Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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understand what she’s done wrong in the eyes of her Dominant, he can’t

understand why she can’t seem to see it.

To be sure, not every Dominant is going to be worthy of a submissive’s trust.

Obviously, in those cases, a submissive should not accept his collar in the first

place, or if his unworthiness is only made apparent at a later stage of the

relationship, she should ask to be released. It isn’t trustworthiness itself that

we’re talking about here, however. The issue here is, are these two people even

speaking the same language when they say they “trust” one another?

A Dominant needs to be able to trust his submissive too, and once again, that

trust needs to be more than the simple assurance that he won’t be betrayed. He

trusts that she will be earnest in her efforts to learn what she must about the

lifestyle, her role in the relationship, and about him. He trusts that she

understands the concepts of loyalty, devotion, service, and respect. He trusts her

to reveal to him her thoughts, feelings, and activities of her day. He trusts her to

represent him in all ways, in everything that she does. He trusts her to take him

seriously, and that she will follow his guidance, instruction or advice. When

these things do not happen, or they stop happening at some point in the

relationship, the dynamic changes radically, and in most cases, it’s not for the


Hidden Agendas

When it comes to hidden agendas, D/s relationships can provide fertile ground

for what is, even in vanilla relationships, always going to be a complex issue. A

hidden agenda exists when a person is focused upon and is actively working to

achieve a goal that differs significantly from his or her stated goals. The most

common examples are the Dominant who says he wants a D/s relationship,

when all he really wants is a sex slave, and the submissive who says she wants a

Master, when all she really wants is a collar.

Another great illustration of a hidden agenda is what happens when a

monogamist becomes involved with a polyamorist and at least one of the

partners secretly harbors an unstated plan to convert the other to his or her own

way of loving.

The unfortunate thing about hidden agendas is the fact that they are rarely

discovered until after you’ve made a significant investment into the relationship

of time, effort, emotional energy and financial resources towards a destination or

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