Domination & submission _ the BDSM relationship handbook ( PDFDrive )

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· Do you, as a Primal, prefer other Primals or non-Primals as yourpotential mates, and why?· Is the credibility or authenticity of another Primal ever in question toyou, and if so, why?Perhaps my readers can, post-publication, provide some inspired answers tothese and the countless other unspoken questions that naturally come to mindwhen pondering the many mysteries of humanimal relationships.In the meantime, let’s shift our focus to another practical aspect of interactingwith a Primal. Before entering into an actual relationship with a Primal, youmight get the idea that you want to play with one. In this lifestyle, that usuallymeans a scene. A scene with a Primal... Now, there’s a scary thought.

Primal ScenesA primal scene is not something you see every day. That has a lot to do with thefact that there’s very little that a primal does that is preplanned. A scene, almostby definition, is something that is planned ahead of time. There will, of course,occasionally be those times when Primals have made plans to do a scenecompletely unrelated to their primalism and serendipity nudges them off-script.When it does happen, it is rarely predictable, and may even be as alarming tospectators as it is fascinating to them. By the way, the phrase “primal scene”can mean very different things to different people. Among psychologists, it is aterm which refers to witnessing or imagining your parents having sex;something you just might want to keep in mind if you ever decide to discuss thistopic with your shrink.Typically, in the BDSM world, a Primal scene simply happens without a lot offorethought. What may start as a bit of cautious sniffing and circling canquickly escalate to a scenario where instinct supersedes reason and judgment,and life leaps from mundane to extraordinarily interesting in about 2.6 secondsflat.Mellissa W., a twenty-six-year-old woman from Kansas, considered herself atraditional submissive before she became involved with a Dominant who seemedto play a lot rougher than she had been accustomed to with her previous lovers.That, in itself wasn’t too unusual. What surprised her was her immediate andinstinctive reaction to it; a reaction that opened up a part of herself that she hadnever suspected was there.“We had always been playful and even a little rough at times, but I alwaysfigured it was just fun and games. One night I was walking past him and Dereksurprised me by grabbing my boob, and I don’t know why, but I snatched hishand and bit into the meaty part at the base of his thumb really, really hard. Hescreamed bloody murder, grabbed me and picked me up, and literally threw melike a sack of potatoes across the room onto the bed. As soon as I realized Iwasn’t going to die, I was just completely filled with this primal all-consumingrage. I just sprang off the bed like some kind of wild animal, throwing my entireweight on him and knocking him to the floor, while hitting and biting andscratching.We fought and wrestled and rolled around on the floor snarling at each other

· Do you, as a Primal, prefer other Primals or non-Primals as your

potential mates, and why?

· Is the credibility or authenticity of another Primal ever in question to

you, and if so, why?

Perhaps my readers can, post-publication, provide some inspired answers to

these and the countless other unspoken questions that naturally come to mind

when pondering the many mysteries of humanimal relationships.

In the meantime, let’s shift our focus to another practical aspect of interacting

with a Primal. Before entering into an actual relationship with a Primal, you

might get the idea that you want to play with one. In this lifestyle, that usually

means a scene. A scene with a Primal... Now, there’s a scary thought.

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