Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

from alejandroheinricks More from this publisher

My Two Cents on Online BDSM RelationshipsRoxy, a young submissive who was new to the online BDSM lifestyle and hadno real experience whatsoever with the real-world one, seemed preoccupied andpensive as her avatar kneeled stoically on a pillow in a quiet corner of theBDSM chat room. She was usually a cheerful girl with a bubbly demeanor buttoday, she was anything but. Something was obviously very wrong.“How’s your trial with your new Master going?” I asked. She’d met Drago inthis very room, just one week earlier, and had agreed to a trial with him afteronly a few minutes of conversation. At the time, I’d considered it a rather rashand unwise decision, but it really wasn’t my place to say so. Roxy was silent fora moment, and then hesitatingly replied, “Meh. I told him to go fuck himself.”I nodded silently in response, not giving voice to the first thought that hadpopped into my head, which was: Not entirely unexpected. Instead, Idiplomatically said, “I’m sorry to hear that. I’m guessing the trial is off, then?”She gave a little nod and replied, “I guess so.” A moment passed, and shetentatively added, “Umm... He threatened me. Do you think I should beworried?”“What do you mean, threatened you?” I asked. “What did he say, exactly?”Roxy answered, “He said he would hunt me down in real-life, and kick my ass.He said he would make me sorry that I had spoken to him like that.” Longpause. “He can’t really do that, can he?”“It’s depends,” I replied. “Which part? Hunt you down, kick your ass, or makeyou sorry? I’m pretty sure he could accomplish all three. But then again,considering how hard headed you can be, that whole making you sorry part maybe a little harder than he thinks.”Clearly, she didn’t like what she was hearing. “Are you saying that he reallycould find out where I live? There is no possible way! I have never even toldhim what state I live in. At most, he knows my first name, and that isn’t evenmy real first name, it’s a nickname.”I sighed. I have always hated the painful process of trying to convince someonethat she isn’t really as clever or as anonymous as she thinks she is. Once they’reshown just how vulnerable they really are, some people simply log off and never

come back. It’s that much of a shock to them. But the alternative is to stand byand do nothing while they risk being hurt or even killed by some crazed whackjob.It had to be done. “Don’t go anywhere,” I said. “I’ll be back in fiveminutes.”When I returned a few minutes later, I showed her what I’d found: Her full legalname. Her home address and telephone numbers, both her landline and her cellphone. Her email address, Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr accounts. Vacationpictures and names of her and all of her family members. And I found it all inless than five minutes. How? Simple, really. The trick is to find a single threadand pull on it until the entire illusion of anonymity unravels.In her particular case, a simple reverse search of a photograph associated withher account led me to her social media accounts like Facebook and Tumblr.Those sites gave me her email address and the name of her home town. Fromthere, it was easy to get her real name, home address, and telephone numbers.Predictably, Roxy was not amused.

My Two Cents on Online BDSM Relationships

Roxy, a young submissive who was new to the online BDSM lifestyle and had

no real experience whatsoever with the real-world one, seemed preoccupied and

pensive as her avatar kneeled stoically on a pillow in a quiet corner of the

BDSM chat room. She was usually a cheerful girl with a bubbly demeanor but

today, she was anything but. Something was obviously very wrong.

“How’s your trial with your new Master going?” I asked. She’d met Drago in

this very room, just one week earlier, and had agreed to a trial with him after

only a few minutes of conversation. At the time, I’d considered it a rather rash

and unwise decision, but it really wasn’t my place to say so. Roxy was silent for

a moment, and then hesitatingly replied, “Meh. I told him to go fuck himself.”

I nodded silently in response, not giving voice to the first thought that had

popped into my head, which was: Not entirely unexpected. Instead, I

diplomatically said, “I’m sorry to hear that. I’m guessing the trial is off, then?”

She gave a little nod and replied, “I guess so.” A moment passed, and she

tentatively added, “Umm... He threatened me. Do you think I should be


“What do you mean, threatened you?” I asked. “What did he say, exactly?”

Roxy answered, “He said he would hunt me down in real-life, and kick my ass.

He said he would make me sorry that I had spoken to him like that.” Long

pause. “He can’t really do that, can he?”

“It’s depends,” I replied. “Which part? Hunt you down, kick your ass, or make

you sorry? I’m pretty sure he could accomplish all three. But then again,

considering how hard headed you can be, that whole making you sorry part may

be a little harder than he thinks.”

Clearly, she didn’t like what she was hearing. “Are you saying that he really

could find out where I live? There is no possible way! I have never even told

him what state I live in. At most, he knows my first name, and that isn’t even

my real first name, it’s a nickname.”

I sighed. I have always hated the painful process of trying to convince someone

that she isn’t really as clever or as anonymous as she thinks she is. Once they’re

shown just how vulnerable they really are, some people simply log off and never

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