Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

from alejandroheinricks More from this publisher

Feel free to consider any response that actually involves a word that startswith the letter D as acceptable.Sometimes, it is the perplexing and often amusing questions that someone asksin these online chat rooms that expose him as a phony. The following is a list ofactual questions that have been posed to me by allegedly “highly experienced”online Masters and Mistresses who claimed to have years and years of BDSMexperience. Seriously, I couldn’t make this stuff up:· Do your slaves let you have sex with them? I was just wondering.· How do you keep your slaves from running away? I’m having a bit ofa problem with that.· Would it be easier to get more slaves if I created second account as asub and collared myself?· How many slaves do you have? I have 23. More, if you count the oneswhose names I don’t remember.· All my slaves turn out to be, like, thirteen years old. What am I doingwrong?· I really want to be a real-life Master. Real-life Masters have lots andlots of sex, right? How much sex, exactly, are we talking about, here?· How do you get your submissives to respect you? This is way harderthan I thought it would be.· Do you practice forced collaring?Obviously, it’s not particularly difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff inthese kinds of conversations. The only real issue becomes, how do you handle aphony once he or she is exposed? Do you tell the person how you tripped himup? If you do, then the imposter simply chalks it up as a lesson learned, andtweaks his performance to better deceive the next person who comes along. Ifyou don’t, you are often left with the irksome feeling that you’ve allowedsomeone to think he has gotten away with deceiving you.Sometimes, the best solution is to simply inform the individual that you weren’tfooled. Then, if you have the power to do so, boot and ban.

ChallengesDespite all of the apparent pessimism you’ve thus far been bombarded with inthis chapter, online BDSM relationships actually do happen, and sometimes,even flourish. The keys to having a successful online BDSM relationshipgenerally come down to the following threefactors: Determining beforehand where the line is that separates your virtualBDSM life from your real-world life, deciding for yourself the importance of thereality behind the avatars, and asking yourself, “Why am I doing this, and whereis it going?” The answers tothese three questions aren’t easy, nor should they be. In fact, if one or more ofthe questions seems easy for you, then I would suggest that you’ve probablyseriously underestimated the complexity andgravity of the issues involved.The wildcard that is often overlooked when it comes to online relationships ingeneral, and online BDSM relationships inparticular, is the role that our emotions play in our perceptions and decisionmaking.We often go into these things with one set of expectations, only todiscover - after we have fallen in love - that a completely different set ofexpectations has suddenly appeared out of nowhere and taken precedence. Ifeither partner is unprepared for it when that happens, it can not only bepotentially devastating to the onlinerelationship, but it can lead to significant problems in their real-lives, as well.

Feel free to consider any response that actually involves a word that starts

with the letter D as acceptable.

Sometimes, it is the perplexing and often amusing questions that someone asks

in these online chat rooms that expose him as a phony. The following is a list of

actual questions that have been posed to me by allegedly “highly experienced”

online Masters and Mistresses who claimed to have years and years of BDSM

experience. Seriously, I couldn’t make this stuff up:

· Do your slaves let you have sex with them? I was just wondering.

· How do you keep your slaves from running away? I’m having a bit of

a problem with that.

· Would it be easier to get more slaves if I created second account as a

sub and collared myself?

· How many slaves do you have? I have 23. More, if you count the ones

whose names I don’t remember.

· All my slaves turn out to be, like, thirteen years old. What am I doing


· I really want to be a real-life Master. Real-life Masters have lots and

lots of sex, right? How much sex, exactly, are we talking about, here?

· How do you get your submissives to respect you? This is way harder

than I thought it would be.

· Do you practice forced collaring?

Obviously, it’s not particularly difficult to separate the wheat from the chaff in

these kinds of conversations. The only real issue becomes, how do you handle a

phony once he or she is exposed? Do you tell the person how you tripped him

up? If you do, then the imposter simply chalks it up as a lesson learned, and

tweaks his performance to better deceive the next person who comes along. If

you don’t, you are often left with the irksome feeling that you’ve allowed

someone to think he has gotten away with deceiving you.

Sometimes, the best solution is to simply inform the individual that you weren’t

fooled. Then, if you have the power to do so, boot and ban.

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