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cotton swab on a wooden stick, similar in appearance to a Q-tip, but several

times larger. These can be purchased in any medical supply store, many

pharmacies, or online. You can also easily improvise a swab by putting a cotton

ball or make-up removal pad into a long pair of tension tweezers or locked

medical hemostat. The swab is actually more important than one might think, at

first blush. The ability to control the amount of flammable liquid used to coat

the cup interior is critical. Too much, and it could drip onto your subject’s skin

and perhaps even ignite any oils that may be there. Too little, and cup interior

won’t ignite at all.

The flammable fluids used most commonly in fire cupping are isopropyl alcohol

and mentholated oil. Isopropyl alcohol is sold in varying proofs, so you’ll want

to ensure that the rubbing alcohol you purchase is at least 91% strength;

anything lower will not burn. Mentholated oils are sold in Asian pharmacies and

online for use in cupping, acupuncture, coin-striping, and other therapeutic

procedures. Some of the advantages of using mentholated oil are: its cooling

effects on the skin, it is less harsh on the skin, and many people find the scent

soothing. The disadvantages are: it’s harder to find, not as affordable to

purchase, and not everyone likes the scent of eucalyptus.

The cups used in fire cupping (or any sort of cupping, really) don’t have to be

particularly special in any way, other than being structurally sound and without

any sharp edges. The size should allow for a good-sized ball of flesh to be

drawn into it, but is mostly a matter of personal preference. The average size is

about the size of a standard juice glass or what a bartender calls a “rocks” glass.

The glasses that are specifically produced for cupping are often distinguishable

by their rounded bottoms, indicating that they aren’t meant to sit on anything but

their open end. In cupping, as in so many other things, round bottoms are a

good thing.

The third method of cupping involves mechanical suction. Cupping sets which

are specifically designed for mechanical suction are typically comprised of glass

or plastic cups of various sizes and styles, each with a tiny one-way air valve at

its top, and a vacuum gun, which usually resembles a large toy squirt gun. The

difference is, instead of being designed like a squirt gun to shoot water out of its

barrel, the vacuum gun is designed to suck air into its barrel with each squeeze

of the trigger. The barrel of the vacuum gun is placed on the tiny valve at the

top of each cup, and the air is swiftly sucked out of the cup with a few quick

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