Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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confident doing so himself. The ridiculous notion of doing any homework on

how real Dominants might conduct themselves makes about as much sense to

him as trying to learn how real vampires behave.

Eventually, the role player Tin Pot Dom realizes his mistake but, by then, it’s

usually too late to recover from it gracefully. The great majority of them will

simply drop the role completely, quickly assume another identity, and then start

doing a little homework on the lifestyle. Some may even go so far as to explore

how they might fit into the lifestyle in reality, rather than through role play. If

they are smart and/or lucky, they will find mentors or friends who will help them

navigate the tricky path from role play to reality.

You probably know more of these folks than you think. They’re usually the

people who tell you, “I’m a submissive (or switch), but I used to be a Dom.”

Translation: “I used to role play being a Dominant until one day, I realized that

there really were such things, and that I wasn’t one.”

Just because someone discovers the D/s lifestyle through role play doesn’t

necessarily mean they can’t successfully adopt it as a way of life and find

happiness in a D/s relationship. All who arrive at this lifestyle come by different

paths, and no path is intrinsically better than another. The important thing is that

they arrive safe and sound. Such is not always the case with the next type of Tin

Pot Dominant.

The second category of Tin Pot Dom is the self-delusional variety. This poor

bastard really believes in his innate superiority and unrecognized demi-godhood,

despite the overwhelming body of evidence to the contrary. He develops his

strategies and techniques, not out of any sense of deception, but from a purely

pragmatic sense of what has worked for him in the past. He simply plays the

odds. He knows that if he approaches twenty complete strangers and commands

each of them to drop to their knees and submit to him that nineteen of them will

slap him silly, but the twentieth just might do it. He knows that eventually, he

will find someone who is willing to buy into his delusion and feed it, and that’s

all that matters.

If you happen to be that unlucky person who has bought into his delusion, he

also knows that separating you from the D/s community-at-large will insulate

you from dissenting voices which might warn you about him. He knows he is

shunned by others in the lifestyle but, then again, what else would you expect

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