Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

from alejandroheinricks More from this publisher

Francisco area from 1971 until 1991. The Kerista Commune pioneered many ofthe concepts and practices that are now considered doctrinal in the polyamorylifestyle. One of the terms coined there was polyfidelity, which we definedearlier in this chapter.Another concept developed there was the notion of compersion. A simple wayto define compersion would be to describe it as the opposite of jealousy.Compersion is a positive emotional reaction to your partner’s involvement fromanother romantic or sexual relationship. The Kerista Commune pioneered thepractice of modern group marriages; however some of their practices werecontroversial, even among their members, such as assigning sleeping partners tocommune members on a rotating schedule, and discriminating againsthomosexuals. After twenty years of operation, the Kerista Commune shutteredits doors due to internal strife and legal troubles.Today, there is still a growing polyamory movement in the United States, and itis nowhere more robust than in the D/s lifestyle. The reasons for this arerelatively straightforward. First, the sort of person who is attracted to a lifestylethat is outside of the mainstream has a higher probability of having attitudes andbeliefs about loving relationships that are outside of the mainstream, as well.Second, the D/s lifestyle is structured to allow polyamorous relationships tooccur more easily, and with greater frequency. Specifically, Dominants are farmore likely to be allowed to have multiple partners, and submissives are far lesslikely to forbid it, than their vanilla counterparts in general society. Third andfinally, the BDSM culture encourages experimentation, group activities, andcasual fetish play (which may or may not be sexual in nature) that createopportunities for polyamorous relationships to develop.There are, of course, many potential advantages and disadvantages that comewith any polyamorous relationship. They can be more or less applicable to anyparticular relationship, depending upon the nature of the relationship, thenumber of people involved, whether or not children are a part of the relationship,living arrangements, financial arrangements, sexual relations, and other factors.

Potential Advantages of a Poly RelationshipSince this book is ostensibly about D/s and BDSMrelationships, we’ll focus now on how polyamorous relationships work (ordon’t) in the context of the lifestyle. Not only is the poly dynamicmore common in the D/s lifestyle, but it generally tends to be more useful there,as well. Consider these potential advantages, while stayingmindful of the fact that being poly in a D/s context typically means arelationship consisting of a single Dominant and two or more submissives.Empathy.Everyone, in or out of this lifestyle, needs a little empathy from time to time, butfor a submissive, this need is usually far more intense.Yet, when it comes to a D/s relationship, where does a submissive go to findsomeone who truly understands her situation, and how she feels about it?You’re not very likely to approach a vanilla co-worker to discuss, over lunch,your relationship with your Master. Even if you were to couch everything inpurely vanilla terms, there would be one crucial part of the equation missing,and that would be the D/s relationship dynamic.Any understanding that your vanilla friend would think she had about yoursituation would be seriously flawed, and any advice she gave you would likelybe tragically misguided. And while it would certainly be helpfulto know and depend upon friends who understand the lifestyle and are alsosubmissives, no one knows you, your situation, and/or your Master the way yoursister (or brother) submissive does. The empathy and understanding that canexist between co-wives or co-husbands in a poly relationship is unparalleledanywhere else in our culture.

Francisco area from 1971 until 1991. The Kerista Commune pioneered many of

the concepts and practices that are now considered doctrinal in the polyamory

lifestyle. One of the terms coined there was polyfidelity, which we defined

earlier in this chapter.

Another concept developed there was the notion of compersion. A simple way

to define compersion would be to describe it as the opposite of jealousy.

Compersion is a positive emotional reaction to your partner’s involvement from

another romantic or sexual relationship. The Kerista Commune pioneered the

practice of modern group marriages; however some of their practices were

controversial, even among their members, such as assigning sleeping partners to

commune members on a rotating schedule, and discriminating against

homosexuals. After twenty years of operation, the Kerista Commune shuttered

its doors due to internal strife and legal troubles.

Today, there is still a growing polyamory movement in the United States, and it

is nowhere more robust than in the D/s lifestyle. The reasons for this are

relatively straightforward. First, the sort of person who is attracted to a lifestyle

that is outside of the mainstream has a higher probability of having attitudes and

beliefs about loving relationships that are outside of the mainstream, as well.

Second, the D/s lifestyle is structured to allow polyamorous relationships to

occur more easily, and with greater frequency. Specifically, Dominants are far

more likely to be allowed to have multiple partners, and submissives are far less

likely to forbid it, than their vanilla counterparts in general society. Third and

finally, the BDSM culture encourages experimentation, group activities, and

casual fetish play (which may or may not be sexual in nature) that create

opportunities for polyamorous relationships to develop.

There are, of course, many potential advantages and disadvantages that come

with any polyamorous relationship. They can be more or less applicable to any

particular relationship, depending upon the nature of the relationship, the

number of people involved, whether or not children are a part of the relationship,

living arrangements, financial arrangements, sexual relations, and other factors.

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