Newsletter 3 16.10.20

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LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>16.10.20</strong><br />


NEWSLETTER<strong>16.10.20</strong><br />

LUDGVAN SCHOOL NEWSLETTER <strong>16.10.20</strong>

A word from the Principal...<br />

Welcome,<br />

It’s incredible how time flies. It doesn’t seem like yesterday when we were planning for our return<br />

to school in September and yet, next week is the final week before half term. I am so proud of how<br />

all the children and staff have adjusted over the past 6 weeks and it has been a pleasure to see<br />

how quickly the children have returned to their love of learning.<br />

If you have not yet seen your child’s Knowledge Organiser for their topic this term, please go on to<br />

our website and it is available on the Curriculum 20/21 page. This document will explain some of<br />

the key learning for your child and enable you to support them to learn the facts, understand the<br />

vocabulary and discuss your child’s new learning with them.<br />

Unfortunately, we have had a number of incidents this week where careless or irresponsible parking<br />

or waiting have led to children or parents being put in danger. Please do not ignore the yellow<br />

lines; they are there to ensure our entire community is safe. You are able to park at the community<br />

centre and the walk across the community path in less than a minute and its use helps alleviate<br />

the pressure on the road directly outside the school. Thank you for your continued support in this<br />

matter.<br />

Have a lovely weekend.<br />

Kind regards,<br />

Mr Adam Anderson<br />


What’s General... been going on...<br />

Breakfast Club Booking System<br />

Thank you to those of you who are using breakfast club, it’s great to see that the increased<br />

opening hours are helpful to many of our working parents. However, please ensure you book<br />

in online through the school money portal as due to the popularity of the provision, we need<br />

to use pre-booking to ensure we have adequate staffing. If you are unable to login to your<br />

schoolmoney account, please let me know or contact Mrs Badcock in the office.<br />

Out of hours<br />

We have always been committed to offering a place for children in our community to socialise<br />

and so have always kept our school site open during evenings and weekends. Unfortunately,<br />

we have been coming into school in the mornings to litter strewn across our site. If your<br />

children, of primary school age or older, use our school site outside of school hours, please<br />

remind them to treat it with respect so that we can continue to keep it open.<br />

Parking<br />

Please remember to park/wait/drop-off in a sensible and responsible manner at the start<br />

and end of the day. The community path takes less than a minute to walk and alleviates the<br />

issues of trying to find a space on the main road.<br />

Rock River<br />

You will have seen how fantastic our Rock River is now looking. We would like to extend it<br />

further, so please send in any further painted pebbles and stones. Thank you.<br />

BlackbirdPie magazine goes virtual!<br />

The virtual magazine is filled with great things to do, videos, links and interactive stuff.<br />

There are lovely places to visit, wonderful walks and museums and galleries to visit (with<br />

safety measures in place).<br />

Please follow this link to view the magazine: https://blackbirdreads.turtl.co/story/blackbirdpie-autumn-2020/<br />

Disabled Parking Space?<br />

Unless you are a Blue Badge Holder, please do not park in our disabled parking space under<br />

any circumstances. We appreciate on-site parking is limited, but this space needs to be<br />

available throughout the day. Thank you.<br />

Term Dates 2020-2021<br />

Autumn Term<br />

7th September – 17th December (Half term: 26-30 October)<br />

Spring Term<br />

5th January – 31st March (Half Term: 15-19 February)<br />

Summer term<br />

19th April – 21st July ( Half Term: 31 March – 4 June)<br />

In term Inset Day<br />

7th June

Coronavirus related absences – a quick reference guide<br />

What to do if… Action needed by family Action taken by school Return to school<br />

