Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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more focused on facts than feelings. This tendency to overlook the feelings ofothers can sometimes result in the Dominant being characterized as harsh,disrespectful, or lacking compassion. At the same time, one advantage to thischaracter trait in Dominants is the fact that you always know where you standwith him. He is not one to tiptoe around an issue in order to spare your feelings.Dominants are often characterized as being brutally honest and unafraid to tellyou what they think. If your feelings get bruised by his direct manner, hisresponse will usually be, “Get over it.” If that sounds all too familiar, you justmay be a Dominant.You’ve probably noticed that much of what we’ve said about Dominants thus farhas been about how he feels, or how others feel about him. That’s because whatsets the Dominant apart from the rest of humanity is his unique world view, andhow he relates to others. Anyone can bark orders or learn to crack a whip. Thatdoesn’t necessarily make him a Dominant. What makes him a Dominant is howhe thinks and feels, how others perceive him, and how he relates.

Training a DominantCan a person be trained to be a Dominant? The answer is complicated, anddepends entirely upon what kind of Dominant you’re referring to, how badly theperson in question wants it, and whether he is capable of fundamental change ona core personality level.The first factor is: What kind of Dominant are you trying to produce throughtraining? If the answer to that question is, you’re looking to train a person whocan be taught to act in a Dominant role, well then of course you can trainsomeone to be a Dominant. Anyone with even a modicum of acting ability willfit the bill nicely. Of course, the issue then becomes, to what extent can youexpect that person to “stay in character” and will he be capable of fulfillingthose expectations? One should always remember that a person who is taught toplay the role of a Dominant and puts on that mantle may eventually grow boredwith the role at some point and cast it off. While it is true that such aneventuality may not be too critical in a mutual role play environment, it can becompletely devastating in other situations. When serious relationshipcommitments are made based upon the reasonable expectation that your partneris actually a Dominant and is supposed to stay that way, the end of a role playcan signal bad times ahead.But what if you’re seeking to produce what we’ve thus far been referring to as atrue Dominant through training? Is it at all possible? If it is possible, is itsomething that anyone should attempt to do? As usual, the answers can becomplicated, but here they are, in a nutshell: Yes, it is possible. It’s verydifficult, but it is possible. Whether it should be attempted depends entirely onthe trainer, the person being trained, his reasons for wanting to be trained, howbadly he wants it, and whether he is capable of such a fundamental characterchanges. Let’s briefly examine each of those factors in turn.Anyone who attempts to train another person to be a true Dominant must first bea true Dominant, himself. If this is not the case, his efforts will be doomed fromthe start. It would be a lot like a non-dancer trying to teach someone to cha-cha,or a negaholic attempting to teach someone how to be an optimist. Anyone whomay be contemplating an attempt to turn someone else into a Dominant shouldfirst engage in some serious soul searching. It is not a decision that should everbe made lightly. Even when the trainer has all of the right credentials, there is

Training a Dominant

Can a person be trained to be a Dominant? The answer is complicated, and

depends entirely upon what kind of Dominant you’re referring to, how badly the

person in question wants it, and whether he is capable of fundamental change on

a core personality level.

The first factor is: What kind of Dominant are you trying to produce through

training? If the answer to that question is, you’re looking to train a person who

can be taught to act in a Dominant role, well then of course you can train

someone to be a Dominant. Anyone with even a modicum of acting ability will

fit the bill nicely. Of course, the issue then becomes, to what extent can you

expect that person to “stay in character” and will he be capable of fulfilling

those expectations? One should always remember that a person who is taught to

play the role of a Dominant and puts on that mantle may eventually grow bored

with the role at some point and cast it off. While it is true that such an

eventuality may not be too critical in a mutual role play environment, it can be

completely devastating in other situations. When serious relationship

commitments are made based upon the reasonable expectation that your partner

is actually a Dominant and is supposed to stay that way, the end of a role play

can signal bad times ahead.

But what if you’re seeking to produce what we’ve thus far been referring to as a

true Dominant through training? Is it at all possible? If it is possible, is it

something that anyone should attempt to do? As usual, the answers can be

complicated, but here they are, in a nutshell: Yes, it is possible. It’s very

difficult, but it is possible. Whether it should be attempted depends entirely on

the trainer, the person being trained, his reasons for wanting to be trained, how

badly he wants it, and whether he is capable of such a fundamental character

changes. Let’s briefly examine each of those factors in turn.

Anyone who attempts to train another person to be a true Dominant must first be

a true Dominant, himself. If this is not the case, his efforts will be doomed from

the start. It would be a lot like a non-dancer trying to teach someone to cha-cha,

or a negaholic attempting to teach someone how to be an optimist. Anyone who

may be contemplating an attempt to turn someone else into a Dominant should

first engage in some serious soul searching. It is not a decision that should ever

be made lightly. Even when the trainer has all of the right credentials, there is

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