Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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aka Slavemaster, lived with his wife and four children, arranged to be named“Man of the Year” by a charitable service organization, and had even beenfeatured on the cover of a national trade magazine all while methodically rapingand murdering at least eleven women. Over the course of almost twenty years,Robinson skillfully avoided becoming a suspect in the murders, but he wasn’t assuccessful in avoiding being convicted of dozens of other crimes, to includetheft, embezzlement, fraud, and forgery.Robinson’s long and well-documented history of criminal activity was a matterof public record and he was even sent to prison a few times. In fact, it is widelybelieved that Robinson met and seduced his fourth murder victim whileincarcerated and serving time for fraud at the Western Missouri CorrectionalFacility. Her name was Beverly Bonner, and she was the prison librarian. UponRobinson’s release from prison in 1993, Beverly Bonner divorced her husbandand moved to Kansas to be with Robinson, who promptly murdered her and thencashed her alimony checks for the next seven years. In June of 2000, her bodywas found in a drum at the same storage facility as Sheila and Debbie Faith’s.Could any of Robinson’s many victims have avoided their fate by doing a littlebit of research on the man they loved and literally trusted with their lives? We’llnever know for sure. But one thing is certain; it is far easier today to checksomeone out online than it was just ten or twenty years ago. Whateverinformation you do have about the person you’re meeting, Google it. Evenphony information can reveal a lot of real information. Google his name, emailaddress, mailing address, and phone number. Google his job, business, friendsand family members. Reverse Google any photographs. With the proper use ofquotation marks in your searches, you could even Google his poetry, or otherwritings. Google it all. You may not be able to immediately differentiatebetween true information and phony information, but you can usually spotinconsistencies pretty easily.Another way to know who you’re meeting is to tactfully ask for personalreferences from others who purportedly know the individual in real life.Everyone knows someone. If someone tries to tell you that he has no friends,acquaintances, family members, associates, clients or coworkers who would bewilling to vouch for the fact that he is a real person with real community ties andnot an axe murderer, then that should serve as a warning flag. He doesn’t haveto reveal his kinky lifestyle to those people. All he has to tell them is, “I’m

meeting someone for the first time, and I thought that maybe some personalreferences might reassure her that I’m not an axe murderer. Would you mind if Igave her your phone number?”Finally, if all else fails, you could always resort to the tried-and-true strategy ofblaming somebody else: “This is stupid, but my best friend is really worried andwon’t let me come meet you until she sees a photo of your driver’s license first.I tried to tell her that I trust you implicitly, but she just isn’t budging. I reallydon’t want to lose her as a friend over this. Can we do this just to shut her up?”He may or may not agree to it, but either way, his response will tell you a lot.Clarify ExpectationsClarifying expectations may not seem like much of a safety precaution at firstglance, but it can make a huge difference in how your first meeting turns out.Even if you honestly believe that you both fully understand the purpose andlimits of the planned meeting, it certainly doesn’t hurt to confirm what you thinkyou both know. You may feel a little foolish doing so (see the section below onbeing willing to do just that) but no one ever really dies of embarrassment.People do, however, sometimes die of stupidity.The most common reason for misunderstandings which could potentially lead totrouble involves one person’s naive anticipation of sex, when it is neitherwarranted nor planned. Even though you may have been asked to lunch, madethe date for lunch, meticulously planned every detail of the lunch, and evenenjoyed the lunch with your date, it’s entirely possible that your date is thinking,“Great lunch, but can we just get to the sex part now?” Some people simplyhave to have it spelled out for them in no uncertain terms. Here’s one exampleof how you can phrase it: “I’m really looking forward to meeting you! I justwant to be absolutely clear, though. No matter how much I like you or howmuch I may want to, there is simply no way we’re going to be having sex on thisfirst date. If that is going to be a problem, you need to tell me so now.”On the other hand, if sex is mutually understood to be part of the plan for yourfirst meeting, you may still need to clarify the fact that consent can bewithdrawn at any time by either party. Just because you’ve discussed havingsex, planned on it, anticipated it and have every intention of following throughwith your plan doesn’t mean that you can’t change your mind, even at the verylast second. You need to not only trust your gut when it comes to such things,

aka Slavemaster, lived with his wife and four children, arranged to be named

“Man of the Year” by a charitable service organization, and had even been

featured on the cover of a national trade magazine all while methodically raping

and murdering at least eleven women. Over the course of almost twenty years,

Robinson skillfully avoided becoming a suspect in the murders, but he wasn’t as

successful in avoiding being convicted of dozens of other crimes, to include

theft, embezzlement, fraud, and forgery.

Robinson’s long and well-documented history of criminal activity was a matter

of public record and he was even sent to prison a few times. In fact, it is widely

believed that Robinson met and seduced his fourth murder victim while

incarcerated and serving time for fraud at the Western Missouri Correctional

Facility. Her name was Beverly Bonner, and she was the prison librarian. Upon

Robinson’s release from prison in 1993, Beverly Bonner divorced her husband

and moved to Kansas to be with Robinson, who promptly murdered her and then

cashed her alimony checks for the next seven years. In June of 2000, her body

was found in a drum at the same storage facility as Sheila and Debbie Faith’s.

Could any of Robinson’s many victims have avoided their fate by doing a little

bit of research on the man they loved and literally trusted with their lives? We’ll

never know for sure. But one thing is certain; it is far easier today to check

someone out online than it was just ten or twenty years ago. Whatever

information you do have about the person you’re meeting, Google it. Even

phony information can reveal a lot of real information. Google his name, email

address, mailing address, and phone number. Google his job, business, friends

and family members. Reverse Google any photographs. With the proper use of

quotation marks in your searches, you could even Google his poetry, or other

writings. Google it all. You may not be able to immediately differentiate

between true information and phony information, but you can usually spot

inconsistencies pretty easily.

Another way to know who you’re meeting is to tactfully ask for personal

references from others who purportedly know the individual in real life.

Everyone knows someone. If someone tries to tell you that he has no friends,

acquaintances, family members, associates, clients or coworkers who would be

willing to vouch for the fact that he is a real person with real community ties and

not an axe murderer, then that should serve as a warning flag. He doesn’t have

to reveal his kinky lifestyle to those people. All he has to tell them is, “I’m

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