Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

from alejandroheinricks More from this publisher

“This is crazy; seriously crazy!” But it all felt so wonderful, they decided to justgo with it. Six weeks to the day after they met, they arranged to be joined in anintimate collaring ceremony which formalized their relationship as Master andsubmissive. A few weeks after that, they began looking for a house. That’swhen things began to unravel like a dollar-store sweater.Vicki had always loved being in constant contact with her Master, and oftencalled or texted him throughout her day just to tell him that she missed him, or toask him for his opinions on various topics or routine decisions she needed tomake. Once they found the perfect rental house and began making preparationsto move in, she had even more reasons to touch base with him. In just oneafternoon, she would call or text Mark a dozen or more times, asking suchquestions as: Do you like beige curtains, or blue? What kind of rug should I getfor the master bathroom? Should I buy a garden hose, or do you already haveone?At one point, she even felt compelled to ask him what color panties she shouldbuy and, frankly, Mark enjoyed making those kinds of decisions for her. Afterall, he was a Dominant, and that’s what Dominants do. Perhaps that’s why, atthe end of a long day punctuated by over a dozen calls from Vicki, Mark wassurprised to learn that she had failed to mention that she had gotten her tonguepierced. Mark was livid over the fact that he hadn’t been consulted. After athorough dressing-down, he ordered her to remove the stud immediately. Shetried, but was unable to do it. He instructed her to have the stud removed at thepiercing salon the following day. She tearfully promised to do so.The following day came and went, with no discussion or action on the tonguestud. A few days later, Mark asked Vicki about it. She explained that removingthe stud so soon would have been “too painful,” but promised to have it done onSaturday, which was her day off. The weekend passed, once again with noaction being taken on the tongue stud. Mark said nothing at the time, but wasbeginning to have serious doubts about the sincerity of Vicki’s promises and herunderstanding of what was at stake. Those doubts were magnified exponentiallyjust a few days later when Vicki cheerfully announced, to Mark’s completesurprise, that she had bought a puppy. This was something they had discussedearlier; a fact that Mark decided needed to be brought up.“I thought we agreed that this was not a good time to get a puppy,” he growled,“Our budget is strained, we’re both going to be at work all day long, and we

don’t even have any furniture yet.”If Vicki could sense his irritation, she gave no outward sign of it. She bouncedand squealed in her excitement, “I know, Master! But just look at him! Isn’t headorable? And he was only $250!”Mark lost it. For the first time ever, he raised his voice at her. He railed at herfor failing to consult him on the piercing, for breaking two solemn promises tomake it right, and for violating their agreement to wait on a pet until they weresettled into the new house. His angry tirade was so brutal, she shook and sobbeduncontrollably for hours afterward. The next day, Mark and Vicki apologizedtenderly to each other, and each promised to try harder to understand theemotional needs of the other.A wary calm settled over their relationship for the remainder of the week, untilan innocuous evening discussion reopened their still-tender wounds. Vicki hadbeen experiencing some minor, yet terribly frustrating mechanical issues withher car, and had been hinting that perhaps it was time to trade it in for somethinga little more dependable. As she paged through the automotive ads, she asked,“What do you know about auto leasing, Master?”Mark gave her the run-down on how leasing worked, the costs involved, and therelative advantages and disadvantages of leasing, as opposed to purchasing. Hefollowed that up with, “My guess is, considering your age, low credit rating, andincome level, you probably won’t qualify for auto leasing. I’d advise you tobuy.” Vicki looked up from automotive advertisements and said, “When I wantyour advice, I’ll ask for it.”Mark was dumbfounded by what he’d just heard. “Excuse me?” he said,“Perhaps you should consider carefully what you’re saying, and how you’resaying it. I don’t think you have any idea the path you’ve just put yourself on.”Vicki was angry and undeterred, however. She continued, “No, maybe you needto consider how harsh and uncompromising you can be. You think you’realways right and, granted, you usually are. But I’m sick and tired of having itrubbed in my face whenever I screw up. I should be able to make mistakeswithout you making a big deal out of it or saying I told you so. You need to bemore understanding, you need to show a lot more compassion, and you need tostop acting like a jerk.”

don’t even have any furniture yet.”

If Vicki could sense his irritation, she gave no outward sign of it. She bounced

and squealed in her excitement, “I know, Master! But just look at him! Isn’t he

adorable? And he was only $250!”

Mark lost it. For the first time ever, he raised his voice at her. He railed at her

for failing to consult him on the piercing, for breaking two solemn promises to

make it right, and for violating their agreement to wait on a pet until they were

settled into the new house. His angry tirade was so brutal, she shook and sobbed

uncontrollably for hours afterward. The next day, Mark and Vicki apologized

tenderly to each other, and each promised to try harder to understand the

emotional needs of the other.

A wary calm settled over their relationship for the remainder of the week, until

an innocuous evening discussion reopened their still-tender wounds. Vicki had

been experiencing some minor, yet terribly frustrating mechanical issues with

her car, and had been hinting that perhaps it was time to trade it in for something

a little more dependable. As she paged through the automotive ads, she asked,

“What do you know about auto leasing, Master?”

Mark gave her the run-down on how leasing worked, the costs involved, and the

relative advantages and disadvantages of leasing, as opposed to purchasing. He

followed that up with, “My guess is, considering your age, low credit rating, and

income level, you probably won’t qualify for auto leasing. I’d advise you to

buy.” Vicki looked up from automotive advertisements and said, “When I want

your advice, I’ll ask for it.”

Mark was dumbfounded by what he’d just heard. “Excuse me?” he said,

“Perhaps you should consider carefully what you’re saying, and how you’re

saying it. I don’t think you have any idea the path you’ve just put yourself on.”

Vicki was angry and undeterred, however. She continued, “No, maybe you need

to consider how harsh and uncompromising you can be. You think you’re

always right and, granted, you usually are. But I’m sick and tired of having it

rubbed in my face whenever I screw up. I should be able to make mistakes

without you making a big deal out of it or saying I told you so. You need to be

more understanding, you need to show a lot more compassion, and you need to

stop acting like a jerk.”

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