Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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(John Norman, Tribesmen of Gor, 1976)Gorean collaring ceremonies, even at their most formal, are typically conductedwith the slave stripped naked and forced to assume traditional poses ofsubmission. While many of the collaring ceremonies described in Norman’snovels contain elements of humiliation and degradation, their inclusion in realworld Gorean collaring ceremonies is not common."Step before me naked," said Rask of Treve. I did so.We faced one another, not speaking, he with his blade, and in his leather, Iwith nothing, stripped at his command."Submit," he said. I could not disobey him.I fell to my knees before him. Resting back on my heels, extending my armsto him, wrists crossed, as though for binding, my head lowered, betweenmy arms.I spoke in a clear voice. "I, Miss Elinor Brinton, of New York City, to theWarrior, Rask, of the High City of Treve, herewith submit myself as a slavegirl. At his hands I accept my life and my name, declaring myself his to dowith as he pleases." Suddenly I felt my wrists lashed swiftly, rudely,together. I drew back my wrists in fear. They were already bound! Theywere bound with incredible tightness. I had been bound by a tarnsman. Ilooked up at him in fear, I saw him take an object from a warrior at hisside. It was an opened, steel slave collar. He held it before me."Read the collar," said Rask of Treve."I cannot," I whispered. "I cannot read."“She is illiterate,” said Ena."Ignorant barbarian!" I heard more than one girl laugh.I felt so ashamed. I regarded the engraving on the collar, tiny, in neat,cursive script.I could not read it."Read it to her," said Rask of Treve to Ena."It says," said Ena, “I am the property of Rask of Treve.”I said nothing."Do you understand?" asked Ena."Yes," I said. "Yes!"

Now, with his two hands, he held the collar about my neck, but he did notyet close it. I was looking up at him. My throat was encircled by hiscollar, he was holding it, but the collar was not yet shut. My eyes met his.His eyes were fierce, amused, mine were frightened. My eyes pleaded formercy. I would receive none. The collar snapped shut. There was a shoutof pleasure from the men and girls about. I heard hands striking the leftshoulder in Gorean applause. Among the warriors, the flat sword bladesand blades of spears rang on shields. I closed my eyes, shuddering. Iopened my eyes, I could not hold up my head. I saw before me the dirt,and the sandals of Rask of Treve.Then I remembered that I must speak one more line. I lifted my head,tears in my eyes. "I am yours, Master," I said. (John Norman, Captive ofGor, 1972)As these passages illustrate, the Gorean collaring ceremony is typically just thebeginning of a kajira’s education. The riveting of a collar about her neck,whether it is done brutishly or lovingly, serves as an unforgettable initial lessonon the Master/slave relationship dynamic:"The collar," I said, touching it," is put on from without, but what itencircles, the slave, comes from within.""Master?" she asked."Slavery," I told her, "true slavery, comes from within, and you, my lovelylittle red-haired beast, I assure you, as was evidenced by your behaviorand performances this night, are a true slave. Do not fight your slavery.Allow it freely and spontaneously, candidly, sweetly and untrammeled, tomanifest itself. It is what you are."Yes, Master," she said."That, too," I said, "will save you many bouts with the lash."(John Norman, Savages of Gor, 1982)Unfortunately - or fortunately, depending upon your perspective - here on Earth,consent is kind of a big deal. That pesky requirement that you obtain consentbefore you slap a steel collar and padlock around a woman’s neck suggests thatthe traditional Gorean strategy of “collar first, explain later” may not be theoptimal approach on this particular planet.

(John Norman, Tribesmen of Gor, 1976)

Gorean collaring ceremonies, even at their most formal, are typically conducted

with the slave stripped naked and forced to assume traditional poses of

submission. While many of the collaring ceremonies described in Norman’s

novels contain elements of humiliation and degradation, their inclusion in real

world Gorean collaring ceremonies is not common.

"Step before me naked," said Rask of Treve. I did so.

We faced one another, not speaking, he with his blade, and in his leather, I

with nothing, stripped at his command.

"Submit," he said. I could not disobey him.

I fell to my knees before him. Resting back on my heels, extending my arms

to him, wrists crossed, as though for binding, my head lowered, between

my arms.

I spoke in a clear voice. "I, Miss Elinor Brinton, of New York City, to the

Warrior, Rask, of the High City of Treve, herewith submit myself as a slave

girl. At his hands I accept my life and my name, declaring myself his to do

with as he pleases." Suddenly I felt my wrists lashed swiftly, rudely,

together. I drew back my wrists in fear. They were already bound! They

were bound with incredible tightness. I had been bound by a tarnsman. I

looked up at him in fear, I saw him take an object from a warrior at his

side. It was an opened, steel slave collar. He held it before me.

"Read the collar," said Rask of Treve.

"I cannot," I whispered. "I cannot read."

“She is illiterate,” said Ena.

"Ignorant barbarian!" I heard more than one girl laugh.

I felt so ashamed. I regarded the engraving on the collar, tiny, in neat,

cursive script.

I could not read it.

"Read it to her," said Rask of Treve to Ena.

"It says," said Ena, “I am the property of Rask of Treve.”

I said nothing.

"Do you understand?" asked Ena.

"Yes," I said. "Yes!"

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