when…<br />

My child has<br />

coronavirus<br />

symptoms<br />

My child tests<br />

positive for<br />

coronavirus<br />

Someone in my<br />

household has<br />

coronavirus<br />

symptoms<br />

Someone in my<br />

household has<br />

tested positive for<br />

coronavirus<br />

NHS Test and<br />

Trace have<br />

identified my<br />

child as a ‘close<br />

contact’ of<br />

somebody with<br />

coronavirus<br />

We/my child has<br />

travelled and has<br />

to selfisolate as<br />

part of a period of<br />

quarantine<br />

We have received<br />

medical advice<br />

that my child<br />

must resume<br />

shielding<br />

• Do not come to school<br />

• Contact school<br />

• Keep any siblings home<br />

• Self-isolate<br />

• Get your child tested by ordering a test<br />

• Inform school immediately about<br />

the test result<br />

• Do not come to school<br />

• Contact school<br />

• Inform school immediately about<br />

the test result<br />

• Self-isolate for at least 10 days<br />

• Do not come to school<br />

• Contact school<br />

• Self-isolate for 14 days<br />

• Household member to get a test<br />

• Inform school immediately about<br />

the test<br />

• Do not come to school<br />

• Contact school<br />

• Self-isolate for 14 days<br />

• Do not come to school<br />

• Contact school<br />

• Self-isolate for 14 days<br />

• Do not take unauthorised leave in term<br />

time<br />

• Consider quarantine requirements and<br />

FCO advice when booking travel<br />

• Provide information to school as per<br />

attendance policy Returning from a<br />

destination where quarantine is<br />

needed:<br />

• Do not come to school<br />

• Contact school<br />

• Self-isolate for 14 days<br />

• Do not come to school<br />

• Contact the Headteacher<br />

• Shield until you are informed that<br />

restrictions are lifted and shielding is<br />

paused<br />

To get a test visit www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19<br />

Bubble to continue as normal<br />

Letter to be emailed and sent<br />

home to children from the<br />

class bubble. This group<br />

instructed to self isolate for<br />

10 days, school to provide<br />

home learning<br />

Home learning to be provided<br />

if isolating for 14 days. If FSM<br />

(not universal) School to<br />

provide lunch provision<br />

Home learning to be provided<br />

if isolating for 14 days. If FSM<br />

(not universal) School to<br />

provide lunch provision<br />

Home learning to be provided<br />

if isolating for 14 days. If FSM<br />

(not universal) School to<br />

provide lunch provision<br />

Home learning to be provided<br />

if isolating for 14 days. If FSM<br />

(not universal) School to<br />

provide lunch provision<br />

Learning at home to be<br />

supported by school. If FSM<br />

(not universal) School to<br />

provide lunch provision<br />

The test comes back<br />

negative<br />

After 10 days,<br />

providing they are<br />

feeling better<br />

The household<br />

member test is<br />

negative<br />

The child has<br />

completed 14 days of<br />

self-isolation<br />

The child has<br />

completed 14 days of<br />

self-isolation<br />

The quarantine<br />

period of 14 days<br />

has been completed<br />

When you have<br />

received<br />

notification that it is<br />

safe to return to<br />


Broad and Balanced...<br />

EYFS<br />

Rainbow class has been busy learning all about themselves, their families and<br />

their bodies. They have enjoyed talking about who lives in their house, what<br />

their house looks like and the people in their family; they then used their<br />

amazing drawing skills to draw them. The children have been learning about<br />

their bodies and have made split pin people. They enjoyed listening to the story<br />

‘Bumps in the Night’ and making their own skeletons using straws. In maths,<br />

the children have been learning all about the number 3; including counting<br />

to 3, identifying 3 sided shapes, how to make 3p and finding 3 on a clock. In<br />

phonics, the children have learnt so many sounds! The newest sounds they’ve<br />

learnt are: d, t and i. Even though the weather has been wet and very autumnal<br />

this week, that hasn’t stopped the children getting outside and having lots<br />

of fun! Well done for a brilliant first half term Rainbow class; we couldn’t be<br />

more proud of how you have settled into your new school!

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Y1<br />

We have had lots of fun in Class 1 learning all about Medieval houses and Tudor<br />

houses. The children enjoyed trying to make Medieval round houses from clay,<br />

soil and straw. (Not that easy !!). They learnt lots of interesting facts about<br />

Tudor houses and then worked with a partner to make their own Tudor house.<br />

This week we took part in a Virtual PE Competition, our challenge for Year 1<br />

was a super slalom run. The children were very competitive. In science we<br />

explored the different textures of materials and the children used simple adjectives<br />

to describe them.<br />

I have been very impressed with the amazing work the children have produced<br />

after listening to the story of The Princess and the Castle. They made castles,<br />

boats, painted sea pictures and used lovely descriptive words in their writing.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Y2<br />

