Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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also the not-so-insignificant matter of whether he has the training skills to be upto the task. I like to think I am a pretty good driver, but whenever I try to teachsomeone how to drive, there’s usually a lot of screaming, choking, and cryinginvolved. Teaching someone how to be, as opposed to teaching them what to do,is even harder. It is never an easy thing. Ask any shrink.Anyone who wants to be trained as a Dominant has some important questions toanswer, as well. The question that should be at the very top of that list is thisone: Why do you want to be a Dominant? There are many possible responsesthat can be given to that question, but there is really only one that makes anysense at all and should be considered the only correct answer. It is: Because Iknow that at my core, that is who I am, and I want to learn to express andconduct myself in harmony with that.Here are just a few of the many incorrect answers I’ve been given in response tothis question:· I hear being dominant is a sure way to get lots of sex. Is that true?· I’m kinky, being dominant is kinky... Well, duh!· I can’t seem to get laid any other way, so I’ll try being a Dominant.· That whole whips and chains thing just sounds so cool.· I like the idea of being able to tell people what to do.· I want sex slaves. There’s no limit on how many I can have, is there?· I really hate women. I think women are inferior. Revenge is sweet.· I really hate men. I think men are inferior. Revenge is sweet.· My girlfriend boyfriend husband / wife thinks I should be a Dominant.· I’m bored / I’m crazy I’m curious I’m sick / I’m a moron.As hard as it may be to believe, those are all real reasons that real people havegiven me - in complete earnestness - for wanting to become a Dominant. If anyof them sound applicable to you, my sincere and heartfelt advice to you is,please put any thought of becoming a Dominant completely out of your head.Find another hobby. Learn to dance, or something. Your future submissiveswill thank you. Your fellow Dominants will thank you. Your girlfriend /

boyfriend husband wife / significant-other who suggested it to you in the firstplace will thank you.If the prospective trainer is credible and capable and the would-be Dominantsincerely wants to be trained for all the right reasons, the next hurdle is to learnwhether the Dominant-in-training is capable of changing the way he thinks,feels, and conducts himself accordingly. This task usually falls into the categoryof “far easier said than done.” One way to explore this part of the process is toask deep, thought-provoking questions that are designed to take a person beyondthe superficial stereotypes that are generally associated with the D/s lifestyle ingeneral, and with being a Dominant in particular.One of those questions is: What does it really mean to you to have a submissive,or slave? The superficial, stereotypical answer is usually something like: I get totell someone what to do, and she has to obey me. But how many people havereally given much thought to anything beyond that point? I always follow thatquestion up with a few more, like the following:· What if you tell your submissive what to do, and she doesn’t obeyyou? What then?· Why in the world should your submissive want to obey you?· What if your directives turn out to be wrong, misguided, or evendangerous?· What are the limits to your responsibilities to your submissive, or herresponsibilities to you?· Are you required to fulfill any, or all, of her needs?· Where do you draw the line at meeting her emotional, physical,intellectual, financial, social or educational needs?· Would you be prepared to put her through school, pay her bills, or carefor her if she were incapacitated?If some of those questions sound an awful lot like the sort of questions peopleshould be asking before entering into a marriage, guess what? It’s nocoincidence. Frankly, a marriage can be a lot less complicated than a D/srelationship. A marriage is typically viewed (at least, in the vanilla world) as an

boyfriend husband wife / significant-other who suggested it to you in the first

place will thank you.

If the prospective trainer is credible and capable and the would-be Dominant

sincerely wants to be trained for all the right reasons, the next hurdle is to learn

whether the Dominant-in-training is capable of changing the way he thinks,

feels, and conducts himself accordingly. This task usually falls into the category

of “far easier said than done.” One way to explore this part of the process is to

ask deep, thought-provoking questions that are designed to take a person beyond

the superficial stereotypes that are generally associated with the D/s lifestyle in

general, and with being a Dominant in particular.

One of those questions is: What does it really mean to you to have a submissive,

or slave? The superficial, stereotypical answer is usually something like: I get to

tell someone what to do, and she has to obey me. But how many people have

really given much thought to anything beyond that point? I always follow that

question up with a few more, like the following:

· What if you tell your submissive what to do, and she doesn’t obey

you? What then?

· Why in the world should your submissive want to obey you?

· What if your directives turn out to be wrong, misguided, or even


· What are the limits to your responsibilities to your submissive, or her

responsibilities to you?

· Are you required to fulfill any, or all, of her needs?

· Where do you draw the line at meeting her emotional, physical,

intellectual, financial, social or educational needs?

· Would you be prepared to put her through school, pay her bills, or care

for her if she were incapacitated?

If some of those questions sound an awful lot like the sort of questions people

should be asking before entering into a marriage, guess what? It’s no

coincidence. Frankly, a marriage can be a lot less complicated than a D/s

relationship. A marriage is typically viewed (at least, in the vanilla world) as an

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