Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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D/s and Judaism: Could Lead to Mixed Dancing

Judaism is the three-thousand-year-old Abrahamic faith which later became the

foundation of Christianity. For many, it is simultaneously a religion, a

philosophy, and a way of life. Interestingly, there are no universally held

beliefs or core doctrines that are considered essential to being a Jew. Some

historians have criticized Judaism for emphasizing the observance of customs,

rituals and observances over any specific dogma or core religious beliefs. In

fact, there are some who consider themselves Jews while simultaneously

considering themselves agnostics or atheists. There is no central authority over

Judaism, and doctrine is sourced primarily from the Torah, the Talmud, and

Maimonides’ (12 th century Torah scholar and Rabbi Mosheh Ben Maimon)

Thirteen Principles of Faith. Even so, there are an infinite number of

interpretations of each, which often makes it difficult if not impossible to know

what is - or isn’t - acceptable when it comes to sexual or BDSM practices.

Generally speaking, Judaism teaches that sex within the context of a committed

relationship is a good thing. The Torah commandment known as onah requires a

man to have regular sex with his wife. The Talmud even goes even further,

specifying how often a man should have sex with his wife: Wealthy men should

bed their wives every day. Common laborers are cut some slack, and are only

expected to do it twice a week. Donkey-drivers are commanded to have

relations with their mates once a week; camel-drivers once every thirty 30 days;

and sailors at least once every six months!

When it comes to how the Jewish faith views kinkier activities and fetishes,

things can get a little confusing, however. There is an old joke about a Jewish

woman who went to her rabbi for advice on whether or not it would be alright if

she and her husband tried a little BDSM. She asks, “Would it be alright if my

husband tied me to the bed?” The rabbi nods, and says, “Not a problem, my

dear.” The woman then asks, “How about if he puts me over his knee and

spanks my bare bottom?” The rabbi replies, “Nothing wrong with that. That

would be fine.” Somewhat emboldened, the woman asks, “Could we have sex

standing up in the middle of the living room?” The rabbi just shakes his head

and says, “I’m sorry, my dear, but that is forbidden. That could lead to mixed


In the Judaic tradition, the term isurei bi’ah refers to those with whom Jews are

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