Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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important phone numbers and having ready access to emergency cash.Most of us have gotten so used to being able to store important phone numbersin our cell phones, that we rarely memorize even our most commonly callednumbers, anymore. How many of us would know how to contact our friends orextended family members if our cell phones were lost or taken away from us?If you have a poor memory for such things, you might want to secrete a fewimportant phone numbers somewhere that would be accessible and available toyou in any emergency. While in the military, I actually knew a few people whohad important numbers unobtrusively tattooed somewhere on their bodies.Learning how to get ready access to emergency cash if your wallet or purse islost or stolen can be exceedingly difficult, but it is possible. Some banks, forexample, have pre-scanned your identification into their computer system and somay not require you to show ID in order to conduct a financial transaction.Tellers are able to just pull it up on their computer monitors. Find out if yourbank has a similar system. Many credit card issuers have special programs thatare designed to help you out in the event that your wallet and credit cards arestolen. Give this problem some thought before it becomes an emergency.Have Someone Check On YouHaving someone check on you is critical. By having a friend or associate place aphone call to you at some point during your meeting, you greatly increase theodds that (1) you’ll be missed, should you disappear, (2) you’ll get timelyassistance, if you need it and (3) the person you’re meeting will realize that thereis someone out there watching out for you. This knowledge could make himthink twice about any plans to harm you.Your arrangement of a safety check phone call should also include plans forwhat is commonly referred to as a “duress signal.” A duress signal is a codewordthat only you and your friend know, which tells your friend that she shouldimmediately contact the police. Duress signals are designed to be used whensomeone is forcing you to lie and claim that everything is okay. To arrange asafety check and duress signal, simply tell a friend, “I’m meeting someone forthe first time this evening. Would you please do me a huge favor and call mycell phone at around 7 PM? If I say anything about my dog, then you know youshould call the police, since we both know I don’t own a dog.”If you are not fortunate enough to have a friend or family member who can be

trusted to check on you with a phone call, the next best thing is to simulate one.This can be accomplished in a number of ways. Perhaps the easiest, if you havea smartphone, is to download and use a free application that simulates receivinga phone call, often complete with a phony caller ID. These applications aretypically used as pranks or to give busy people a plausible reason to bail out of aboring meeting, but it can also be used to create the illusion that someone ischecking up on you. That, in turn, could save your life someday.Another way to create the illusion of receiving a check-up phone call is to useyour smartphone to call yourself from an internet phone service such as Skype,AOL, Yahoo, or Google-Talk. Most of these services have the option to makecalls to a landline or cell phone, and though those options may not always befree, they usually cost just a few cents per call.There are also a lot of web sites where you can register to receive free wake-upcalls. They are designed primarily for people who are traveling and want to beawakened to catch a flight, or to make an early meeting, but they work just aswell when you are wide awake and simply need your phone to ring at a specifiedtime. To learn more about these services, just Google “wake up calls.”There’s another thing you really should know about your safety and phone calls.Depending on where you are, and your particular service provider, calling 911from a cell phone may not always work the way it would if you were callingfrom a landline. FCC regulations require that all wireless carriers transmitmobile 911 calls to "a Public Safety Answering Point” (PSAP), but doesn’trequire that the agency be local or even associated with emergency services.Additionally, calling 911 from a landline typically provides the dispatcher withyour exact location; calling 911 from a mobile phone provides them only withthe location of the nearest cell phone tower. What that means is you need toknow how to tell an emergency dispatcher where you are by providing anaddress, landmarks, or street intersections.Finally, if you’ll be traveling to another city for your first meeting, use Google tofind the phone number for the local police dispatcher there, and program thatnumber into your phone for quick reference.Be Willing to Make a Fool of YourselfThere is a rule of thumb that I’ve tried to follow for most of my life, ever sincereading an article about what it takes to survive crimes, accidents, and disasters.

trusted to check on you with a phone call, the next best thing is to simulate one.

This can be accomplished in a number of ways. Perhaps the easiest, if you have

a smartphone, is to download and use a free application that simulates receiving

a phone call, often complete with a phony caller ID. These applications are

typically used as pranks or to give busy people a plausible reason to bail out of a

boring meeting, but it can also be used to create the illusion that someone is

checking up on you. That, in turn, could save your life someday.

Another way to create the illusion of receiving a check-up phone call is to use

your smartphone to call yourself from an internet phone service such as Skype,

AOL, Yahoo, or Google-Talk. Most of these services have the option to make

calls to a landline or cell phone, and though those options may not always be

free, they usually cost just a few cents per call.

There are also a lot of web sites where you can register to receive free wake-up

calls. They are designed primarily for people who are traveling and want to be

awakened to catch a flight, or to make an early meeting, but they work just as

well when you are wide awake and simply need your phone to ring at a specified

time. To learn more about these services, just Google “wake up calls.”

There’s another thing you really should know about your safety and phone calls.

Depending on where you are, and your particular service provider, calling 911

from a cell phone may not always work the way it would if you were calling

from a landline. FCC regulations require that all wireless carriers transmit

mobile 911 calls to "a Public Safety Answering Point” (PSAP), but doesn’t

require that the agency be local or even associated with emergency services.

Additionally, calling 911 from a landline typically provides the dispatcher with

your exact location; calling 911 from a mobile phone provides them only with

the location of the nearest cell phone tower. What that means is you need to

know how to tell an emergency dispatcher where you are by providing an

address, landmarks, or street intersections.

Finally, if you’ll be traveling to another city for your first meeting, use Google to

find the phone number for the local police dispatcher there, and program that

number into your phone for quick reference.

Be Willing to Make a Fool of Yourself

There is a rule of thumb that I’ve tried to follow for most of my life, ever since

reading an article about what it takes to survive crimes, accidents, and disasters.

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