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Types of First Meetings:

First meetings can come in a variety of flavors, and your strategies for surviving

them depends a lot upon what kind of first meeting you’re considering. By the

way, when I say surviving, I generally mean getting through the meeting with

your dignity intact, but we’ll be discussing the other kind later in this chapter as

well. First meetings typically fall into five categories: imaginary, serendipitous,

acquainting, hook-up, and transitional.

The Imaginary First Meeting

The imaginary first meeting is a first meeting that never happens, for whatever

reason. It is neither inherently a good thing, nor a bad thing. It is what it is. It

is almost always idealized in our minds as the coming together of two souls in a

perfect alignment of love, lust, libido, laughter and any other sexy, happy “L”

words we can think of. The truth, however, is that the real thing rarely lives up

to the fantasies that we’ve built up in our heads. Some people in certain

circumstances should be willing to acknowledge the fact that an imaginary first

meeting is all that they can realistically hope for. Others sometimes go through

with a real-life first meeting only to find themselves wishing that they had kept

things virtual or long-distance. And then, there are those who attempt to meet

someone in real-life, but the encounter remains imaginary despite their best

efforts. You may count me as someone who has found himself in all of these

scenarios at one point or another, but the most interesting experience involved

my attempt to arrange what I had hoped would be a transitional first meeting

but, instead, ended up being mostly an imaginary one.

Her screen name was Sensual. Just that. There were none of the numbers,

extraneous letters, or silly modifiers that are tacked on to a name these days to

differentiate a person from the thousands of other people using the same or a

similar name. We were among the earliest adopters of internet chat and for all I

knew she may have been the very first Sensual. She was an intelligent and

funny redheaded submissive with piercing blue eyes and the most adorable

freckles. In other words, she had all the qualities that can effortlessly turn my

legs to Jell-O. I didn’t know much else about her at first, but we grew incredibly

close over the course of the next several months as we went from text chats to

trading photographs and spending hours on the telephone. That, in itself, was

quickly becoming somewhat problematic, since she lived in Washington State

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