Global IP Matrix - Issue 7

Dear readers, We sincerely hope that you are all in good health and keeping in good spirits during these undeniably uncertain times. We have all had to adapt to working out of our comfort zones, which I am sure has been very challenging at times for you all as it has been for us. However, we continue our quest to look to the future and deliver exclusive content to you, direct from thought leaders working at ground level in the IP industry from all over the world. Issue 7 of The Global IP Matrix magazine is packed with informative and exciting articles to keep you up to date and educated in what has been developing in the global IP industry during the past few months and into the future. We hope you enjoy reading our publication. We want to thank all our contributors for sharing their knowledge, opinions, and expertise in this new edition of the Global IP Matrix magazine. From all of us at The Global IP Matrix & Northon's Media, PR & Marketing Ltd

Dear readers,

We sincerely hope that you are all in good health and keeping in good spirits during these undeniably uncertain times. We have all had to adapt to working out of our comfort zones, which I am sure has been very challenging at times for you all as it has been for us.
However, we continue our quest to look to the future and deliver exclusive content to you, direct from thought leaders working at ground level in the IP industry from all over the world.
Issue 7 of The Global IP Matrix magazine is packed with informative and exciting articles to keep you up to date and educated in what has been developing in the global IP industry during the past few months and into the future. We hope you enjoy reading our publication.

We want to thank all our contributors for sharing their knowledge, opinions, and expertise in this new edition of the Global IP Matrix magazine.

From all of us at The Global IP Matrix & Northon's Media, PR & Marketing Ltd


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Interpretation of Contents on Intellectual

Property of the First Phase of Economic

and Trade Agreement between

China and the United States

On January 15, China and the

United States signed the First Phase

of Economic and Trade Agreement.

The agreement is good news for

China, America, and the entire

world. This agreement includes nine

chapters: the preamble, intellectual

property, technology transfer,

food and agricultural products,

financial services, exchange rates,

transparency, expanded trade,

bilateral assessments, and dispute

settlement. At the same time, the two

sides agreed that the United States

would fulfill its commitment to phase

out tariffs on Chinese products and

realise the transition from raising

tariffs to lowering tariffs.

Written by Lei Zhao Partner/Attorney at Law at Unitalen


From the perspective of content distribution,

the intellectual property part is located in the

first chapter of the agreement, which fully

reflects the importance both countries attach

to intellectual property protection. Intellectual

property, whether in the formulation of laws

and regulations or judicial system reform

and other aspects, has played a leading role in

China. It is also one of the most intense focuses

of economic and trade negotiations between

countries, especially China and the United


The intellectual property part of the China-

US economic and trade agreement includes

the contents that have been already adopted

by Chinese laws and regulations as well as

various reviews and trial guidelines in the past

two years, such as the application of punitive

damages, curbing malicious registration, and

conditional transfer of the burden of proof. It

also includes the new, even need to make an

important change in reviews and enforcement

practice at the present stage, such as the

extension of the validity of a patent, reduce

the transfer of criminal investigation in the

administrative law enforcement standard,

and the establishment of the rapid judgment

enforcement system.

I. Improving the protection of

trade secrets

According to article 1.3 and article 1.4 and

article 1.5 of the agreement, all natural

persons and legal persons can be liable for

the infringement of trade secret law and

infringement of trade secret. They should

be held accountable to prohibit behaviour

in a way that completely covers the theft of

trade secrets. Moreover, in the civil judicial

procedure, the burden of proof or evidence

could be discretionarily transferred to the

defendant. The above contents were reflected

in the newly revised anti-unfair competition

law in 2019.

In addition, article 1.7 of the agreement

also involves “lowering the threshold for

the initiation of criminal law enforcement,

and eliminating any content that takes the

determination of actual loss by the holder

of business secrets as a prerequisite for the

initiation of a criminal investigation on the

infringement of business secrets”.

Ii. Highlight the protection of

intellectual property rights of


In regard to patent protection, section 3 of

chapter I of the agreement specifically provides

for the effective protection and enforcement

of drug-related intellectual property rights,

“including patents and undisclosed test

data or other data submitted to meet the

requirements for market approval”. Specific

measures proposed in articles 1.10 and 1.11

include allowing “supplementary data to meet

relevant patentability requirements” establish

“effective mechanisms for early resolution of

patent disputes”. In addition, in article 1.12 of

the agreement, it is proposed to “extend the

duration of the patent to compensate for the

unreasonable delay in the patent authorisation

or drug marketing approval process”. For

patents on new drug products approved for

market in China and on the methods for their

manufacture and use, the extension period

may be limited to a maximum of five years,

and the total period of validity of the patent

shall not exceed 14 years from the date of

approval for the market in China.

