Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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multiple partners on a casual basis. A polyamorous person may have multiple

sex partners, but he can be just as faithful and loving and attentive to his two (or

three or more) partners as a monogamous person can be to his one.

This faithfulness to multiple partners is called polyfidelity, and a polyamorous

person who practices it is called polyfidelous.

Promiscuity and similar conditions, such as love or sex addiction, occur about as

often in polyamorous individuals as they do in monogamous people.

Another thing that polyamory isn’t, is a value judgment. Polyamory isn’t

objectively good or bad, right or wrong. It

is simply a description of how some people think, feel, and love.

You are either polyamorous, or you are not. It is virtually impossible to

turn a monogamist into a polyamorist, and vice versa. Yes, there are things that

a person can learn that can make polyamory easier or more viable for someone

who has polyamorous feelings, but doesn’t yet possess the skills

and knowledge to make it work in their relationship, but you simply cannot turn

a monogamous brain into a poly one. Polyamory isn’t for everyone, and anyone

who believes and preaches the notion that polyamory should be

universally practiced is just as wrong-headed as those who are moral crusaders

for monogamy.

Even for the small minority of people whose brains are wired for it, being poly

in a predominantly monogamous world isn’t easy. Since the great majority of

people in western cultures equate

polyamory with promiscuity, adultery and cheating, the result is a natural

tendency to shun or condemn anyone associated with or

practicing polyamory. It is rather common, even in these supposedly

“enlightened” times, to hear people toeing the politically correct line that

“the government shouldn’t try to tell us whom we can and can’t love; people

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