Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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these functions include sensation, heating or cooling of the body through bloodcirculation or perspiration, and protecting the underlying tissue from infection.Damage to the skin - even if it isn’t serious or permanent damage - can interferewith these and other critical functions which, in turn, can lead to serious healthissues. For example, many people are tempted to discount the severity ofblistering or skin sloughing by thinking, “No problem; it will grow back.” Butthe issue isn’t whether it will grow back; of course it will. The real issue iswhether serious infection will gain a toehold in the body, and whether there willbe scarring or long-term nerve damage.Finally, if a paddle has ever caused a bottom’s skin to become raw to the pointwhere it appears that the pores of the skin are oozing tiny droplets of blood, thenyour paddle has come into contact with bodily fluids and should be thoroughlysanitized or fluid-bonded to that individual. Fortunately, paddles are typically alot easier to sanitize than many other types of BDSM toys.WhipsA whip can sometimes refer to a very wide range of BDSM toys, includingfloggers, lashes, cats-o’-nine-tails, and crops. Since we discuss each of thosevariations separately elsewhere in this section, we’ll confine our discussion hereexclusively to single-tail whips, which come in three basic styles. They arestock whips, bullwhips, and snake whips.A stock whip is characterized by a long rigid handle that is not integrated into thelash, but is instead connected to the lash by a leather swivel-joint called akeeper. Many buggy whips and horse whips also fall into this category.Generally speaking, stock whips have a short rigid handle, and a lash that canrange from three to ten feet in length. The Australian stock whip is a variationon this style, and has a longer handle and a lash made exclusively from kangaroohide. A stock whip is used primarily for the noise that it makes; it is the easiesttype of whip for creating the classic “crack of the whip” sound that many of usassociate with whips in general. The sad reality is it can actually be quitedifficult to replicate; it may look easy in the movies, but that’s because it isalmost always a sound effect added later. Stock whips are easy to use and makea wonderful sound, but are the least accurate type of single-tail.The bullwhip is the type of whip that most people associate with Indiana Jones.The handle is generally short and integrated by braiding into the lash, which can

be up to twenty feet long. At the end of the lash, you may also have a small stripof leather that serves as the fall, or business end of the whip. The fall is the partof the whip that is expected to actually strike the target. There may also be asmall strip of cord or string called a cracker or popper, which is designed solelyfor the purpose of making it easier to produce the whip crack sound. Thebullwhip is probably one of the best-known and iconic types of single-tail whip,but it is also one of the most difficult to learn to use effectively and accurately.A snake whip is a whip with no rigid handle, which means the entire whip canbe coiled up like a snake, hence the name. The most commonly used type ofsnake whip in the BDSM culture is the blacksnake whip, which is characterizedby a heavy weighted handle or butt-end of the whip filled with lead ball shot orball bearings. The weighted interior can sometimes extend as far as threequartersdown the length of the entire whip. Because of the weighted butt of thewhip, that end can also be used as a blackjack or flexible club.Purchasing a quality whip can be a daunting task for anyone who may be doingso for the first time. Novices are usually advised to start with a four or five-footbullwhip, and plan to move to a longer one once their skills improve.The advantages to starting with a shorter whip include lower cost, greater throwcontrol and accuracy, it’s less fatiguing to use during practice, and it requiresless clearance space to use it safely. The skills and techniques that you perfectwith a shorter whip can easily be applied to a longer whip later on.Like any other leather implements, whips can vary widely in quality andworkmanship. Beware of purchasing certain cheap imitation whips that areproduced primarily in Mexico for the tourist trade. Many of them may lookpretty bad-ass, but they are produced for decorative purposes only, and willlikely not work like the real thing, nor last much beyond their first use. If it’sbeing sold out of a souvenir store, that should be your first clue that it’s justtourist junk. To purchase a quality whip, consider online specialty retailers thatcater to those in the BDSM lifestyle and are reputable. A decent four-footbullwhip will set you back $100 to $300.The safety considerations related to the use of whips are similar to the onespreviously discussed for floggers and paddles, with a few additional ones thatare unique to single-tail whips. The longer the whip is, the less accurate it isgoing to be. That means you’re going to strike places that you didn’t intend to

be up to twenty feet long. At the end of the lash, you may also have a small strip

of leather that serves as the fall, or business end of the whip. The fall is the part

of the whip that is expected to actually strike the target. There may also be a

small strip of cord or string called a cracker or popper, which is designed solely

for the purpose of making it easier to produce the whip crack sound. The

bullwhip is probably one of the best-known and iconic types of single-tail whip,

but it is also one of the most difficult to learn to use effectively and accurately.

A snake whip is a whip with no rigid handle, which means the entire whip can

be coiled up like a snake, hence the name. The most commonly used type of

snake whip in the BDSM culture is the blacksnake whip, which is characterized

by a heavy weighted handle or butt-end of the whip filled with lead ball shot or

ball bearings. The weighted interior can sometimes extend as far as threequarters

down the length of the entire whip. Because of the weighted butt of the

whip, that end can also be used as a blackjack or flexible club.

Purchasing a quality whip can be a daunting task for anyone who may be doing

so for the first time. Novices are usually advised to start with a four or five-foot

bullwhip, and plan to move to a longer one once their skills improve.

The advantages to starting with a shorter whip include lower cost, greater throw

control and accuracy, it’s less fatiguing to use during practice, and it requires

less clearance space to use it safely. The skills and techniques that you perfect

with a shorter whip can easily be applied to a longer whip later on.

Like any other leather implements, whips can vary widely in quality and

workmanship. Beware of purchasing certain cheap imitation whips that are

produced primarily in Mexico for the tourist trade. Many of them may look

pretty bad-ass, but they are produced for decorative purposes only, and will

likely not work like the real thing, nor last much beyond their first use. If it’s

being sold out of a souvenir store, that should be your first clue that it’s just

tourist junk. To purchase a quality whip, consider online specialty retailers that

cater to those in the BDSM lifestyle and are reputable. A decent four-foot

bullwhip will set you back $100 to $300.

The safety considerations related to the use of whips are similar to the ones

previously discussed for floggers and paddles, with a few additional ones that

are unique to single-tail whips. The longer the whip is, the less accurate it is

going to be. That means you’re going to strike places that you didn’t intend to

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