Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

from alejandroheinricks More from this publisher

makes youuncomfortable, turn your attention elsewhere. Tactless, inconsiderate or rudebehavior can sometimes result in the perpetrator being unceremoniously“uninvited” to future events.Do order something off the menu if the munch is held in a restaurant. This isactually far more important than many people think. After all, you’re meeting inabusiness establishment, the owners of which have a right to expect to getsomething in return for allowing your group to monopolize a large number oftables for what sometimes can turn into an extended period of time. Mostrestaurant owners and management have a word for individuals who sit in theirrestaurant for hours without ordering at least a beverage, and that word is:unwelcome. If it happens more than a few times with a certain group, it’s usuallyonly a matter of time before the entire group becomes unwelcome in theestablishment. If you’re flat broke and can’tafford to purchase a meal, consider politely asking someone in the group to buyyou a beverage.Things You Shouldn’t DoDon’t arrive drunk, or plan on getting that way. If you feel the need to have afew shots of “liquid courage” before attending an event like this, don’t bother. Ifyou think being buzzed makes you more interesting to people, you’re probablymistaken. If therestaurant hosting the munch serves alcohol, having a drink or two with thegroup is usually perfectly acceptable, though you may want to check with agroup leader first. If you do drink, don’t overdo it. Getting drunkat a party can be fun and entertaining. Getting drunk at a public vanillagathering of fetishistas can turn out to be embarrassing for everyone involvedand potentially dangerous to people’s relationships and careers.

Don’t ask for personal details, beyond a first name or online username. This canbe a difficult habit to break, since many of us are taught our entire vanilla livesto engage in small talk that consists mostly of questions like: What do you dofor a living? Where is your office located? Are you married? Do youhave kids? Where do you hang out after work? This sort ofchit-chat may serve as a social lubricant in other types of gatherings, but at afetish group munch, it’s generally considered bad manners.Information is power, and most people in the BDSM lifestyle are simply notwilling to hand you – a complete stranger - that kind of power over their lives thefirst time they meet you. If someone volunteers that sort of personal informationto you without being asked for it, you should always consider it a sincerecompliment and a leap of faith concerning your trustworthiness, and never passthat information on to someone else without their express permission to do so.Don’t ask people where they hang out with their vanilla friends. Many people inthe BDSM lifestyle live dual lives.That means they often maintain two completely separate social circles, and asfar as they are concerned, never the ‘twain shall meet.There are usually very good reasons for doing this, since our vanilla friendsaren’t always able to understand or accept the kinkier aspects of our lives, andeven if they could, we may feel that it simply isn’t any of theirbusiness. Try to respect that, so they won’t have to dread thepossibility that you’ll someday show up at their bible study group withhandcuffs and a riding crop.Don’t invite yourself to any activity. Never forget that a munch is more than justa social gathering. A munch alsoserves as an informal screening process which helps to determine whether it isappropriate to invite you to other less public events. You may hear somediscussion about an after-party, or other events planned for the near future, but

makes you

uncomfortable, turn your attention elsewhere. Tactless, inconsiderate or rude

behavior can sometimes result in the perpetrator being unceremoniously

“uninvited” to future events.

Do order something off the menu if the munch is held in a restaurant. This is

actually far more important than many people think. After all, you’re meeting in


business establishment, the owners of which have a right to expect to get

something in return for allowing your group to monopolize a large number of

tables for what sometimes can turn into an extended period of time. Most

restaurant owners and management have a word for individuals who sit in their

restaurant for hours without ordering at least a beverage, and that word is:

unwelcome. If it happens more than a few times with a certain group, it’s usually

only a matter of time before the entire group becomes unwelcome in the

establishment. If you’re flat broke and can’t

afford to purchase a meal, consider politely asking someone in the group to buy

you a beverage.

Things You Shouldn’t Do

Don’t arrive drunk, or plan on getting that way. If you feel the need to have a

few shots of “liquid courage” before attending an event like this, don’t bother. If

you think being buzzed makes you more interesting to people, you’re probably

mistaken. If the

restaurant hosting the munch serves alcohol, having a drink or two with the

group is usually perfectly acceptable, though you may want to check with a

group leader first. If you do drink, don’t overdo it. Getting drunk

at a party can be fun and entertaining. Getting drunk at a public vanilla

gathering of fetishistas can turn out to be embarrassing for everyone involved

and potentially dangerous to people’s relationships and careers.

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