Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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accountable in all things, and the glorification of a warrior ethic.A person living a practical Gorean lifestyle adopts and applies thesephilosophies not simply because he or she is a big fan of John Norman’s novelsor because it’s an entertaining internet chat room activity. They do it becausethey truly believe in those ideals and because they work in their lives and in theirrelationships. This is not to say that the same ideals would work as effectively inany one else’s life. Author Robert A. Heinlein once said, “One man’s theologyis another man’s belly-laugh,” and it is equally as true when it comes tophilosophy and culture. Just as the Buddhist philosophy may work wonderfullyfor some people, but not for others, so it is with Gorean philosophy.The Gorean way of life may not be your particular cup of tea, but for those whoare happily ensconced in a delightfully fulfilling Gorean relationship, whatmatters most is not our opinion of them, but the joy that they share in their ownlittle piece of Gor on Earth.

My Two Cents on GorI admit it. I’ve never really been a big fan of the Gorean lifestyle. Sure, I lovedreading John Norman’s Gor novels as a teen, but the Gorean thing always struckme as a little too role-play and not enough real life, and I’ve always fanciedmyself as a real life kind of guy. My initially negative bias was no doubtinfluenced by an endless parade of teen D&D geeks posing as Goreans ininternet chat rooms. I have, however, learned a great deal more about the realworld Gorean subculture since then, and become good friends with many whofollow the Gorean way.So, to all of my Gorean friends and associates, I would just like to say, Iapologize for once believing that you were all self-deluded, pervy, sci-fi whackjobs. I now know how misguided I was in that belief. That description probablyonly applies to about half of you. Seriously though, I do believe that Gor, likeD/s in general, is a mindset that can be expressed healthily in a variety of ways,but a Gorean friend probably said it best, when she wrote:Dear Friends and Future Friends,Please don’t lecture me about my lifestyle choices, one of which happens to bethe Gorean lifestyle. Don’t insult my intelligence by calling me misguided ornaïve because you think I’m living in a “fantasy” world. The Gorean way isn’tjust a fantasy, it is a mindset and a philosophy. It is a belief in a natural order ofthings, which includes the inherent dominance of men over women. It is strivingto learn how to freely surrender one’s will to her Master, and belonging to himwith all of my might, mind, and soul.Yes, I am aware that Gor is a fictional planet, the subject of a pulp sciencefiction series by John Norman. It doesn’t exist. I know this. I really am not thefool you apparently think I am. I not only exist right here on planet Earth, but Ialso happen to be a very capable, fully functioning member of society with agood job, a nice car, and an awesome Master, whom I refer to as my husbandaround the people who just don’t get it.It doesn’t matter to me that they don’t get it. It doesn’t matter to me that youdon’t seem to, either. It doesn’t matter that I haven’t read all thirty-two of theGor novels or consider myself some kind of whiz-bang expert on all thingsGorean. I don’t join all the Gor discussion forums, or register on Gorean web

accountable in all things, and the glorification of a warrior ethic.

A person living a practical Gorean lifestyle adopts and applies these

philosophies not simply because he or she is a big fan of John Norman’s novels

or because it’s an entertaining internet chat room activity. They do it because

they truly believe in those ideals and because they work in their lives and in their

relationships. This is not to say that the same ideals would work as effectively in

any one else’s life. Author Robert A. Heinlein once said, “One man’s theology

is another man’s belly-laugh,” and it is equally as true when it comes to

philosophy and culture. Just as the Buddhist philosophy may work wonderfully

for some people, but not for others, so it is with Gorean philosophy.

The Gorean way of life may not be your particular cup of tea, but for those who

are happily ensconced in a delightfully fulfilling Gorean relationship, what

matters most is not our opinion of them, but the joy that they share in their own

little piece of Gor on Earth.

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