Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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cotton swab on a wooden stick, similar in appearance to a Q-tip, but severaltimes larger. These can be purchased in any medical supply store, manypharmacies, or online. You can also easily improvise a swab by putting a cottonball or make-up removal pad into a long pair of tension tweezers or lockedmedical hemostat. The swab is actually more important than one might think, atfirst blush. The ability to control the amount of flammable liquid used to coatthe cup interior is critical. Too much, and it could drip onto your subject’s skinand perhaps even ignite any oils that may be there. Too little, and cup interiorwon’t ignite at all.The flammable fluids used most commonly in fire cupping are isopropyl alcoholand mentholated oil. Isopropyl alcohol is sold in varying proofs, so you’ll wantto ensure that the rubbing alcohol you purchase is at least 91% strength;anything lower will not burn. Mentholated oils are sold in Asian pharmacies andonline for use in cupping, acupuncture, coin-striping, and other therapeuticprocedures. Some of the advantages of using mentholated oil are: its coolingeffects on the skin, it is less harsh on the skin, and many people find the scentsoothing. The disadvantages are: it’s harder to find, not as affordable topurchase, and not everyone likes the scent of eucalyptus.The cups used in fire cupping (or any sort of cupping, really) don’t have to beparticularly special in any way, other than being structurally sound and withoutany sharp edges. The size should allow for a good-sized ball of flesh to bedrawn into it, but is mostly a matter of personal preference. The average size isabout the size of a standard juice glass or what a bartender calls a “rocks” glass.The glasses that are specifically produced for cupping are often distinguishableby their rounded bottoms, indicating that they aren’t meant to sit on anything buttheir open end. In cupping, as in so many other things, round bottoms are agood thing.The third method of cupping involves mechanical suction. Cupping sets whichare specifically designed for mechanical suction are typically comprised of glassor plastic cups of various sizes and styles, each with a tiny one-way air valve atits top, and a vacuum gun, which usually resembles a large toy squirt gun. Thedifference is, instead of being designed like a squirt gun to shoot water out of itsbarrel, the vacuum gun is designed to suck air into its barrel with each squeezeof the trigger. The barrel of the vacuum gun is placed on the tiny valve at thetop of each cup, and the air is swiftly sucked out of the cup with a few quick

squeezes of the trigger.The advantages of using a vacuum gun for cupping are: no need for flammableliquids and swabs, there’s no risk of a mishap or injury due to flame, and somesets come with cup inserts that have specialized functions, such as poking orimprinting the skin or serving as electrodes for electrical play. Thedisadvantages are: lost or broken cups may be difficult to replace,malfunctioning air valves are usually impossible to repair, and the rubber sealsfor the valves deteriorate over time.Once in place, the cups can be left on the subject’s back for up to thirty minutes,depending on the circumstances, the appearance and resilience of the subject’sskin, and his or her comfort level. Cupping should not necessarily be a painfulexperience, so if your subject reports unintended pain, that should be interpretedas a sign that something is not right.For the benefit of our masochist friends, there are plenty of ways that cuppingcan be done in ways that are painful. Cups can be placed on a dry back and thenmercilessly twisted to create some incredibly intense sensations. Cups on anoiled back can be moved in ways that can be uncomfortable or even painful.Cup inserts specifically designed for use with violet wands or other electricaldevices can add a whole new dimension of sensations to the cupping experience,to include painful ones, if desired. Cupping can also easily be combined withother types of BDSM play, such as bondage, suspensions, CBT, sensorydeprivation, or even impact play.Cupping is a relatively safe activity to engage in, as long as common sense isemployed. When flammable liquids are being used, the container should besecured in a location that precludes it from being knocked over or spilled. Whenthe swab is being used to coat the interior of the cup, a minimal amount of fluidshould be used. If the fluid can drip from the cup when it is inverted, you’reusing too much. A drop of flaming fluid falling onto a person’s oil slatheredback could easily ruin his or her entire week.It’s usually a good idea to apply a few test cups prior to a full treatment in orderto gauge how well the subject’s skin tolerates cupping. Most people will haveno problems, whatsoever. In rare cases, some people may have very fragile orthin skin that isn’t suitable for cupping. Cupping should not be done on theneck, face, or directly atop the spine.

squeezes of the trigger.

The advantages of using a vacuum gun for cupping are: no need for flammable

liquids and swabs, there’s no risk of a mishap or injury due to flame, and some

sets come with cup inserts that have specialized functions, such as poking or

imprinting the skin or serving as electrodes for electrical play. The

disadvantages are: lost or broken cups may be difficult to replace,

malfunctioning air valves are usually impossible to repair, and the rubber seals

for the valves deteriorate over time.

Once in place, the cups can be left on the subject’s back for up to thirty minutes,

depending on the circumstances, the appearance and resilience of the subject’s

skin, and his or her comfort level. Cupping should not necessarily be a painful

experience, so if your subject reports unintended pain, that should be interpreted

as a sign that something is not right.

For the benefit of our masochist friends, there are plenty of ways that cupping

can be done in ways that are painful. Cups can be placed on a dry back and then

mercilessly twisted to create some incredibly intense sensations. Cups on an

oiled back can be moved in ways that can be uncomfortable or even painful.

Cup inserts specifically designed for use with violet wands or other electrical

devices can add a whole new dimension of sensations to the cupping experience,

to include painful ones, if desired. Cupping can also easily be combined with

other types of BDSM play, such as bondage, suspensions, CBT, sensory

deprivation, or even impact play.

Cupping is a relatively safe activity to engage in, as long as common sense is

employed. When flammable liquids are being used, the container should be

secured in a location that precludes it from being knocked over or spilled. When

the swab is being used to coat the interior of the cup, a minimal amount of fluid

should be used. If the fluid can drip from the cup when it is inverted, you’re

using too much. A drop of flaming fluid falling onto a person’s oil slathered

back could easily ruin his or her entire week.

It’s usually a good idea to apply a few test cups prior to a full treatment in order

to gauge how well the subject’s skin tolerates cupping. Most people will have

no problems, whatsoever. In rare cases, some people may have very fragile or

thin skin that isn’t suitable for cupping. Cupping should not be done on the

neck, face, or directly atop the spine.

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