riff-raff? He knows all of this, because he’s seen it work for him timeand again, and it’s hard to argue with success. Anyone who steadfastly refusesto recognize his innate superiority is simply a bit-player or antagonist in a granddrama that is played out on center-stage in his own little parallel universe.You might be tempted to pity the self-delusional Tin Pot Dom until you realizethe full magnitude of the damage that his kind does to submissives, to the D/slifestyle, and to society in general. As a result of this person’s delusional andoften paranoid behavior, submissives often end up stripped of their dignity,sense of self-worth, self-confidence and trust. Others in the lifestyle are forcedconstantly to defend our way of life because of the widespread stereotypes andmisconceptions that result from the actions of these bad apples. Even worse,there are those high-profile, extreme cases where the worst of these selfdelusional,criminally insane individuals kidnap people and keep them chainedin their basement or bury them in their backyards.Now, before I am accused of engaging in fear-mongering, or the wanton andindiscriminate slander of all the poor, innocent, harmlessly self-deluded Tin PotDoms everywhere, I hope you’ll allow me to just say that I did not mean toimply that all self-deluded Tin Pot Dominants are psycho loons. I meant toimply that most of them are.Alrighty, then. Let the accusations fly.There you have it, my perspective on what I consider to be the eight majorcategories of Dominants and a ninth for the TPDs who are role players or selfdelusional.My perspectives on this and other D/s lifestyle topics have beenshaped and impacted by thirty-five years of D/s relationships, a lifetime ofunusual life experiences, and an admittedly eccentric world-view. I suppose thekey to getting your money’s worth from this book will be your ability to takefrom it what is useful to your relationships and activities, and to simply disregardthe rest. There isn’t much in the D/s lifestyle that can be characterized as rightor wrong. It is either useful to you, or it is not.Frankly, I fully expect that some of the things I say in this book are going tocause some people to foam at the mouth and perhaps even say not-nice thingsabout me. That’s okay. It’s all part of the process. I’d be far more concerned ifeveryone were agreeing with me, since that’s usually my first clue that I’m deadwrong about something.

Peeking Into My HeadSpeaking of being wrong, I am truly fortunate to be able to count among mydearest friends my former collared submissive, a woman who has turnedtactfully telling me that I’m wrong into a virtual art form. She has been aninvaluable aide and adviser in the production of this book from concept tocompletion, and I trust her instincts and opinions without reservation. So, whenshe ever-so-tactfully told me well into the writing of the book that I was doing itwrong, I listened.She told me that my readers wanted more than an informative or evenentertaining book about D/s and BDSM relationships. Anyone could write thatbook, she said. What they wanted, she assured me, was the chance to bevoyeurs. They wanted a peek into my head. They wanted to know how someonelike me, a Dominant with over thirty-five years of experience in this lifestyle andin these kinds of relationships, thinks and feels and acts.And, to be brutally honest, I wanted absolutely no part of that.I have always been an exceedingly private person, and not without good reason.At various times in my life, I have been targeted in one way or another bycriminals, enemy soldiers, union thugs, law enforcement officers, politicalactivists, crooked lawyers, newspaper reporters, and even jealous husbands.Some of those people pointed real guns loaded with real bullets, at me. Othersused less obvious, but even more insidious methods that, frankly, made menostalgic for gunplay. I learned some important lessons from all of that, themost valuable being: Don’t make yourself a target.And now, I was being asked to do just that.My immediate reaction was to simply dismiss the idea, outright. I really did notwant to make any part of this book all about me. I’ve spent my entire lifeplaying my cards close to the vest. I wasn’t about to suddenly start playing themface up on the table. Paranoia may not be a winning strategy for everyone, butit’s always worked pretty well for me.I promised her that I’d at least think about it. And, I did.After about a week of thinking about it, I realized she was right. There reallywas only one thing I could offer to my readers that no one else could, and that

Peeking Into My Head

Speaking of being wrong, I am truly fortunate to be able to count among my

dearest friends my former collared submissive, a woman who has turned

tactfully telling me that I’m wrong into a virtual art form. She has been an

invaluable aide and adviser in the production of this book from concept to

completion, and I trust her instincts and opinions without reservation. So, when

she ever-so-tactfully told me well into the writing of the book that I was doing it

wrong, I listened.

She told me that my readers wanted more than an informative or even

entertaining book about D/s and BDSM relationships. Anyone could write that

book, she said. What they wanted, she assured me, was the chance to be

voyeurs. They wanted a peek into my head. They wanted to know how someone

like me, a Dominant with over thirty-five years of experience in this lifestyle and

in these kinds of relationships, thinks and feels and acts.

And, to be brutally honest, I wanted absolutely no part of that.

I have always been an exceedingly private person, and not without good reason.

At various times in my life, I have been targeted in one way or another by

criminals, enemy soldiers, union thugs, law enforcement officers, political

activists, crooked lawyers, newspaper reporters, and even jealous husbands.

Some of those people pointed real guns loaded with real bullets, at me. Others

used less obvious, but even more insidious methods that, frankly, made me

nostalgic for gunplay. I learned some important lessons from all of that, the

most valuable being: Don’t make yourself a target.

And now, I was being asked to do just that.

My immediate reaction was to simply dismiss the idea, outright. I really did not

want to make any part of this book all about me. I’ve spent my entire life

playing my cards close to the vest. I wasn’t about to suddenly start playing them

face up on the table. Paranoia may not be a winning strategy for everyone, but

it’s always worked pretty well for me.

I promised her that I’d at least think about it. And, I did.

After about a week of thinking about it, I realized she was right. There really

was only one thing I could offer to my readers that no one else could, and that

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