Class 2 have had a busy week. Firstly we have been learning a lot about materials.<br />

We designed our own dream houses and then we chose suitable materials<br />

we would need to build them. Some of the houses had circus tents (Holden),<br />

discos (Archie), a frozen lake (Elowyn) and a whole manner of pools and<br />

football pitches and so on. Then we received an email from Humpty Dumpty<br />

asking us to help him choose a material for a landing pad that would stop him<br />

breaking each time he fell. We used eggs and designed a fair test to discover<br />

the best material. Plastic bubble wrap was the winning material to protect him,<br />

with straw coming in a close second! Following this, we finished our own Tudor<br />

houses and they are now on display in our Great Fire of London topic corner.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Y3<br />

Year 3 have continued to work hard over the last few weeks. We have finished<br />

our African sunset pictures and look amazing! We have drawn some lovely<br />

portraits this week. They have also been learning about Mount Kilimanjaro and<br />

comparing this to Ben Nevis. In computing the children have been learning<br />

how to email each other and the appropriate language around this. This week<br />

the children carried out an investigation in Science to find out if males have a<br />

larger skull than females. In Class 3,we found out that the males head is<br />


Broad and Balanced...<br />

Y4<br />

This week, year 4 were having a great time exploring the digestive system<br />

and the journey of our energy source from consumption, to getting rid of the<br />

waste. There was lots of technical vocabulary that we learnt and the experiment<br />

of creating our own stool was messy but informative.<br />

Continuing our Roman themed topic, we have been busy refining our artistic<br />

skills relating to drawing, shading, textures, symmetry and proportion in order<br />

to design our own image of Julius Caesar. As you can see from the examples,<br />

we have a very talented group of budding Da Vinci’s within our midst. Furthermore,<br />

Felix had spent many hours preparing for a Roman rebellion by creating<br />

his own shield and sword at home with a relative. The design was worthy of<br />

Nero himself.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Y5<br />

The children in Class 5 have really enjoyed being back at school; the first half<br />

term has flown by so quickly, as they’ve been having so much fun. In PE, the<br />

children have been learning new skills in basketball such as bowl pass; bounce<br />

pass; dribbling through cones; defending and shooting under pressure. They<br />

loved putting these skills into practice during a game. The children have continued<br />

to be extremely creative in class and at home. In Art lessons, they have<br />

been accurately drawing a leopard that gives the illusion of movement; I was<br />

so impressed at the outcomes. At home, lots of children have been drawing<br />

pictures and making 3D versions of endangered animals which are excellent.<br />

Our class topic is ‘How do humans affect the lives of animals?’, we have been<br />

researching a number of reasons behind this question as well as locating areas<br />

in South America that have a number of critically endangered animals. In<br />

addition to this the children have been locating countries, capital cities, rivers,<br />

mountains and oceans on a map of South America. The maps were extremely<br />

accurate and beautifully presented.

Broad and Balanced...<br />

Year 6<br />

Year 6 have had another amazing week! They have been working hard on their<br />

drawing skills in Art over the last few weeks and have been building up through<br />

drawing features, faces and simple figures. Soon, we will try adding these together<br />

to create a detailed drawing. The drawings created so far have been so<br />

impressive, using so much focus and detail. This week, Year 6 also attended<br />

a surf day down at Gwithian beach. The conditions were blustery, to say the<br />

least, but all of them were so resilient and eager to make the most of the day.<br />

So many of them were standing up and catching some great waves, all leaving<br />

the beach with a huge smile. Well done Year 6!



Starting Saturday 17 th October at St. Uny School<br />

£5 each, boys and girls, and all abilities welcome!<br />

Ages: 4 – 6 yrs<br />

Ages :7 – 9 yrs<br />

Ages: 10 plus<br />

Time: 9 – 10am<br />

Time: 10 – 11am<br />

Time: 11 – 12pm<br />

Sessions are outside, weather permitting, so please<br />

bring a warm coat, hat, gloves and a drink.<br />

Each session is limited to 15 spaces so booking is<br />

essential. To book a place, ring or text<br />

Scott Goodchild with your child’s name and age to<br />


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