Relevant provisions on extending the duration

of patent protection for innovative drugs have

also been presented in the 2019 amendment to

the patent law (draft).

III. Combating piracy and


Sections v and vii of chapter I of the agreement

emphasise the need to combat piracy and

counterfeiting; there are two targets, namely

online infringement (including piracy and

counterfeiting on e-commerce platforms) and

product infringement related to public health

or personal safety.

In terms of dealing with Internet infringement,

article 1.13 (1) of the agreement proposes to

establish an effective notification and removal

system to enable IP owners to take effective

and prompt actions against the infringement

in the Internet environment. In addition, the

article 1.14 of the agreement, “for failing

to take the necessary measures to control

the infringement of intellectual property

rights main e-commerce platform, should

take effective action to combat platform of

counterfeit or pirated goods”, and by way of

business licenses revoked network punishment

“repeatedly failed to curb counterfeit or

pirated goods sales e-commerce platform”.

To some extent, this imposes an obligation

on the major e-commerce platforms to take

necessary measures to rectify the infringement

of intellectual property rights.

From the perspective of the harmfulness of

piracy and counterfeit products themselves,

counterfeit goods with health and safety

risks will have a significant impact on public

health or personal safety, so we should focus

on cracking down on these products that

affect the national economy and people’s

livelihood. Article 1.20 of the agreement

provides for the destruction of counterfeit

goods in terms of border measures, civil and

criminal justice procedures and, in addition to

the destruction of the goods themselves, “shall

order the immediate destruction, without

compensation, of materials and tools primarily

used in the production or manufacture of

counterfeit or pirated goods”.

Iv. Cracking down on malicious

trademark registration

Article 1.24 of the agreement states that “in

order to strengthen trademark protection,

both parties shall ensure the full and effective

protection and enforcement of trademark

rights, especially to combat malicious

trademark registration”. Previously, the

newly revised Trademark Law in 2019 had

made adjustments in two aspects: regulating

malicious applications, hoarding registration,

and increasing penalties for trademark

infringement. Revised trademark law in

response to the malicious registered enhanced

obligations on the use of trademarks, article

4 of the specified “malicious trademark

applications without intent to use shall

be rejected”, and the malicious registered,

malicious litigation rules on the punishment

measures in article 68 specifically warning or


In order to further implement the latest

provisions of the Trademark Law, the State

Administration for Market Supervision

and Regulation issued several provisions

on standardising trademark application for

registration on October 10, 2019. It lists the

factors to be considered in the examination

of a malicious application for trademark

registration to enhance the operability

and transparency of the examination of

trademark registration. And through the

penalty such as fines and other ways against

the malicious trademark applicants and

trademark agencies, China is severely cracking

down on malicious trademark applications

and illegal agency behaviour.

V. Strengthening judicial

protection of intellectual

property rights

Section 9 of chapter I of the agreement

proposes that the transfer procedure from

administrative law enforcement to criminal

law enforcement should be improved. Article

1.26 proposes that “if according to objective

criteria, there is a ‘reasonable doubt’ based

on clear facts about criminal violations of

intellectual property rights, the administrative

department shall be required to transfer the

case to criminal law enforcement”.

Article 1.27 of the agreement also calls for

greater civil relief and criminal penalties for

intellectual property theft or infringement.

Specifically: “as transitional measures, possible

theft or infringement of intellectual property

should be contained, and the application

of existing remedies and penalties shall be

strengthened. To deter possible theft or

infringement of intellectual property rights

by imposing heavier penalties in a manner

close to or up to the maximum legal penalty

in accordance with the relevant laws on

intellectual property rights. As a followup,

statutory minimum and maximum

compensation, prison sentences, and fines

should be increased to deter future theft or

infringement of intellectual property.


Strengthening the protection of intellectual

property rights is a common goal of China

and the United States. The above-mentioned

consensus reached by the two sides in

the agreement protects the interests of

both sides. It conforms to China’s reform

direction of strengthening the protection of

intellectual property rights. It is not difficult

to find that China’s intellectual property

system has been gradually improved and

developed, which also reflects the content of

intellectual property protection proposed in

the agreement.

As the Vice-Minister of Commerce and

International Trade Negotiations, Deputy

Representative, Wang Shouwen puts it, “the

implementation of the relevant details,

will help to strengthen the protection of

intellectual property rights, improve the

business environment, expanding market

access, and better maintenance of all kinds

of enterprise in China, including foreign

enterprises, legitimate rights, and interests,

but also to protect Chinese enterprises and

the lawful rights and interests in economic

and trade activities to the U.S”.

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