Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

from alejandroheinricks More from this publisher

True, the odds of that person being a psychopath are extremely low but, thenagain, you’ve probably bought lottery tickets on slimmer chances of winning.Think about that.The keys to a executing a successful acquainting meeting are: keepingexpectations realistic, avoiding misunderstandings, staying safe (which we’lldiscuss at length later in this chapter), having fun, and having a plan for successas well as failure. Keeping expectations realistic and avoidingmisunderstandings go hand-in-hand. To that end, it may sometimes benecessary to explicitly spell things out for the person you’re about to meet bysaying, “I just want to be sure that we both understand that this is just lunch.No pressure. It’s not a hook-up.” The discomfort of having to say such a thingprior to the meeting is minimal compared to the discomfort you could feel laterif it turns out that the two of you had differing notions concerning the purpose ofthe meeting.You might think that the notion of having fun at this initial meeting would besomething of a no-brainer. Unfortunately, it is often easier said than done. Youshould choose a vanilla venue that allows you to focus your attentions on oneanother or gives you something fun to do together. It is also usually a good ideato avoid fetish lifestyle events as a place to get acquainted, particularly if youdon’t really know what preconceptions your new friend may be bringing to thetable. In the unlikely event that your first meeting doesn’t go as swimmingly asyou hope, it’s probably a fair bet that having your entire munch group there towitness it isn’t going to make you feel any better about it. Do yourself and yourkinkster friends the favor of arranging this meeting elsewhere. It’s alsoadvisable to avoid venues that might force you to devote your attention andenergy to distractions or other people. Generally speaking, you will probably beable to learn a lot more about each other over beer and pizza than you will sittingin the dark at your local movie theater.Having fun often depends as much on the topics of discussion as the venue andactivities. It is often all too easy for some people to forget that no one enjoyshaving to endure an unending stream of negative or depressing discussion ontopics such as divorce, abuse, mental illness, medical problems, anger issues orself-destructive behavior. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with mentioningsuch things but, if at the end of your first meeting you realize that it’s all youtalked about, it’s probably not a good portent of things to come. Your chances

of a second meeting with your new friend are directly proportional to the numberof times the two of you laugh and smile during this one.The final key to success when it comes to acquainting first meetings consists ofhaving contingency plans for both success and failure. You should alreadyknow, before this meeting, what the next step should be, regardless of theoutcome. If, by the end of this meeting, you discover that you have absolutelyno interest in seeing this person again, it’s always a good thing to have a way totactfully say so ready for deployment. Having to come up with something onthe-flyrarely turns out well. The best way to say, “Gee, I’d love to see youagain,” is not “Well, it was nice meeting you. Bye!”It definitely helps to have at least some notion of what might constitute a funsecond date ready to toss out when the time is right.The Hook-up First MeetingThe hook-up first meeting consists of meeting someone for the first time for theprimary purpose of having a sexual encounter, which may or may not includeBDSM activities. For a wide variety of reasons, most of which should be fairlyobvious to anyone old enough to be reading this book, this kind of firstencounter is almost always a bad idea. Nevertheless, they happen in thislifestyle, and it would be exceptionally foolish to pretend that they don’t. If youare considering meeting someone for the first time for a sexual hook-up, I wouldfrankly advise you to reconsider. Failing that, I would then advise you to takeplenty of safety precautions and to keep your expectations realistic.Unrealistic expectations are hard enough to manage in any first meeting. Justthink of it as a giant, lickalicious double-decker ice cream cone. Adding a bigscoop of sex to the already towering treat may seem like an exciting idea, but itcomes at the price of making your cone increasingly difficult to manage. Youmight even be irresistibly tempted to top those three scoops off with anadditional dollop of whipped BDSM and sex-toy sprinkles. That’s usually whenit all topples over into a gooey mess on the pavement and you’re left holding anempty waffle cone.You would be well-advised to take things slowly. Don’t expect to be able to liveout all of your fantasies in a couple of hours, or even over the course of just a

of a second meeting with your new friend are directly proportional to the number

of times the two of you laugh and smile during this one.

The final key to success when it comes to acquainting first meetings consists of

having contingency plans for both success and failure. You should already

know, before this meeting, what the next step should be, regardless of the

outcome. If, by the end of this meeting, you discover that you have absolutely

no interest in seeing this person again, it’s always a good thing to have a way to

tactfully say so ready for deployment. Having to come up with something onthe-fly

rarely turns out well. The best way to say, “Gee, I’d love to see you

again,” is not “Well, it was nice meeting you. Bye!”

It definitely helps to have at least some notion of what might constitute a fun

second date ready to toss out when the time is right.

The Hook-up First Meeting

The hook-up first meeting consists of meeting someone for the first time for the

primary purpose of having a sexual encounter, which may or may not include

BDSM activities. For a wide variety of reasons, most of which should be fairly

obvious to anyone old enough to be reading this book, this kind of first

encounter is almost always a bad idea. Nevertheless, they happen in this

lifestyle, and it would be exceptionally foolish to pretend that they don’t. If you

are considering meeting someone for the first time for a sexual hook-up, I would

frankly advise you to reconsider. Failing that, I would then advise you to take

plenty of safety precautions and to keep your expectations realistic.

Unrealistic expectations are hard enough to manage in any first meeting. Just

think of it as a giant, lickalicious double-decker ice cream cone. Adding a big

scoop of sex to the already towering treat may seem like an exciting idea, but it

comes at the price of making your cone increasingly difficult to manage. You

might even be irresistibly tempted to top those three scoops off with an

additional dollop of whipped BDSM and sex-toy sprinkles. That’s usually when

it all topples over into a gooey mess on the pavement and you’re left holding an

empty waffle cone.

You would be well-advised to take things slowly. Don’t expect to be able to live

out all of your fantasies in a couple of hours, or even over the course of just a

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