Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

from alejandroheinricks More from this publisher

Chapter 13: D/s, BDSM, & ReligionIt is often said that the three topics you should never discuss in polite companyare sex, religion, and politics. We’ve already spent much of this tome discussingthe sexual aspects of the D/s and BDSM lifestyles, and in the next chapter, we’llbe touching upon some of the legal and socio-political considerations that shouldbe taken into account by anyone contemplating a D/s relationship. In thischapter, we’ll be exploring the connection between D/s and religion, anddiscussing any significance that the link might have for you.According to the American Religious Identification Survey (2008), 76% ofAmericans identify themselves as Christians, 4% as belonging to other religions,and 15% are atheist, agnostic or have no religious affiliation at all. In otherwords, religion is important to 80% of Americans, and yet practically nothinghas ever been written about how religion affects the lives of those who areconsidering or currently in D/s relationships, or living a BDSM lifestyle.Our objective, in the following pages, will be to attempt to fill that void. Beforewe go any further, however, I would like to make a suggestion: If you happen tobe the sort of person for whom any discussion of religion causes blood toactually gush from your eye-sockets, this might be a good time to skip ahead tothe next chapter. Please. This chapter is for the 80% of Americans who arereligious, and may have concerns about this lifestyle from within a religiouscontext. The other 20% should simply move along; nothing to see here, folks.Questions concerning the compatibility of a D/s or BDSM lifestyle with one’sreligious beliefs are far more common than you might think. All you have to dois browse any random selection of online religious forums or web sites, you’llinvariably encounter a lot of inquiries similar to this one:“My husband wants to start doing some BDSM stuff in the bedroom, and Ihave to admit, I am curious and a little excited at the idea. We are bothdevout church-goers and don’t want to do anything that runs counter tothe teachings of our religion. The problem is, neither of us is willing toask our spiritual advisor if it’s okay to do the whips and chains thing in thebedroom. We’re stuck, and don’t know where to go for advice. Help!”

For every person who gives voice to a question like the one above, there arescores who don’t for fear of condemnation or embarrassment. There’s acommon misconception, both among those with a religious outlook and the nonreligiousalike, that there must be a fundamental conflict between being devoutlyreligious and living a D/s or BDSM lifestyle. The reality is that, for mostpeople, nothing could be further from the truth. People are often surprised tolearn that we can, indeed, build a very compelling case for both D/s relationshipsand BDSM activities from within a devoutly religious world-view. In thefollowing pages, we’re going to take a look at how BDSM and D/s relationshipsmight be viewed through the prism of religion, specifically Judaism, Islam,Buddhism, Hinduism, Paganism, and yes, even Christianity.

Chapter 13: D/s, BDSM, & Religion

It is often said that the three topics you should never discuss in polite company

are sex, religion, and politics. We’ve already spent much of this tome discussing

the sexual aspects of the D/s and BDSM lifestyles, and in the next chapter, we’ll

be touching upon some of the legal and socio-political considerations that should

be taken into account by anyone contemplating a D/s relationship. In this

chapter, we’ll be exploring the connection between D/s and religion, and

discussing any significance that the link might have for you.

According to the American Religious Identification Survey (2008), 76% of

Americans identify themselves as Christians, 4% as belonging to other religions,

and 15% are atheist, agnostic or have no religious affiliation at all. In other

words, religion is important to 80% of Americans, and yet practically nothing

has ever been written about how religion affects the lives of those who are

considering or currently in D/s relationships, or living a BDSM lifestyle.

Our objective, in the following pages, will be to attempt to fill that void. Before

we go any further, however, I would like to make a suggestion: If you happen to

be the sort of person for whom any discussion of religion causes blood to

actually gush from your eye-sockets, this might be a good time to skip ahead to

the next chapter. Please. This chapter is for the 80% of Americans who are

religious, and may have concerns about this lifestyle from within a religious

context. The other 20% should simply move along; nothing to see here, folks.

Questions concerning the compatibility of a D/s or BDSM lifestyle with one’s

religious beliefs are far more common than you might think. All you have to do

is browse any random selection of online religious forums or web sites, you’ll

invariably encounter a lot of inquiries similar to this one:

“My husband wants to start doing some BDSM stuff in the bedroom, and I

have to admit, I am curious and a little excited at the idea. We are both

devout church-goers and don’t want to do anything that runs counter to

the teachings of our religion. The problem is, neither of us is willing to

ask our spiritual advisor if it’s okay to do the whips and chains thing in the

bedroom. We’re stuck, and don’t know where to go for advice. Help!”

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