Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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8. You shall not steal.

9. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.

10. You shall not covert your neighbor’s house, or his wife, or his male servant,

or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your


At first blush, it’s hard to see anything in the Ten Commandments that could be

interpreted as forbidding a D/s relationship or BDSM lifestyle. Even if there

were, the Commandments are unclear on such things as the penalties for

breaking them. Some might be tempted to conclude from the first

commandment that God isn’t too keen on the institution of slavery, but then

again, Egypt’s enslavement of the Jews in the time of Moses was hardly safe,

sane, or consensual.

The admonition to “have no other gods before me” could conceivably be

problematic for any submissive in a D/s relationship with a Lesser God or

Pharoanic Lord as her Dominant. Luckily, she does have a convenient

loophole. All she has to do is appraise her Dom as being slightly lower in stature

than the God of Abraham and Isaac. Of course, getting her Dominant to agree

with that appraisal is another matter, entirely.

The second and third commandments, which forbid the worship of graven

images and taking the Lord’s name in vain, are more or less irrelevant to the D/s

and BDSM lifestyles. The fourth commandment, however, could become an

issue if you’re in the habit of engaging in BDSM activities on the Sabbath day.

Interestingly, not all Christians observe the Sabbath on Sunday, so perhaps you

have a little wiggle-room to work with, here. That is, assuming that wiggling is

allowed on the Sabbath.

Honoring Mom and Dad shouldn’t have to be antithetical to living a BDSM

lifestyle. If your parents don’t agree with your lifestyle choices, perhaps the best

way you can honor them is by not rubbing their faces in it. That way, you’re

also helping them avoid breaking the sixth commandment by killing you.

The seventh commandment, which forbids adultery, is often cited by opponents

of the BDSM lifestyle as being relevant to the discussion. The problem with that

argument, however, is that it is based entirely on the commonly held

misconception that BDSM equates to promiscuous sex that occurs outside of

committed relationships. Not only is it entirely possible to engage in BDSM

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