Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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Polyfuckery. A derisive term used to describe those who call themselvespolyamorous but who are, in fact, just sexually promiscuous.Polygyny. Refers to a polyamorous relationship in which a man has more thanone female partner. It is typically used to describe a polygamous or pluralmarriage consisting of a husband with two or more wives.Poly/mono or Mono/poly. Any relationship between a monogamous personand a polyamorous one.Polysaturated. Humorous term used to describe a poly relationship which is“full.” In other words, adding any more partners would cause problems for therelationship.Polyunsaturated. The opposite of polysaturated. A poly relationship withroom for more partners.Polysexual. Having multiple sexual relationships which do not involve love orintimacy. (See polyfuckery.)Pollywog. A humorous term for a child in a poly household.Puppy-pile Poly. A term used to describe a poly relationship where all of theindividuals are romantically and/or sexually involved with one another, withoutclear lines of relation or hierarchy, reminiscent of the way puppies sleep in achaotic pile.Sororal Polygyny. A poly relationship where a man is married to two or morewomen who are sisters by birth.Spice. A humorous term that is sometimes used as the plural of spouse.Swolly. A contraction of the words swinger and poly. A person who hasmultiple loving relationships, but also has recreational sex that doesn’t involveemotional attachments.Vee. (See Hinge.) Zee. A poly relationship consisting of 4 individuals forminga “Z”, or two vees joined by a relationship between the two hinges.

My Two Cents on PolyamoryIn the unlikely event that you haven’t guessed by now, I just happen to bepolyamorous and have been all of my life. It hasn’t always been easy, and therewere plenty of times that I wished I weren’t poly, but it is what it is, and I amwhat I am.Over the years, I’ve had many opportunities to try and explain what I think itmeans to be poly to my monogamous friends and potential love interests, withpredictably mixed results. Eventually, I came up with something that I like tocall my “Spaghetti Story.” Don’t ask me why I chose spaghetti to illustrate thislittle fable; it was a completely random choice, which may or may not have beeninfluenced by an intense craving for Italian food at the time. But, I digress.Here it is:The Spaghetti Story – A Poly ParableImagine that you and I are friends, and that the two of us are sitting alone in mydining room, side-by-side, at a large dinner table. Both of us are hungry, but thetable is curiously set. In front of you, sits an empty plate. In front of me, sits alarge bowl of – you guessed it - spaghetti. It isn’t just your typical large bowl ofspaghetti. No. There’s more spaghetti here than I could possibly eat in onesitting. In fact, this is more spaghetti than I could possibly eat in a month ofspaghetti dinners. I could probably supply one of those Kiwanis Club spaghettidinner fundraisers with all of this spaghetti. We’re talking about... a lot... ofspaghetti, here.I look over to see you sitting there, behind your empty plate, with your chin inyour hands, staring at my colossal bowl of spaghetti. It’s fairly obvious thatyou’re really hungry. I can almost hear your empty stomach, growling like adog does when you reach for his favorite bone.And so, I ask, “Would you like half of this spaghetti?”For a moment, you regard me through suspicious, squinting eyes, as youconsider my simple offer. Your suspicion turns to self-righteous indignation,and you respond with a curiously puffed-up air of moral superiority, “No thanks,I don’t like to share.”The Moral of the Story

My Two Cents on Polyamory

In the unlikely event that you haven’t guessed by now, I just happen to be

polyamorous and have been all of my life. It hasn’t always been easy, and there

were plenty of times that I wished I weren’t poly, but it is what it is, and I am

what I am.

Over the years, I’ve had many opportunities to try and explain what I think it

means to be poly to my monogamous friends and potential love interests, with

predictably mixed results. Eventually, I came up with something that I like to

call my “Spaghetti Story.” Don’t ask me why I chose spaghetti to illustrate this

little fable; it was a completely random choice, which may or may not have been

influenced by an intense craving for Italian food at the time. But, I digress.

Here it is:

The Spaghetti Story – A Poly Parable

Imagine that you and I are friends, and that the two of us are sitting alone in my

dining room, side-by-side, at a large dinner table. Both of us are hungry, but the

table is curiously set. In front of you, sits an empty plate. In front of me, sits a

large bowl of – you guessed it - spaghetti. It isn’t just your typical large bowl of

spaghetti. No. There’s more spaghetti here than I could possibly eat in one

sitting. In fact, this is more spaghetti than I could possibly eat in a month of

spaghetti dinners. I could probably supply one of those Kiwanis Club spaghetti

dinner fundraisers with all of this spaghetti. We’re talking about... a lot... of

spaghetti, here.

I look over to see you sitting there, behind your empty plate, with your chin in

your hands, staring at my colossal bowl of spaghetti. It’s fairly obvious that

you’re really hungry. I can almost hear your empty stomach, growling like a

dog does when you reach for his favorite bone.

And so, I ask, “Would you like half of this spaghetti?”

For a moment, you regard me through suspicious, squinting eyes, as you

consider my simple offer. Your suspicion turns to self-righteous indignation,

and you respond with a curiously puffed-up air of moral superiority, “No thanks,

I don’t like to share.”

The Moral of the Story

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