Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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balance” of D/s and BDSM be the goal of just about everyone in the lifestyle?

The answer, in a word, is no. There are plenty of people who want the

relationship without the whips and chains. There are still others who are all

about the whips and chains, but have no real interest in the trappings of a D/s

relationship dynamic. And yes, there are those who not only want both, but they

honestly cannot conceive of one without the other.

It should come as no great surprise to anyone that it is exceedingly difficult for a

member of one of these groups to understand and empathize with someone from

one of the others. It’s almost as if someone who cares only about love, to the

exclusion of sex, were trying to understand what motivates a friend who cares

only about sex, and not a bit about love. As difficult as that would be, imagine

further what might be the result if suddenly, those two individuals found

themselves in a relationship with each other? You might be tempted to laugh

off the possibility, since it’s hard to imagine how someone who doesn’t want

love would seek out a relationship, right? Frankly, it happens all the time in this


Every day, thousands of submissives and slaves who are not emotionally

involved in any significant way with them are collared by their Dominants.

Often, Dominants will offer and submissives accept these collars without any

thought whatsoever to what their new partner hopes or expects to gain from the

arrangement, or whether they share any commonalities at all. One may be

seeking D/s, while the other simply wants BDSM. One may want love, the

other, sex. Both may be accustomed to calling the shots in a relationship, even if

one of them thinks he or she is a submissive. In short, they are unclear on the

concepts of D/s and BDSM.

There are sometimes those even in the BDSM lifestyle who confuse being a

“top” with being a Dominant, or being a “bottom” with being a submissive.

These terms are not interchangeable. Acting in the role of a top doesn’t make

you a Dominant any more than standing in the kitchen makes you a cook.

Similarly, the fact that you enjoy being on the receiving end of a lot of BDSM

play doesn’t necessarily make you a submissive, either. Topping and bottoming

are activities, not core character traits. Anyone who thinks, “I like to be

spanked, therefore I must be a submissive,” is unclear on the concept.

Incredibly, there never seems to be a shortage of people who are unclear on the

concepts of sadism and masochism. I have seen countless examples of

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