2020 CitrusPeel Gold Edition


Savvy Girl ScoutsInnovateWhen COVID-19 closed down businesses andforced people to stay home, Girl Scouts of Citrushad to abruptly shut down the Girl Scout Cookieprogram. Unfortunately, this forced many troopsto cancel booths, leaving them with unsoldcookies. Girls began to worry about how theywould fund troop activities, such as outdooradventures, community service projects, andthose broader experiences that build leadershipskills so critical to the Girl Scout LeadershipExperience.In an effort to eliminate hardship for troops,families and girls, Girl Scouts of Citrus extendedits cookie program into summer for those girlsand volunteers who wanted to try and continueto sell. Girl Scouts from across the region havefound innovative and safe ways to reach theircookie program goals.Community booths were set up as a way to helpthe most girls with minimum risk during thisuncertain time. Pre-orders were collected, andtroops used their inventory to package up theorders. The community then set up drive-thrubooths where girls handed out the cookie ordersin a safe, socially distant matter.The Girl Scout cookie program has preparedgenerations of women to emerge asentrepreneurs and stand as leaders in theircommunities. The COVID pandemic createdan unprecedented environment, but girls arelearning how to quickly pivot and find newinnovative ways to do business.However, even with the extended cookietimeline, that didn’t solve the problem for all.With nearly 2,000 cases of cookies still sittingin homes and cookie cupboards across theregion. GSC understood that not all troops orcommunities would have the ability to sell.Therefore, a pandemic relief transfer programwas implemented to help those troops leftholding five or more unopened cases ofcookies.These unopened cases of cookies weretransferred back to Citrus – for a newinitiative, the Cookies for Heroes. Cookiesfor Heroes delivered cookies to the specialpeople who have stood by their communitiesduring these trying times. In an effort to24

soften the financial burden GSC just took on,the public was now able to donate funds intothe Cookies for Heroes. Each donation of $60would ensure that a case of cookies would bedelivered to one of the many essential workersthroughout Central Florida.Funds earned from the Girl Scout CookieProgram remain local and provide life-changingexperiences and adventure. If the COVID-19pandemic has proven anything, it’s that theseyoung savvy business-minded Girl Scouts willfind a way to succeed.25

soften the financial burden GSC just took on,

the public was now able to donate funds into

the Cookies for Heroes. Each donation of $60

would ensure that a case of cookies would be

delivered to one of the many essential workers

throughout Central Florida.

Funds earned from the Girl Scout Cookie

Program remain local and provide life-changing

experiences and adventure. If the COVID-19

pandemic has proven anything, it’s that these

young savvy business-minded Girl Scouts will

find a way to succeed.


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